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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ooo I love her! You cooked ! One thing, can you change the eye color to one red and one black, like this: Otherwise she is perfect!!
  2. Ooh I love her so far. The pose is okay! No worries about that !!
  3. The only thing I thought of was this gif lmao ☆ Text : Heathen ☆ References: boop (hoping she is okay for you to do). I don't have art of her yet and I want my first piece to be from you ☆ OC vibe: serious, mean, giving dominant energy💀 ☆ Email for invoice: i'll dm, you may have it already tbh I'll do a flat bust for now 💗 I hope you have fun with her!
  4. I would like to lend my OC! Gallery Link/Inspo: Khaleesi Brief Description of OC: Enjoys spending her time alone listening to music Likes: Dark colors, sleeping, heavy metal Dislikes: bright colors Preferred example type: (couple, NSFW, Portrait, half body, fully body, etc): up to you! Name on DP/watermark if chosen: Text: Heathen WM: Heathens/Text: Khaleesi WM: Khaleesi I would like to lend my OC! Gallery Link/Inspo: Liliana Brief Description of OC: Enjoys spending her time alone Likes: Dark colors, sleeping, katanas Dislikes: bright colors Preferred example type: (couple, NSFW, Portrait, half body, fully body, etc): up to you! Name on DP/watermark if chosen: Text: Heathen WM: Heathens/Text: Khaleesi WM: Khaleesi I would like to lend my OC! Gallery Link/Inspo: Morgana Brief Description of OC: Enjoys spending her time alone, learning spells Likes: Dark colors, sleeping, magick Dislikes: bright colors Preferred example type: (couple, NSFW, Portrait, half body, fully body, etc): up to you! Name on DP/watermark if chosen: Text: Heathen WM: Heathens/Text: Khaleesi WM: Khaleesi I would like to lend my OC! Gallery Link/Inspo: Boop (I don't have much on her yet) Brief Description of OC: Enjoys spending her time alone Likes: Dark colors, sleeping, magick Dislikes: bright colors Preferred example type: (couple, NSFW, Portrait, half body, fully body, etc): up to you! Name on DP/watermark if chosen: Text: Heathen WM: Heathens/Text: Khaleesi WM: Khaleesi Thank you for considering! 💗
  5. Happy Pride Month everyone 💗 @ BunnyBri I hope this one is okay! I can do the other one if you need @ Glory
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