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Everything posted by Pey

  1. A reminder that my giveaway is still open for a few more days!


  2. Pey



    you can moderate my mature content anytime x

  3. Sorry to everyone that joined my group to enter the raffle, seeming to be having some problems with raffles inside a group settings. For this month, we will go back to old fashioned giveaway react. 


    If you would like to enter, please react to the end post in this topic



  4. I set up a free raffle for some of my art stuffs if anyone is interested!


  5. ya girl got a new premade up 


  6. Pey

    August 2018

    My art created in August 2018
  7. From the album: August 2018

    Custom for Xanthari!

    • 68.76 kB
    • 160x220
  8. Pey

    July 2018

    My art created in July 2018.
  9. From the album: July 2018

    • 69.67 kB
    • 160x220
  10. From the album: August 2018

    Custom DP for Innocentlyy

    • 63.72 kB
    • 160x220
  11. From the album: August 2018

    Currently still available in my premade shop.

    • 64.38 kB
    • 160x220
  12. From the album: July 2018

    • 68.54 kB
    • 160x220
  13. From the album: July 2018

    • 28.19 kB
    • 160x220
  14. From the album: July 2018

    • 77.46 kB
    • 160x220
  15. ✼ Name/nickname: Peyton but I prefer Pey ✼ Age (can leave blank if you aren't comfortable telling!): 23 ✼ Favorite weather(s): Sunshineeeee ✼ Food you love: I love so much food, my favourite meal is probably loads of different variations of pie. ✼ Food you hate/allergic to: I don't think I'm allergic to any food, lucky me! ✼ A few artists that you adore: I HAVE SO MANY. Here's a lil few Trash, Luxor, Poisonous, Ayumi, Lunna, Saxophonia, Yuist, Alz, Capsule ✼ Music you listen to: So you know when people are like 'wow this song is a throwback' well that's my music taste, I'm kinda stuck in the late 90s/early 00s when it comes to music. ✼ Movies or TV shows? And if so, which ones: I LOVE BOTH. I don't think I could live without Netflix. I'm sorry this is gonna be a long answer but I am PASSIONATE. TV shows that I loved that are no longer airing: Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, Misfits, Merlin(lol). TV shows that I'm watching ATM/have watched recently and love: Zoo, Suits, Shadow Hunters, Doctor Who, GLOW, iZombie, Bitten TV Shows that I haven't watched for a while but love: Orange is the new black, The Walking Dead, Once upon a Time, Shannara Chronicles, The Originals, How To Get Away WIth Murder, Black Mirror OK OK nearly done sorry. Films in general I love: Any MARVEL film, Arrival, Split are probably my favourites AND DISNEY & PIXAR. ✼ Do you watch anime? If so, what are your some of your favs? I don't :( ✼ Favorite animal(s): Dolphins and Giraffes ✼ Favorite color(s): Red ✼ Pet peeve(s): When people chew with their mouth open, when people are rude/insensitive, when waiters take your plate before everyone on the table has finished eating. ✼ Hobbies: NETFLIX, reading, drawing/editing, playing SIMS and fortnite. ✼ Likes: Sleeping, eating, watching films & tv, friends and family ✼ Dislikes: Jim Carrey, the sound of rain, being cold. ✼ What do you do for fun on GASR?: I like to just browse shops and I also like to stalk people who have an OC to see art they've ordered for their OC. ✼ What you would like to see in our group?: Topics dedicated to how much you love Pey x ✼ What do you most want people to know about who you are?: I am the Dolphin QUEEN.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Hair Add On Pack (34 Hairs) Add on pack of hair to add onto your image. Please note that all of these hairs were made at 160x220, so when resized onto bigger canvases are likely to blur. All hairs have been previously used by myself in premades or free art. *am not a professional and am not claiming these eyelashes to be perfect, ideal for struggling beginners* - There are 34 different hairs on different layers, and all include a coloured version like in the preview and a de-saturated version apart from the black hairs for obvious reasons. - Each hair is on a different layer in the same image, so you need to just make the image layers visible to use. - The download includes the hairs in both .sai and .psd format. - These hairs can be owned by an unlimited amount of people. - You must edit the hair in some way before usage, whether this be changing the style slightly or the colour. That is upto you. - I have previously used these hairs on my own DPs. - Credit is not necessary but appreciated. However, you cannot claim them to be your own. - There are a multitude of different styles and colours, as can be seen in the preview. - As the hairs were all made at 160 x 220, you will encounter straight lines where the hair ends on the canvas for framing purposes. Therefore, all hair is not complete until the end of the strands. - You can use these how you wish, there are no limitations. Here are an example of a few of the hairs used in images by myself:
  17. ─ G E N E R A L ─ ─────────── Name: Peyton Nickname: Pey Age: 23 Birthday: 15th September Ethnicity: White British Gender: Female Relationship Status: Single, dust is beginning to settle. ─ P E R S O N A L ─ ──────────── What's your Hogwart's House?: Hufflepuff. What do you do after work/school?: Watch TV / draw / mod / yell at my siblings What's something you love doing?: Eating Describe your personality in 3 words: bubbly, fun, laid-back?? What's your guilty pleasure?: I love watching blackhead squeezing videos Are you religious?: No Do you shower before or after bed?: Before, but it depends on my plans also. What's your pet peeve?: People who chew with their mouth open. Least favorite word: Pussy ─ F A V O R I T E S ─ ───────────── Favorite Color: Red Favorite Movie: It used to be Mr & Mrs Smith until I rewatched it and realised it wasn't all that great. I'd say Split is probably my new favourite. Favorite Game: I go through phases where I get heavily addicted to games. Right now it's Sim City. But I play Sims 4, Fortnite & Town of Salem LOL Favorite Animal: Dolphins & Giraffes Favorite Food: Bread as an individual food. Pie as a meal. Favorite Smell: Food cooking Favorite Song: I have 3. Bon Jovi - Always. Faith Hill - There You'll Be and Jordin Sparks - Battlefield. Favorite Book: This is really diificult, but I used to read a lot of teen fiction and my favourite was probably The Host by Stephenie Meyer Favorite Drink: Dr Pepper if non-alcoholic, amaretto and coke if alcoholic. Favorite Boy Name: Elijah Favorite Girl Name: Savannah Favorite Shows: I HAVE SO MANY. At the moment Suits, Zoo, Brooklyn 99, The Originals, Orange Is The New Black Favorite Chips: Wotsits Favorite Style of Food: Italian maybe, I like Chinese too tho, but then I also like Indian, idk. Favorite Vacation Spot: Tenerife that I've been to so far. Favorite Season: Summer Favorite Holiday: Christmas Favorite Sport: Football Favorite Fast Food: Mcdonalds Favorite Icecream: ben & jerrys birthday cake Favorite Tea: ENGLISH BREAKFAST


  19. and the night before that, and then the night before that too and continue
  20. hi guys I'm Pey! I don't use gasr very often, rarely here tbh, think I log in maybe once a year?? hehe I am 23, English and currently in training to become a primary school teacher (your kids are safe with me)! I had a cheese toasty for tea last night, I really love dolphins and giraffes, but I tend to broadcast my love of dolphins more.
  21. From the album: July 2018

    Premade sold to RyRy

    • 77.03 kB
    • 160x220
  22. From the album: July 2018

    Premade sold to Projection

    • 78.18 kB
    • 160x220
  23. From the album: July 2018

    Premade sold to FatesPoisonedLips

    • 79.08 kB
    • 160x220
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