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Status Updates posted by Stargazer

  1. new request thread up check it out if you'd like

  2. When it's not even December yet and you decide to make Christmas cookies and dance around singing to Christmas music. ❄️☃️🎀

    p.s Rip The Boyfriend he has to deal with my Holly Jolly butt all Month

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baah


      I put up a Christmas tree, tinsel, lights, and snowflakes around my office of the building. NO SHAME.    

      Everyone loves it though and it gives me the happy

    3. Stargazer


      @Dykz yeah! i feel you there.I've been trying to convince my boyfrined to let us put up christmas lights everywhere already but he's a scrooge and wants to wait till right before christmas xD



      @Arianna yep they get to be tortured with holiday spirit!

    4. Lunna


      I’m the same LOL :chrimascat:


     me @ gasr radar wdf is dis


    But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. 
    -Harry potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stargazer


      @Carvings yesss i love him and his quotes of wisdom

    3. Daniella


      Have to thank J.K. Rowling for that. :iperfect:

    4. Stargazer
  5.  - insert pterodactyl screech of happiness here-



  6.  https://discord.gg/GEGMSm if anybody wants to join. Hoping to get more people in.if you like movie streams ,making new friends or even just talking about gaming we got all three💕

  7.  just going to drop this rant here.
    we just ran one of the saltiest dungeons on WoW because i was 30 levels higher than most of them and apparently "dragging them down" by queing in a level 20 dungeon. all these flippin kiddos did was bitch and bitch at me for not doing enough dps and then when we got to the final boss they just sat there and let everyone My boyfriend included(because yanno  we like to game together) die and sat there while i had to take on the boss and kill it with no heals or any of that shiz. all in all PEOPLE SUCK

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bedlam


      I don't know how long you've been playing but yeah I had terrible experiences when I was new 😂 I remember (I was a hunter) and I needed on a cloth item in a dungeon and someone got pissed at me and I was like but the dress is cutteeee xoxo.

    3. Stargazer


      omg. haha im a hunter too and ive played it for about two years but took a break and got back into it recently and people give me so much shit xDD. someone got mad at me for just being a hunter class and its like really im sorry i like being ranged and not stabbing someones eyes out up close >:C

    4. Bedlam


      People need to stay in their lane, you're all here to have fun and being mad at people is not fun lol.

  8.  paintball event this weekend 

    happy joy GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

  9. @ anyone struggling with anything right now  just know..

    you are loved my love GIF by Denyse®

    1. Kath


      thank you i really need this right now ... and everyday:lazetears:

  10. @ the people on imvu that keep stealing me and my friends art pieces. Get your own art and leave ours alone :* kthx 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Princess


      tfw they try to crop or edit out your watermark too :lazeoverkill:

    3. Stargazer


      @Princess literally just came across someone that did that and thought editing over it with a color overlay would make it unrecongizable???? 

    4. Alea


      really thought she could get away undetected...


  11. https://discord.gg/DvmhTb if anyone wants to join feel free we dont bite.


  12. waving ed helms GIF

    @Darksiders is selling a bunny couple premade, its still looking for a good home!
    make sure to check it out maybe even buy it and show him some love!!



  13. https://www.rabb.it/Krying currently streaming the movie Raise your voice, anyone is welcome to pop in and join

  14. https://www.rabb.it/Krying currently watching alice in wonderland feel free to join. we don't bite.

    1. Xunjo


      So sad I missed it! Which version did ya'll watch? If you do this again hope I catch it next time :bcri:

    2. Stargazer


      @Xunjo the Tim burton version and I might stream again today if I can get people to join in c: nobody really joined yesterday 

  15. https://www.rabb.it/s/234osf Starting the stream soon. and starting from episode one for those who haven't seen it before uwu♥


  16. https://www.rabb.it/s/234osf switching it to ghiblis spirited away for the time being! feel free to come and join♥

  17. Finally getting a Christmas tree tomorrowwwwww!!!!!


    1. DIA


      Yay! I've already set my Christmas decoration on the wall in my dorm and made tiny sparkly tree :bfpervydance:

  18. Bed rest all week, and bored to death.



  19. Hey loves, My gurl @Naptime is accepting custom orders through pm and her discord server! for those in her discord she offers  reward points. shes not doing credit orders at the moment but her custom price is $10 which is a major deal espcially with some animations being free! so please check her out!!! she has hella cute arts

  20. :candy_cane_by_maarui-daqzarf::17present::17chrimastree::17crimasgif:


    Holiday emotes!

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