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Everything posted by ISow

  1. @Posi Hi pose, thanks to enjoy my group! Please don't let you'r anxiety control you! Tell her that you're stronger than her! You should think positively, hope I can help you, pm me if you need! @doll Hi mel, I'm glad you are doing better right now, hope it continues! Good luck with your art hope you can learn it all! @MyaHi mya, I know what you feel, but please don't let it put you down, if you need I'm here to talk about anything! @Precures Hi Jea, you have all of them? omg. Don't cut yourself you don't deserve it, just think that you are so pretty to do that to your body..! What is your dream? what do you want to do in life? Fight for it, fight for yourself because YOU deserve it! @Zvirx Hi ciera, if to write those poems make you feel better just go with that! Let yourself enjoy it, let you flow. @Sanctify Helloo sierra, I'm so glad you are posting it in my group I'm really proud of you, for opening yourself with us/me. omg, I don't know what to say because you said everything, we are our own galaxies, and we should fight for US not for anyone, but us! Do it for yourself, be better for you. Thanks for that words, really! Loved to read that and if you need something I'm always here to listen!
  2. This is amazing, should order from you soon!
  3. @Vallium Hello Anastasia, my mom has chronic depression and anxiety it's a family thing that's why I have it too. You are lucky in certain way, you have someone who understands you, and that's so good! @Verixia Hey Isabelle, your story is just makes me remember me but I don't think I'm dying I think I'm sick and I will be down on the floor and then I see everything going falling apart, like I would fall, I stop earing and start shaking so much, I hate it. I feel so bad..! @Overkill Hi Debora,you should be more confidents, believe in yourself. Put yorself up,start doing something like looking in the mirror and say " I'm pretty and a good person" It sounds weird here but will do better for you, when I saw that in a book I thought omg this is so stupid.. but it works!
  4. OMG! I never thought that this group will be so far! It's a lot of people here suffering about the same thing, but we are all together and we will do it well! @lSinny Hey there hope you are ok, loved to know that about you and I've some advices, you should find someone who is an anchor for you, a friend, someone of your family.. anyone! And get up that ass go to school, be you.. because you rock you just don't know that yet! @slug Hey babe, I'm happy to know that you have support of your boyfriend, that's one of the best things we can have! @Xunjo Hi cuttie, I'm glad we had the same idea and I think this is good to all of us! My sister is considered bipolar too but I don't know anything about that.. it's something "new" for us. Hope you are ok, I think you can control it right now? you have a lot of things but you are strong and you will go through this! @frappechinno Hi Sasha It's good to know that you have improved and are doing better, a person like us will always have better days than others but we are strong enough to deal withat those bad days, because the next day will be so much better than that one and you will forget it! @Komorebi Hey stevie, I know that feeling it's hard to support someone with depression, something that you can do is invite them to go out, not with a lot of people but somewhere in nature, beach.. take a ride, or on foot. Do it some days and you will see that they will feel better, the best thing for someone with those problems is nature, peace.
  5. http://www.thinkinghumanity.com/2018/06/20-pictures-that-reveal-the-true-face-of-depression.html interesting to read this and see how people can look something that aren’t real!
  6. “Be grateful for another day of life. Even though it has not been very pleasant today yet. Cultivate gratitude in your heart.”
  7. @Lunna Heeeey love, I'm so happy to see you here, I've missed you! Hope you are better now.. Today I've had an panic atack and remembered to do this group!
  8. @Carve Hey Juli, I'm glad you joined this group hope you enjoy it! Art is a good way to express ourselves! Keep going with that babe if it makes you feel better/good!
  9. Here you can introduce yourself, just tell me anything that's in you'r mind. Good, bad I want you to tell me wtv that makes you feel good or bad. My name is Soraia and I've decided to open this because I suffer from panic atacks and anxiety. My mom has depression & I've 2 of my best friends that suffer from depression too.. I just need to make any of you feel better with yourself, to get up because I know how is it to be on the floor! So,let's do it all together because we can!
  10. New support group open 

    Hoope to see some of you guys there!

    1. doll


      i want to join, but it's not giving me the option to. o: is it open for recruitment? 

    2. ISow


      Hey babe, that was not open!

      sorry about that, since I can't change just made another one 


    3. doll


      oh, i thought i was supposed to join to view groups, but i guess not since it says i can post stuff in it. i'll follow it instead! thanks for sharing. ♥

      ah okay, the new one lets me join ! ♥

  11. Hi my name is Soraia I'm not pan, lesb, bi or trans. But I have someone in my family that is transsexual, and I support him so much, he's making his changes from her to him right now and since then I support everyone, If you need something, about that or not feel free to pm me!
  12. I'm back and with a new screenshot shop open, take a look! :lazeflirt:

  13. ISow


    omg this looks amazing!
  14. ISow


    Thank you so much & happy birthday to all of those who share this day with me! This is so cool! I have the same age as @SlimeGear at the same day
  15. until

    Ohhh I love this one!
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