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Everything posted by ISow

  1. New one made for @Mel in PPFP


  2. ISow

    DP for ISow

    Omg, just saw this now! Thank you so much she's adorable!
  3. " That I know how to stay only where there is love. That I can be transparent in the love I give. That I know how to be grateful for everything that comes, but also know how to thank for everything that was. That I know how to make silence in my heart whenever I feel like responding to what is (only) noise. That I know how to take a deep breath and believe (much) that I have the strength I need to move on. EVER."
  4. @Sybela - I feel almost the same as you.. I'm not depressed or depressive person but my panic atacks destroy me.. and I don't know why and from where they came from.. I'm glad you like this group hun and hope you are ok @Echo2themoon - All I can say is that you are a strong person! I don't know if I had stomach to all of that! But I'm really proud of you! hope you are better now! @Inerlime Hi hun, feel free to pm me anytime you want and for anything! @PixFem Hi hun, please don't feel embarassed! It's the worst thing you can do to yourself, I did it a lot of times and it just made me feel worst than I was so please take care of you, love yourself enough to don't let you feel embarassed. @Overkill It really don't help me I need to find another job and I can't bcs I don't speak fluent french or germany. Yes it is really big. did you ever been in Neuchatel?
  5. vamp2prev.png.cbbe8f4c37459b6a7372195b96f91fc6.pngvampprev.png.ada168ea56a28c8e7238f82979c1cf20.png

    New Premade available

    Name: wolfnight

    Price: 6$


  6. Price: 10 CHF (accepting $ too)

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  7. Price: 10 CHF (accepting $ too)

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  8. ISow

    Premade 31

    Thank you for this babe, love her!
  9. New screenshots added in my premade shop & halloween sales! :hwdance:

  10. @SkylessMidnight Hi Jess, I heard some psicolgists and doctors telling to people with depression and axiety to work out, run and things like that I think that's good and make us feel better!
  11. ISow


    Loving this style!
  12. @Overkill Bern it's nice! I like it so much! omg, german is so hard to me.. but I want to learn it! I'm working with some german people but they know portuguese and talk with me in portuguese so it doesn't help me that much
  13. @Overkill I'm in Muntschmier, french and german! I'm taking german classes but i feel so dumb!
  14. @Overkill Yes moved 3 months ago! Really? where do you live? @Cappster I hope you get better and please don't live in the past.. You will find someone who loves you a boyfriend/girlfriend a friend, anyone! Those people that you known are such sh*t! I hope there was made justice! People have no notion how bad they can be for the others, how much it can influence a life of a person! This makes me feel mad! I don't know how exist people like this! Hope you feel better and, find good friends who deserve your friendship and please, don't stop believe because there are always something good to come!
  15. @Saiko Sure you can! @Overkill I think it helps everyone, yes you are right we just have to find what makes us feel better, let us be us. To know new people, new ways to live, travel.. anything just don't stop in your seat and look at the window.. LIVE! I'm so happy to hear that babe, Yes you can say that in english ahah For now I'm feeling ok, and happy! Since I've moved from Portugal to Switzerland I'm feeling better, there was some people who made me feel bad!
  16. @Hold Loved to read all of your story you may always count with me, for anything, everything! I know you don't know me but it's with the best intentions! I don't want you to feel alone hope you can see a sholder in me, one hand! @Overkill My intention with this group was that, help the others.. That makes me feel better with myself, more confortable idk why but it makes me happy to know I'm helping someone, even when I don't know the person.. I'm sure if you try you will be more confident, sometimes it works for me sometimes don't but I've changed so much since last year.. I didn't love myself and now I'm the first one, I love me before the others! Because we all are pretty each one in each way but whe are! I'm glad you like this group, this is for all and for anything! Everyone can post here anything that are thinking about and if you want some privacy just pm me, don't worry I will be there for anyone! @Saiko Hi babe, Im sure you are and everyone as his/her own style you just have to find yours.. I don't like my art too but it distracts me and I like when people (rearely) buy it! It's good to practice and buy some tutorials or see in youtube, it would help babe!
  17. @Dessie I'm feeling so bad and sad for read those things that happened to you! That's so bad and stupid, they don't deserve you babe you are a good and pretty person I'm sure you are! Just get up and "poop" in they're face, show them who you are and how good! @Zaffre Omg, you have so many things and I think i'm bad with panic atacks.. I think that's because the dead of your mom, it made you change and to be "adult" and probably wasn't the right time! "But its not ever like that im one of those people that could talk to you about your ups and your downs and be as blunt or as much of smartass as i can be just to get you to smile because even though im going through voices in my head about all the crap in my life seeing someone else smiles puts a warm place in my heart so if anyone is feeling alone or lost im always around.." Loved this words because it's all I feel about everyone and think, and makes me happy to put a smile in another person and confort them!
  18. New screenshots in my shop, take a look :gettingaway:

  19. @UseoOmg don’t say that! Life is so beautiful you just need to find the beauty in her!
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