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Everything posted by Pey

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Collarbone & Chest Tutorial Perfect For Beginners Type: Narrated Video Tutorial Accessible by Youtube direct link Tutorial Includes: - How to draw the chest area for a female avatar (breasts, collarbone, shoulders, shading, etc) , showing how to do it as a repaint or just edits to the IMVU avatar. - The hair isn't shown in the tutorial - so there is a better view of the chest area. - All of my brush settings, when I make a new layer, etc. FAQ Q: Do you use a mouse or tablet? A: I use a tablet, Intuos Pen Small. Q: Will this tutorial work with a mouse? A: Yes, it will work with a mouse, it will just be more difficult to carry out. Q: Which programme do you use in this tutorial? A: Paint Tool Sai Q; What size canvas do you edit at? A: 160x220 Made from the tutorial is in this image above. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to PM me, comment on the video itself or post a reply in my Tutorial shop!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Skin & Clothes Tutorial Perfect For Beginners Type: Narrated Video Tutorial Accessible by Youtube direct link Tutorial Includes: - How to edit the skin and clothes from an IMVU screenshot. - Please not, this is a tutorial on how to edit the skin of an IMVU avatar, not draw or completely repaint. - My brush settings, when I make a new layer and exactly how I created the skin and clothes below. FAQ Q: Do you use a mouse or tablet? A: I use a tablet, Intuos Pen Small. Q: Will this tutorial work with a mouse? A: Yes, it will work with a mouse, it will just be more difficult to carry out. Q: Which programme do you use in this tutorial? A: Paint Tool Sai Q; What size canvas do you edit at? A: 160x220 Skin and clothes made from the tutorial is in this image above. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to PM me, comment on the video itself or post a reply in my Tutorial shop!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Nose Tutorial Perfect For Beginners Type: Narrated Video Tutorial Accessible by Youtube direct link Tutorial Includes: - How to edit the nose from an IMVU screenshot. - Please not, this is not showing you how to draw a nose but how to repaint the nose from an IMVU avatar. - My brush settings, when I make a new layer and exactly how I created the nose below. FAQ Q: Do you use a mouse or tablet? A: I use a tablet, Intuos Pen Small. Q: Will this tutorial work with a mouse? A: Yes, it will work with a mouse, it will just be more difficult to carry out. Q: Which programme do you use in this tutorial? A: Paint Tool Sai Q; What size canvas do you edit at? A: 160x220 Nose made from the tutorial is in this image above. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to PM me, comment on the video itself or post a reply in my Tutorial shop!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Mouth Tutorial Perfect For Beginners Type: Narrated Video Tutorial Accessible by Youtube direct link Tutorial Includes: - How to edit the mouth from an IMVU screenshot. - My brush settings, when I make a new layer and exactly how I created the hair below. - In addition, the tutorial shows you how to create black lipstick. - Please note that this is not a drawing from scratch and is a repaint of an IMVU avatar. FAQ Q: Do you use a mouse or tablet? A: I use a tablet, Intuos Pen Small. Q: Will this tutorial work with a mouse? A: Yes, it will work with a mouse, it will just be more difficult to carry out. Q: Which programme do you use in this tutorial? A: Paint Tool Sai Q; What size canvas do you edit at? A: 160x220 Mouth made from the tutorial is in this image above. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to PM me, comment on the video itself or post a reply in my Tutorial shop!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Eye Tutorial Perfect For Beginners Type: Narrated Video Tutorial Accessible by Youtube direct link Tutorial Includes: - How to edit the eye on an IMVU character, including: the iris, eyeball, make-up, eyelashes and eyebrows. - My brush settings, when I make a new layer and exactly how I created the hair below. - Please note: this does not show you how to draw an eye from scratch, but how to repaint an IMVU avatar's eye. FAQ Q: Do you use a mouse or tablet? A: I use a tablet, Intuos Pen Small. Q: Will this tutorial work with a mouse? A: Yes, it will work with a mouse, it will just be more difficult to carry out. Q: Which programme do you use in this tutorial? A: Paint Tool Sai Q; What size canvas do you edit at? A: 160x220 Eye made from the tutorial is in this image above. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to PM me, comment on the video itself or post a reply in my Tutorial shop!
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Hair Tutorial Perfect For Beginners Type: Narrated Video Tutorial Accessible by Youtube direct link Tutorial Includes: - How to edit hair, from an IMVU screenshot that already has hair. - Shows how to identify which colours to use in your hair. - My brush settings, when I make a new layer and exactly how I created the hair below. FAQ Q: Do you use a mouse or tablet? A: I use a tablet, Intuos Pen Small. Q: Will this tutorial work with a mouse? A: Yes, it will work with a mouse, it will just be more difficult to carry out. Q: Which programme do you use in this tutorial? A: Paint Tool Sai Q; What size canvas do you edit at? A: 160x220 Hair made from the tutorial is in this image above. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to PM me, comment on the video itself or post a reply in my Tutorial shop!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Gore Elemets Add On Pack Add on pack of gore elements to your image. Please note that the preview is to size so these are recommended for usage on a 160 x 220 sized canvas and are most likely to blur if resized onto a bigger image canvas. *am not a professional and am not claiming these hands to be perfect, ideal for struggling beginners* Bullet hole, eye blood, mouth blood, two scratches and a vampire bite. - There are six different gore elements, all shown in the preview below on a DP made by me. Each element is condensed into one layer. - Each element set is on a different layer in the same image, so you need to just make the image layers visible to use. - Both .psd and .sai file formats are available to download. - These elements can be owned by an unlimited amount of people and do not have to be edited before use but it is recommended. - I have previously used two of these elements in my own DPs, and you must be aware that others will be using them. - Credit is not necessary but appreciated. However, you cannot claim them to be your own. - You are permitted to use these add ons in commissioned pieces. - Please note that some elements contain skin tones that match the avatar in the preview, this would have to be changed for different skin tones but it would just be a couple of pixels so not too much hard work! Please don't hesitate to PM me or post in my tutorials topic with any questions that you have!
  8. @LostKimin It's worth reading the whole topic as there's a few questions answered too! This is something that we've implemented to make sellers more aware and to provide a more secure environment as if you were reported to Paypal there's a possible pretty hefty fine. If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me and I'll be happy to help!
  9. Hi @LostKimin, You can't ask buyers to cover your paypal fees as this is against Paypal's terms of service. Please read the below announcement for more information! Please remove any mention of fees/taxes from your first post as there should be no reference to fees.
  10. Anyone who may be interested - I'm currently looking for a custom shop partner!


