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Posts posted by ISow

  1. @Saiko Sure you can! :byaslove:    


    @Overkill I think it helps everyone, yes you are right we just have to find what makes us feel better, let us be us. To know new people, new ways to live, travel.. anything just don't stop in your seat and look at the window.. LIVE!


    I'm so happy to hear that babe, Yes you can say that in english ahah

    For now I'm feeling ok, and happy! Since I've moved from Portugal to Switzerland I'm feeling better, there was some people who made me feel bad! :pthinking:

    • Like 1
  2. @Hold Loved to read all of your story you may always count with me, for anything, everything! I know you don't know me but it's with the best intentions! :lazeflirt: I don't want you to feel alone hope you can see a sholder in me, one hand! :byaslove:


    @Overkill  My intention with this group was that, help the others.. That makes me feel better with myself, more confortable idk why but it makes me happy to know I'm helping someone, even when I don't know the person.. I'm sure if you try you  will be more confident, sometimes it works for me sometimes don't but I've changed so much since last year.. I didn't love myself and now I'm the first one, I love me before the others! Because we all are pretty each one in each way but whe are! 


    I'm glad you like this group, this is for all and for anything! Everyone can post here anything that are thinking about and if you want some privacy just pm me, don't worry I will be there for anyone! :phearteyes:


    @Saiko Hi babe, Im sure you are and everyone as his/her own style you just have  to find yours.. I don't like my art too but it distracts me and I like when people (rearely) buy it! It's good to practice and buy some tutorials or see in youtube, it would help babe! 

    • Like 1

  3. @Dessie I'm feeling so bad and sad for read those things that happened to you! That's so bad and stupid, they don't deserve you babe you are a good and pretty person I'm sure you are! :phearteyes: Just get up and "poop" in they're face, show them who you are and how good! :byaslove:


    @Zaffre Omg, you have so many things and I think i'm bad with panic atacks.. :gross: I think that's because the dead of your mom, it made you change and to be "adult" and probably wasn't the right time! 

    "But its not ever like that im one of those people that could talk to you about your ups and your downs and be as blunt or as much of smartass as i can be just to get you to smile because even though im going through voices in my head about all the crap in my life seeing someone else smiles puts a warm place in my heart so if anyone is feeling alone or lost im always around.." Loved this words because it's all I feel about everyone and think, and makes me happy to put a smile in another person and confort them!

  4. On 8/19/2018 at 6:15 PM, Posi said:

    My name is Posi

    But my real name is Ariel

    I've been suffering with anxiety, panic attacks and depression since elementary school

    It didn't start getting worse until last year.

    I've been doing what I can to stay positive for the most part

    But since I quit my last job from my mental breakdown, finding a new job has been a lot harder than usual

    I cry and get scared a lot. Everything happens in bursts and I've been smoking to control my emotions better this whole time

    Sadly, I even was suppose to be baptized today but my anxiety and depression got the best of me that I didn't even go

    Bills are piling up and my bf just got his car towed and sent to the impound and we can't afford to get it out.

    Lol my life is seriously spiraling out of control and I don't know what to do but cry.

    If it wasn't for my bf and the gasr community, I would be in a much darker place.

    So both the gasr community and my bf are the main things that make me happy right now.

    @Posi Hi pose, thanks to enjoy my group!

    Please don't let you'r anxiety control you! Tell her that you're stronger than her! 

    You should think positively, hope I can help you, pm me if you need! 

    On 8/19/2018 at 5:21 PM, doll said:

    hello ! my name is melanie, but most call me melly, mel, meli etc.

    i was diagnosed with chronic depression, anxiety and ocd in the earlier stages of my life. 

    my depression fluctuates a lot. so i'll have some highs and some lows.

    when i am low, i tend to be unmotivated to do much and i remain longer in bed.

    however, it's taken a lot of years but i'm with a pretty stable doctor who knows what medication to prescribe so i've been much more healthier, mental health wise.

    i'm currently an artist who was self-taught but realized that being self-taught didn't help me grow, so i'm currently taking classes to learn more about the basic fundamentals of art that i never got to learn. i hope that by learning new skills, it'll give me more confidence as an artist and also relieve the unmotivated feelings to finish artwork.

    aside from that, i'm in a loving relationship with my boyfriend for a couple years now. he's my rock, and guides me to safety.

    i'm an absolute animal lover, especially dogs. i cry (from happiness) at most dog videos. but i also like other types of animals too!

    thanks for reading & i hope everyone has a nice day / night. ♥ tumblr_inline_nk96ornbcd1ry72eo.gif


    @doll Hi mel, I'm glad you are doing better right now, hope it continues! 

