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  1. Hi everyone! :blove:


    I don't know if any of you remember me, it has been a long time since I logged on here. I've been taking a break from commissions for a while to focus on school and my well-being. I was doing okay in early summer, I mostly suffered from art block, which made me unmotivated in a lot of stuff I enjoyed doing. 


    As of recently, I finished my fall semester! :) It was really stressful, and I know it's only going to get more stressful as I go on lol. During these recent months, I'm going through a rough patch with family matters and my mental state. I started therapy thankfully, but of course, I'm still kind of ????? sad and anxious mostly :\  It's hard to talk about but I thought I should give a general overview of what has happened. Since my semester is over, I no longer work at my college (i was a peer mentor!). Which is why I thought I should start doing commissions again! I took an art class this Fall and I felt happy to just draw freely instead of working on the nightmare of calculus 2 :wacry:


    I hope you all understand and I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you with orders in the past. I'll try my best to work on commissions at a good pace with my well-being and family situation currently :)


    I'm working on premades now, I hope to have 2 out by tomorrow or Monday. 

    Thank you for reading :> feel free to message me about anything :byaslove:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stargazer



    3. Kamlin


      @Bugy AAAaaaaaa i missed u too!!! <333 how are you bb???

      @Sorami its okay ^_^ thank you so much and i hope you had a good hiatus hahah!

      @Wrath THANK YOUUUU<33 T_T

    4. Bugy


      I'm good!! its so good to hear from you i hope you had a good semester even though i know it can get stressful! and i hope everything with your family gets better, im sorry things have been so rough for you :( im here if you ever want to talk !

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