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Status Updates posted by Plague

  1. Boys will be boys, that's what people say. No one ever mentions how girls have to be something other than themselves altogether. We are to stifle the same feelings that boys are encouraged to display. We are to use gossip as a means of policing ourselves -- this way those who do succumb to sex but are not damaged by it are damaged instead by peer malice. Girls demand a covenant because if one gives in, others will be expected to do the same. We are to remain united in cruelty, ignorance, and aversion. Or we are to starve the flesh from our bones, penalizing the body for its nature, castigating ourselves for advances we are powerless to prevent. We are to make false promises then resist the attentions solicited. Basically we are to become expert liars.


    Hilary Thayer Hamann, Anthropology of an American Girl

  2. Imagine if I didn't get invited to  imvu versions of gasr repeatedly



  3. What They Don’t Tell You:


    •Even after you cut someone toxic/abusive out of your life, they drain you


    •They get to walk away and pretend like it didn’t happen, while you’re left to pick up the pieces


    •Sometimes they’ll play victim, try to garner all the sympathy and attention even though you know they have no right


    •Sometimes they’ll take a fake high road, accuse you of lying and say they did nothing wrong, that you hurt them, and pretend that they’re better


    •Some won’t take no for an answer


    •They’ll do anything to put the blame on you. To make you seem like the villain or the monster


    •Most will hurt someone again. And the hardest part is accepting that it won’t be your fault


    •You’ll feel a void in your life where they were. You might miss them. That’s normal.


    •You have to relearn so many things. What actual healthy love/friendships/relationships are


    •You need to learn to trust again, to see the world as more then its darkness


    •You’ll think you’re faking it sometimes. Even if others believe you, the what if will always creep up


    •You need support. No one can do this alone


    •Healing isn’t linear. It has its ups and its downs. Some vary day to day


    •Just because you have a bad day doesn’t mean you’re regressing 


    •Everyone heals differently, but there will always be a scar


    •Somethings may never be the same for you, somethings will trigger you. And that’s ok


    •Nothing you did caused this. You didn’t deserve it. You didn’t do anything. THEY chose to hurt YOU.


    •You don’t have to forgive them. But you also don’t have to never forgive. Whatever helps you heal is what you need to do


    •You may lose more people then just the one. Whether it’s people who support them, won’t support you, people you now see differently, etc. That’s ok


    •You get to choose whose in your life




  4. I'm 99.9% close to a fuck it mental break down 

  5. Imagine if people weren't so ego narcissistic and fake. :oaplus:giphy.gif.55370d252aef5d47c46ee75b6915322d.gif

  6. Need to stop going Awol 

  7. Me everytime a kid shows up sick to my house


  8. If you can afford to pay £80+ to see a musician who doesn't even know you exist 
    You can afford to pay £10+ to support your friends local band
    If you can afford to pay over £200 for art decor 
    You can afford to spend £20+ to support your artistic friend

    Stop saying you support local talent or friends when in reality you think getting free tickets or freebies is what support is!

  9. Kik me


    1. Karismic


      BUt I don't want to kick you lmfao

  10. Society will tell you not be afraid 
    Whilst it sews your mouth shut 
    Society will tell you to love the body you're in
    Whilst repeatedly reminding you that you don't fit into their description of beautiful 
    Society will tell you not take things so seriously 
    Whilst they lay on the ground and cry about being victimised 
    Society will tell you to love thy neighbour
    Whilst feuding racial wars because immigrants have "stolen" the job you never had
    Society will look down at you for being 16 and pregnant
    Whilst telling you "if you couldn't afford it don't have it, along side telling you abortions are wrong 
    Society will tell you that men should speak up against mental health 
    Whilst screaming "man up, don't be such a pussy, you're so weak"
    Society will tell you to report rapes
    Whilst it tells you that if you are ugly it's a privilege and if you're beautiful you asked for it
    Society will mourn the deaths of actors who have killed themselves
    Whilst laughing at school age children who hung themselves
    Society will sit at your graves and weep
    Whilst they sat their when you were alive and shrugged 
    Society will tell you to be true to you
    Whilst picking faults within you 
    Society is you, you are society!

  11. “Before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other theology, learn to be human first.”
    ― Shannon L. Alder

  12. “Who are you?
    Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?
    Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?
    I have. I am fucking crazy.
    But I am free.”
    Lana Del Rey

  13. Lord of the Ring Trilogy ♥

  14. Gimmie Netflix and Amazon recommendations tyy

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