    Good luck with your art hope  you can learn it all! 


    On 8/19/2018 at 6:39 PM, Mya said:

    hi, my name is mya and I have severe depression/anxiety. I got diagnosed at like age 14 because I was getting bullied in middle school. It was the worst time of my life. I then started self harming and having suicidal thoughts. Through the years, I begin to control all of that but I still get really bad panic attacks and sometimes it's so hard to control them. I have medication but sometimes it doesn't help. I learned how to use other methods like listening to calm music helps and talking it out with someone is another thing that helps me a lot. I have now art which is also another coping thing that distracts me when I feel sad or anxious. If it wasn't for art or the many wonderful friends that I have made on gasr, I'd probably be in a darker place. Also of course my family is the more important focus in my life right now. 

    @MyaHi mya, I know what you feel, but please don't let it put you down, if you need I'm here to talk about anything!


    On 8/19/2018 at 6:56 PM, Precures said:

    Hello, my name’s Jee and I have depression, panic attacks and anxiety. 

    I never thought of having depression until this year, I never imagine myself inflicting self harm and have suicidal thoughts since growing up I’ve been pretty cheerful until this year. My Depression manifested itself last January, I started to decline eating and my weight dropped and I also have several mood swings, I always cry myself to sleep and I keep asking myself why is this happening? Nobody/nothing hurt me? Or is it? And since then I always have this urge to cut my wrist, I have stopped cutting my wrist last month and now the scars are healed but it’s still there but just like blur lines. I also have anxiety and panic attacks and what pains me the most is that my anxiety gets mistaken by my guardians as being dependent to them or being lazy. But now I’m trying my best to get back to my feet and that is all thanks to my friend who is always my ears even tho she don’t know how to respond but she always make sure that she will always listen to me. 

    @Precures Hi Jea, you have all of them? omg. Don't cut yourself you don't deserve it, just think that you are so pretty to do that to your body..! 

    What is your dream? what do you want to do in life? Fight for it, fight for yourself because YOU deserve it! 


    On 8/20/2018 at 6:47 PM, Zvirx said:

    Hello there my name is ciera & I've had depression for many years now i just haven't taken any medicine for it because i really hate how it makes you feel,  like i'm fake happy and my emotions are all twisted into one fated moment and i don't know what to do about it. There have been moments where i just wanted to break down and cry but you know i feel like that's a waste of time doing that so i pretty much write poems or in my journal to get it all out. I wouldn't say i got better over time i just have my moments where i lose it and i don't want to go down that path again . 

    @Zvirx Hi ciera, if to write those poems make you feel better just go with that! 

    Let yourself enjoy it, let you flow.


    15 hours ago, Sanctify said:

    Hello! Hello! Hello!

    This is the first time I'm openly posting on a group on GASR to the people here and it's frightening that I might be off topic most of this. My name is Sierra and I do often succumb to depression, anxiety and the rest that comes alongside, my little dark balls always orbiting. Though; it's been a rough couple of years, I cannot remember the exact momentums of when those emotions didn't hinder me. I've come to a realization that the best memories are often the ones that happen in the most unusal ways, that despite the harshness of reality, each of us has a compassion and to always remember that. Each emotion comes and goes, each are experienced for a fragment of time.This year has been difficult, extremely difficult. There was a time when I lost 100 pounds in weight and almost lost all the hair upon my head due to personal heath issues, I've sat on the rooftop of the building I live in, drunk out of my mind and ready to let go only to hesitate that the person who found my remains would be scarred. Instead, I watched the sun rise and forgotten how beautiful it was, that was my savior for the next several days in biting cold weather, alone. The scars that were made were reopened and the blood stains that left reminders onto pages soaked with tears, didn't aid either when I tried to fill the silences with poetry. When I lifted my arms to count the stars I could feel the throbbing underneath my skin but, instead reminded myself to count the stars instead. It was the hardest time when I wanted to let go and each time it gets harder. Now, I'm slowly progressing a bit but it was not easy, not easy to end friendships that did no good and make decisions that influenced terrible things, it's not easy to regain back yourself, it's not impossible though. Depression hasn't been a friend despite trying to understand it and anxiety always comes along as a best friend. You lose yourself to an abyss and end up walking towards a light you'll have to make out of your own flesh, you'll meet people who change your life in that moment. I've had the luck of meeting such people who now are distant. I love them each and always even if they aren't here now.

    We're are our own galaxies, sometimes colliding with another and sometimes passing each other, being far off in the distance. Shining either way.

