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Posts posted by Cymette

  1. A: Immediately, I am drawn to understanding a person's intentions, but I have a very strong intuition as it is so, typically, I am capable of understanding a person's intentions already. Being invisible sounds intriguing, but if only for an hour, I'm uncertain of its pay off. An hour isn't a terribly long time and heaven forbid it should wear off in a situation where I would want to be invisible. That leaves me with the crystal. Divination isn't a foreign concept for me, so I  think I would feel quite comfortable with the crystal.
    Q: What gives you hope?

    • Like 3
  2. 57 minutes ago, Alex said:


    I think the very last two in second batch is from the user Zombie @OG GASR. But I'm not 100% sure, but it could ring a bell for you?



    Same as above, I think the first one is from Zombie @OG GASR. It looks like their art but I'm not 100% sure either. D:

    Oh, thank you! That actually does ring a bell. I thought it had been something like "Gorey", but "Zombie" sounds right too.  :lazekudasai:

  3. Spoiler


    Approx. Date Received:  January 2014
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet

    Approx. Date Received: November 2015
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet
    * this came with multiple versions


    Approx. Date Received: November 2015
    Artist's Name:  Not Found Yet
    * this came with multiple versions


    I have small collection of artwork (all bought on old GASR) to go through.
    I think I've now gone through all them and I've been able to fit them under one batch. I'll remove pieces from the form once their artist is found.
    I appreciate any and all help! Thank you. :cutehehehaaas:

    artists found so far: 4/7

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