  11. Slots now open again in my custom shop!

    Also now offering VIP

  12. Merry Christmas Everyone!  

    I hope you've all had/are having a lovely day, I'm just enjoying much needed time off work.

    1. Karismic


      Merry Christmas hun :byaslove:


    2. Naturize


      Merry Christmas!! I hope you had a great one!!


  13. Version 1.0.1


    Hands Add On Pack Add on pack of hands to add onto your image. Please note that the preview is to size so these are recommended for usage on a 160 x 220 sized canvas and are most likely to blur if resized onto a bigger image canvas. *am not a professional and am not claiming these hands to be perfect, ideal for struggling beginners* - There are nine different hands, some holding props. Each hand is condensed into one layer so props cannot be removed unless erased out manually. - Each hand set is on a different layer in the same image, so you need to just make the image layers visible to use. - The download includes the handsin both .sai and .psd format. - These hands can be owned by an unlimited amount of people and must be edited in some way before usage. - I have previously used these hands on my own DPs. - Credit is not necessary but appreciated. However, you cannot claim them to be your own. - You must make at least one change to your hand before usage. - You are permitted to use these add ons in commissioned pieces.
  14. Pey

    Eyelashes Add On

    Version 1.0.0


    Eyelashes Add On Pack Add on pack of eyelashes to add onto your image. Please note that the preview is to size so these are recommended for usage on a 160 x 220 sized canvas and are most likely to blur if resized onto a bigger image canvas. *am not a professional and am not claiming these eyelashes to be perfect, ideal for struggling beginners* - There are fifteen different pairs of eyelashes and all include the top and bottom lashes, all are black. - Each eyelash set is on a different layer in the same image, so you need to just make the image layers visible to use. - The download includes the eyelashes in both .sai and .psd format. - These eyelashes can be owned by an unlimited amount of people and do not require editing before usage. - I have previously used these eyelashes on my own DPs. - Credit is not necessary but appreciated. However, you cannot claim them to be your own. - You can use these how you wish, there are no limitations.
  15. I have started my monthly giveaway for December in my premade shop for anyone who wants to enter :)

  16. I feel fed up guys, this is gonna seem like a pity me post but oh well I need to vent my frustration w/ myself.


    I keep making premades and feeling like yeah oo I'm proud of this one, then it just sits there for weeks, or it just won't get any traffic or mentions/likes at all. I think I must have a really poor eye for what looks good, because some of my things I am so proud of until I post it and well nothing happens. 


    whaaat ammmm I doing wrongggg

    I've even lowered my prices thinking I may be charging too much, and idk if I should just go back to free stuff for a while.


    I think my main worry is that I'm proud of something that clearly isn't very great.

    1. Astronomy


      I'm in the same spot - I do something and I'm like hell yea this is GOOD but then there's no reaction. Try not to let it get you down though, it's hard to predict what goes and what doesn't and honestly we're at the time of the year where people cut back on spending on things like this with black friday just ahead and then christmas as well.. Don't worry, keep bumping your stuff up and they'll be noticed eventually :lazeangel:

  17. I haven't left the house or done anything productive in the last two days and this is why I love having time off of work. 