     It's not easy to covey these feelings and be honest on a group, but here I am.

    To me, you're all brave.

    Always here for each of you, if you ever need someone.


    @Sanctify Helloo sierra, I'm so glad you are posting it in my group I'm really proud of you, for opening yourself with us/me.

    omg, I don't know what to say because you said everything, we are our own galaxies, and we should fight for US not for anyone, but us!

    Do it for yourself, be better for you. 

    Thanks for that words, really! Loved to read that and if you need something I'm always here to listen! 

    • Like 4
  5. 8 hours ago, Vallium said:

    Hello everyone! My name is Anastasia, i'm a wife of a united states marine and mom of a 14 month old baby girl named Lilijah - i'm 21 and i live in houston tx usa


    I've been diagnosed with Chronic Depression, generalized anxiety disorder, Borderline personality disorder, PTSD and Secondary PTSD, and severe Ante-partem/post-partum depression.


    Pretty much a very broken lil nerd but my kid is pretty great and her smile lights up my day, so that's pretty much my saving grace right now lmao


    Ironically, i'm the daughter of a psychologist (she is not the one who diagnosed me, but she's sure as hell in agreement) so i luckily have a mum who can help me out, and in turn i've learned from her how to be a fantastic shoulder for others 


    I try and not allow my numerous illnesses get me down, but some days are worse than others. I'm 100% here if anyone wants to talk, at all, about anything. <3

    @Vallium Hello Anastasia, my mom has chronic depression and anxiety it's a family thing that's why I have it too. You are lucky in certain way, you have someone who understands you, and that's so good! :byaslove:


    8 hours ago, Verixia said:

    Hello everyone my name is Isabelle. So a little bit about me.. Well I'm 29 and I'm originally from Australia but I have lived in the United States for almost 1 year with my amazingly supportive husband. I've had anxiety since I was around 8 years old. I first remember getting it when I had an allergic reaction to raspberries, which I had a moderate anaphylactic shock. I think this moment triggered something since at the time it was super scary I remember not being able to breath properly, so my anxiety is partially related to this, every time I eat anything Its often in the back on my mind if I'll suddenly be allergic which has lead to me essentially being a hypochondriac, like I get a small rash I automatically assume I'm dying or have some super rare disease or God forbid I have to take any kind of medication even something like over the counter pain killers Because I go straight to the leaflets and the side effect section and then assume I am going to have everything listed there happen to me. Honestly it gets really exhausting constantly thinking everything is going to kill you. Though I do my best with it, though this also led to agoraphobia it's not so bad anymore but it's embarrassing to say 10 years ago it was bad I didn't leave the house for 6 months which can be traced back to my hypochondria because I assumed something bad would happen, though I mostly have overcome that aspect :). I think for the most part I still live a pretty functional life I just had to really push myself through work and studies. I'm really friendly and if anyone ever wants to talk feel free to message me, I literally spend all day alone either drawing or doing stuff around the house while my husband works so I'm always available for a chat. :)

    @Verixia  Hey Isabelle, your story is just makes me remember me but I don't think I'm dying I think I'm sick and I will be down on the floor and then I see everything going falling apart, like I would fall, I stop earing and start shaking so much, I hate it. I feel so bad..!


    2 hours ago, Overkill said:

    Hey everybody ! ♥

    I'm Deborah, the procrastination queen. I don't think I'm depressed, maybe overthinking, anxious and incapable of believing in myself (they probably all go together). I'm 22, I'm really shy and just can't socialize because it stresses me and makes me tell shit (but I wish I could). I always tried to be positive but seems I just can't: shit just keep happening to me and the people I love and when you think it's getting ok, it just gets worse. Maybe it's not that terrible, idk, I feel so weak, pessimistic and tired atm + school keeps annoying with shit even in the summer holiday :(

    I don't speak english really well so it's pretty hard to tell what's on my mind. I just feel really sad these days.


    BUT, I still have nice things in my life like weed, my cats, music and my friends and I try to focus on that to feel gooooooood :D

    damn it feels good to see a group like that and all of you. Wish you all the best of luck, hoping everything will get better for us ?

    I don't know any of you but feel free to talk to me if you need a listener, a french speaker or anything !


    @Overkill Hi Debora,you should be more confidents, believe in yourself. Put yorself up,start doing something like looking in the mirror and say " I'm pretty and a good person" It sounds weird here but will do better for you, when I saw that in a book I thought omg this is so stupid.. but it works! 

  6. OMG! I never thought that this group will be so far!

    It's a lot of people here suffering about the same thing, but we are all together and we will do it well!


