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Status Replies posted by Stargazer

  1. Hewwo thewe X3 my name is Moonfiwe and I'm wunning fo' Pwesident of the United States :3

    Fuwwies wo'ldwide have been unduh-wepwesented XwX and I am hewe to change dat OwO. I am wunning as' the Fuwwy Paw(HEHE X3)ty, and Geowge W. Bush wiww be my Vice Pwesident (Yesh he is a fuwwy too :3) Why should you vote fo' me? It's simple X3! Fuwwies awe a minowity, with wittle pawitical powah. X3. We wiww make being a fuwwy MANDATOWY, and not liking fuwwies wiww be PAWNISHABLE BY DEATH. We wiww spend govawment funding awn making machines dat can make YOU YOUR FUWSONA FOWEVAH X3! We wiww estabwish PAWmmunism acwoss the USA and take ovah the WO'LD one countwee at a time X3. I considah myself a pawdewate Democwat, BTW. And we wiww make FUWWIES GWEAT FOWEVAH. EVWYBODY WIWW BECOME A FUWWY WHETHAH THEY WIKE IT O' KNOT. VOTE FO' ME FELLOW PAWTWIOTS


    Hell ye. This week was insane. 


    Two customs left (one almost done), and then all my PYOC’s and I’m good to go. I have a LOT planned for y’all so keep an eye out! I will be closing my custom shop for a little while, but I’m open for people pm’ing me requests. I’m going to be revamping my premade shop as well. Lots to do! I hope everyone is having a great day. Love you all xoxo gossip girl. :hee:


  3. my last ping for today i swear, finished cutesy style done for Playtime! 

    pls give me more cute characters to draw im in the zone


  4. :lazeshydance:Little reminder @Baah and I's auction is still up, it doesn't end until the 23rd of march but just in case ya havent seen yet! c:


  5. Forbidding > Cobweb



    Was time for a name change, this one means so much more to me. :erlmo:

  6.  new___by_kittyrocker-d92ktsr.gif.fb75e0ef21dda7210f41408acdf17475.gifA R C A D I A



    PRICE: $15 or 37,500cr - comes with 4 animated, and 4 static versions (320x440 is large resolutions)

    click banner to visit my shop, and preview DP versions for her! :byaslove:


  7. Just want you all to know that I love you even if I do t know you 💕

  8. comms are very slow at the moment, please understand im going through some things and i cant seem to draw. please be patient with me thanks xox

  9. New one up! c: [Found here]


  10. I did a thing, my husband and I decided to go visit some dog shelters today and we fell in love with this little girl and decided to bring her home. She was found on the streets a few weeks ago and the person who found her just kept her in their backyard during this terrible cold weather for 2 weeks before deciding to take her to the shelter :(.20190226_185707.thumb.jpg.e9c02e435d643df52e5b655f95041099.jpg

  11. hey guys don't forget to check out @Darksiders & @Baah 's auction they got goin on! they have some great pieces <3


    and dont forget Adorelees premades she has a few that need good homes too!!!! 

  12. Works in Progress

    Would any one be interested in customs? Debating on doing some.

    Im also having a really hard time with pale skin.




  13. https://www.rabb.it/Krying currently watching alice in wonderland feel free to join. we don't bite.

  14. :idancefroggu:It’s my 20th birthday!! 🥰💕🤧:hwdance::bfahh::fingerguns::khmm::llnyaa:

  15. hi everyone! :blove:

    i managed to complete 2 premades/examples, i think ill put them up tomorrow after i make a premade shop :)

    i tried a new art program so it was kinda difficult at first! the first one is just like a painting style (btw its inspired by yeji from itzy!) and the second one is mostly lineart! (cant tell if my art style has changed at all LOL)


    ok its 7am i should prob sleep T_T

  16. wow hi everyone :lldepress:


    i might get back into drawing.. maybe open a shop :0 its been a while!


    im still in school rn lol but i really miss drawing and gasr :( im doing really good this semester, academically and mentally, it feels so nice to be at a stable point in my life :blush: im currently still doing my computer science track (T_T) and i decided to do an art minor which has recently made me feel more enthusiastic and passionate about drawing, which is something i havent felt in a long time!


    ill try some examples this week and see how it comes out :O idk if anyone remembers me or even is interested in my art anymore, but hopefully im able to start fresh soon :bhee: 

  17. Today I had terrible news that my aunt has passed away. Please forgive me for any delays or mix ups if you order from me! I will still be drawing as it helps me a lot but customs may be a bit slow and I hope you can understand. Thanks a bunch :) 💖

  18. Wip of an upcoming premade, it has been a few months since I have done any anime style premades so thought I would today. :byaslove:


  19. @Darksiders !!


    Super excited!!!

    Also, happy Tuesday everyone. :aww:

    So happy to be finally catching up on everything. YAH GURL WORKING HARD. 

  20. i guess we're pulling an all nighter watching the walking dead :erlmo:


    just put up 4 couple boops! hope you guys like them. ♥

  22. thank you @Naptime for making my morning and linking this :erlmo:


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