  18. Pey

    Secret Santa 2017


  19. Pey

    Secret Santa 2017


    This is always so so much fun.
  20. Greetings! I would like to step up our social media game and get the community more involved. For now, I have been posting our AOTM and I have been pretty much fishing out art to feature on our Instagram, but that's quite inefficient. Instead, I thought you guys would post your social media accounts here, so we can follow. And post any art you would like to be featured. There are some rules to follow, however, so we don't have a mess going on and what-not. Rules: 1. Your social media accounts have to have your art. We will NOT follow any personal accounts that have nothing to do with your art whatsoever. However, you may follow our accounts on any accounts you wish. This is to avoid clutter, and so we can see your ART. We're pretty sure you're good looking and your pets are cute, but keep it artsy! 2. You must not have any active Art Theft Warnings. We wish to feature authentic artists ONLY. No, you don't need to own the AA Badge, but you should have no warnings related to art theft, or you should have redeemed yourself (applied for and gained back your bar), and thus do not have any active art theft warnings. If you end up with a warning after your art has been featured, we will make sure it's gone from our social media. 3. Do not submit art that is against Art Haven's rules. That means that if your art is breaking any of our rules, except for art theft as it is a different league of its own, it will not be shared. Of course, whatever you post social media is your business. But we will be careful no what we share on ours. That's a fair deal, don't you think? 4. Be patient! We cannot stress this enough! And this applies to everything. We will share whatever we want, whenever we want. We don't want to be bugged with silly questions about when or where we will be sharing your art. There will be some sort of order, of course. But you will never know when we decide to share something and on which account. Enjoy the surprise! 5. You have the right to request for your art to be taken down. We will take it down, if for whatever reason you want it to be gone. It remains your right. But keep in mind that when you post here you agree for it to be shared. And that if you post it on your social media, it is for anyone to see and can be freely shared (unless you have a set of permissions constricting such actions). So you always have to be mindful and consider what might happen with your art and what permissions you are giving to people when you share it anywhere on the Internet. 6. Notify of your name changes. We use your Art Haven name when we feature the art you specifically submit here. So make sure you edit your initial post, if your art has not been shared yet, and notify one of the staff managing our social media. If your art has been shared already, there's nothing that can be done. Some social media platforms allow for posts to be edited and some don't. Regardless of this possibility, we will not go digging through our posts just to change your name there. You may submit more of your art under your new name. 7. You may submit one piece of art per month. This is to give everyone a chance. We don't want to feature one person too often. These rules are not meant to be bent or broken! However, they can be changed at any given time, if we deem it necessary. Lucky for you, there will be no serious consequences if you break them. Other than being ignored and left in the dust, of course. Now that you're done reading the rules (you better go back and read them now), you may fill out the following form below, carefully (replace the examples/fillers/instructions with your stuff, duh!): Art Haven Username: TastyNomzAllMine Social Media Account(s): Facebook Page, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. (Do include links.) Art to be featured: ONE image only! Any specific instructions or text you wish to be included? (Do not use first person, and do not write essays. Keep it short and simple!): For example... Digital Artist with a knack for drawing Meese! If you have any questions related to this this going on right here, please POST HERE. Do NOT message me privately (unless it's really something you can't post in public, but then why on Earth would you even be here...?) and under no circumstances take this to my profile, Thank you loves <3 So lets get posting!
  21. A lot of artists on GASR require IMVU screenshots in their order forms, this is a guide on how to create the 'perfect' screenshot For this guide you'll need the IMVU client which can be downloaded here, you'll also need an IMVU account to access this. Step 1 In the IMVU client, open up either 'Shop' or 'My Room' Step 2 You'll need to take the screenshot in a shadowless room, if you're in the Shop you can just add one in. If you're taking screenies in your room then you'll need to purchase a room, this can be found by searching 'shadowless' on the rooms tab in Shop. Alternatively, here is my own shadowless room that can be tried on/purchased Step 3 Ensure that your avatar has all the items that you want them to be wearing for your screenshot. Many artists prefer the screenie to have minimal accessories, which they can draw in afterwards but ask the artist first. You'll also need to consider whether the artist accepts bald or screenies with hair. If bald - you can search in the shop for a 'bald' head under hairstyles. Step 4 Unless you're ordering a full body edit - it's usually better to take the screenie from around waist-up, so zoom in by holding down your mouse and scrolling up or pressing the plus key on the top right hand side. Step 5 Type into the IMVU client '*hiresnobg' and press enter when you're ready. This will save a screenshot of your avatar onto your desktop which can then be uploaded onto an image hosting website. Many tend to use DeviantArt's sta.sh. I also have a video version of this tutorial if that is easier to understand!
  22. Pey


    This is cute. Hi guys, I'm Peyton but I hate my full name and prefer that people call me Pey, hence the username. I'm from the West Midlands in England, and have moved from my birthplace city but still live in the west mids! I'm 22, turning 23 in roughly two weeks which actually terrifies me because I don't feel adult enough to be 23. I'm a manager at a British cinema full time outside of GASR but like to spend my spare time buying and selling art!
  23. I've redone all of my editing tutorials for anyone who had asked me - my previous ones were years old so they're now all very fresh!!


  24. let's agree never to talk about this again I was going to outline everything then after trying to outline the eyes decided that was a very bad idea. I wrote my name to highlight how bad I am at this, not to watermark btw incase anyone thinks I'm that insane person below: pls draw pikachu with your non-dominant hand
  25. I now have a custom and premade shop!

    premade: http://gasrforum.net/topic/600-egg-1/custom: http://gasrforum.net/topic/558-egg-13/





    1. Levudazed


      You know you can add those shops to your profile c;




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