    11 hours ago, lSinny said:

    Hellos I'm Kai, pronouns are they/them, he/him. Oof I suffer from a lot of things way to many to list honestly hahah. Ehm I'm 16 currently a junior in high school, but being home schooled due to my anxiety eheh. I'm a very shy and quiet person uhm I tend to keep to myself a lot because I don't really know how to express my feelings? Though I am a blunt person and I tell it how it is.. I'm a great listener so if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always available ^^ I have many passions in life but my main one is art.... Soooo thats me I guess cx

    @lSinny Hey there hope you are ok, loved to know that about you and I've some advices, you should find someone who is an anchor for you, a friend, someone of your family.. anyone! And get up that ass go to school, be you.. because you rock you just don't know that yet! 

    11 hours ago, slug said:

    Hi I'm Slug I've been dealing with depression and anxiety since

    I was probably about 7 years old. I'm 24 now and have it mostly

    under control, hence why I don't usually say much about it. If anyone 

    ever feels down and needs/wants to chat or just someone to listen.

    Feel free to flail a message at me :> As for things that make me happy my bf,

    my cats, gaming, art, sleeping. Just generally being a lazy ass xD



    @slug  Hey babe, I'm happy to know that you have support of your boyfriend, that's one of the best things we can have! 


    9 hours ago, Xunjo said:

    Hihi! I'm Yumi, or you can call me Xunjo!

    I had actually thought of opening a similar type of group, kind of for like advice and stuff when groups was in beta.

    However, I'm pretty shy so in the end I'm glad someone like @ISow made this group :3


    Age: 25

    Gender: Female

    Diagnosis: Bipolar II (with bad OCD I'm working on due to long mistreatment)

    Hobbies: Video games, art, learning, spending time with animals, and anything involving the internet


    I was diagnosed Bipolar II about 2 years ago, but have been suffering with it much longer. I've been diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety, and Borderline Personality Disorder in the past. Makes my mood swings sound pretty severe, but not bad enough to have a Bipolar I diagnosis thankfully for myself rn. Not separating this from other mental disorders, but just wanted to mention that anyone else that does suffer from bipolar (or even BPD) feel free to slip me a DM no matter the mood. Really anyone can message, or talk to me whenever you need a shoulder or friend! :bcri:

    @Xunjo  Hi cuttie, I'm glad we had the same idea and I think this is good to all of us!

    My sister is considered bipolar too but I don't know anything about that.. it's something "new" for us.

    Hope you are ok, I think you can control it right now?  you have a lot of things but you are strong and you will go through this! 


    9 hours ago, frappechinno said:


    I'm Sasha and i'm an 18 year old girl who deals with anxiety and depression.

    It all started about 6 years ago and I've been struggling to maintain it for the first 4 years. Thank god people exist I've actually improved myself these past few years, which is great. But some days, or most some could say, I'd somehow be in a funk. My life is complicated right now, with many new changes and commitments are coming along my way.

    But if anyone needs to talk, I'll be there for you. I'm a great listener and hopefully I can help :klovee:

    @frappechinno Hi Sasha It's good to know that you have improved and are doing better, a person like us will always have better days than others but we are strong enough to deal withat those bad days, because the next day will be so much better than that one and you will forget it! 


    9 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    Ello!! I'm Stevie but you can short that to anything like Evie/Eve since Stevie is a male name :lazetears:

    I'm an otaku and i love p!atd and grandson!


    I don't have any problems with depression, anxiety, or anything similar but i have friends who do... It upsets me to watch them as their emotions crumble.. I try to help but i can't since i either only make it worse or don't help at all.. :lazerollcry:



    @Komorebi Hey stevie, I know that feeling it's hard to support someone with depression, something that you can do is invite them to go out, not with a lot of people but somewhere in nature, beach.. take a ride, or on foot. Do it some days and you will see that they will feel better, the best thing for someone with those problems is nature, peace.

    • Like 3
  7. Here you can introduce yourself, just tell me anything that's in you'r mind.

    Good, bad I want you to tell me wtv that makes you feel good or bad. 


    My name is Soraia and I've decided to open this because I suffer from panic atacks and anxiety.

    My mom has depression & I've 2 of my best friends that suffer from depression too..

    I just need to make any of you feel better with yourself, to get up because I know how is it to be on the floor!

    So,let's do it all together because  we can! :byaslove:


    • Like 5
  8. Hi my name is Soraia I'm not pan, lesb, bi or trans.

    But I have someone in my family that is transsexual, and I support him so much, he's making his changes from her to him right now and since then I support everyone, If you need something, about that or not feel free to pm me! :lazeflirt:

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