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Posts posted by Cymette

  1. @Welximak Hello! Unfortunately, for the first two pieces, as you've stated they contain heavy referencing can't be sold on GASR nor used as shop examples, so I won't be providing prices for those.

    The chibis are adorable! Since they come with 4 versions, I think it's fine to make the price a bit higher on them and they're on a larger canvas as well with a background provided. I'm not as familiar with chibis, but I think a good starting points is around $25. From there, I think you can add on to the price for additional versions, complexity of backgrounds, extra characters/pets, and animations if those are available. I, personally, would pay around $35 - $40 for something of that size, with 4 versions, a background, and detailing or animations. I'm not certain the credit equivalent, but here is a table of conversion rates [LINK]. Remember to make sure your credit users and paypal customers are paying the same price! I hope this helps you out! 

  2. ─ G E N E R A L ─




    AgeNearly 25

    BirthdayAugust 27th



    Relationship StatusI have a person whom I enjoy.


    ─ P E R S O N A L ─

    What's your Hogwart's House?Hufflepuff

    What do you do after work/school?Eat

    What's something you love doing? Horseback riding

    Describe your personality in 3 wordsMaternal, serious, and blunt.

    What's your guilty pleasure?The Kardashians - I really like the way they speak. It soothes me.

    Are you religious?More spiritual than religious.

    Do you shower before or after bed?Depends.

    What's your pet peeve?: Gum chewing.

    Least favorite wordHanged


    ─ F A V O R I T E S ─

    Favorite ColorBlack
    Favorite MovieKiki's Delivery Service
    Favorite GamePokemon Go
    Favorite AnimalHorse
    Favorite FoodI really don't have one.
    Favorite Smell:  I have many! I'll say the scent of sea salt.
    Favorite SongSave Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry, Shimmer by Fuel, and Everlong by Foo Fighters
    Favorite BookHmn. I'm not sure.
    Favorite DrinkI'm really bad at having favorites.
    Favorite Boy NameNoah
    Favorite Girl NameAnastasia and Bláithín
    Favorite ShowsI'm like so bad at having favorites.
    Favorite ChipsThe saltier the better.
    Favorite Style of FoodThis is hard, Kelsey.
    Favorite Vacation SpotAnywhere near the ocean.
    Favorite Season: Spring and Autumn
    Favorite HolidayHalloween
    Favorite SportEquestrian
    Favorite Fast FoodI DON'T LIKE FOOD.
    Favorite IcecreamChocolate or butter pecan
    Favorite Tea: Any floral or white teas, but I don't mind medicinal teas.

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  3. Hello! I'm Cyme. I'm very near to 25 and my quarter life crisis has taken effect. I'm shy, but I'm friendly! :blove:
    Hobbies: I like making herbal preparations for either medicinal purposes, skin care, or household cleaning supplies.
    Orientation: I identify as demisexual.
    Last night's dinner: Vegetable stir-fry!

  4. A: Snake. Actually, no. If I could pick a specific animal, then my dog. If I had to pick a general animal, then a horse. Horses have always been very special to me. Being with them gives me such a sense of wholeness and serenity.
    Q: Would you ever try the trapeze?

  5. A: It depends on the how heavy the rain is. During storms, I like to sit out on my balcony or light candles and watch through the windows. If it's just a sort of grey and gloomy day, then I like to sleep or watch a movie.
    Q: What's your favorite flower?

  6. A: One of my favorite moments was when I first saw the cancer awareness banner on the website's header. It was a serendipitous moment and reading all the messages lifted my morale during a time where nothing looked like it was going to be okay.
    Q: Do you sleep with your socks on?

  7. A: Shopppppinggg?! :@D@: The very practical part of my brain says Whole Foods, but the fun part says Anthropologie or Free People!
    Q: Would you ever go on a reality TV show?

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