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Status Replies posted by Stargazer

  1. So happy to announce..........



    ........ IMMM ENGAGGEDDDD !!!!!! :idancefroggu:

  2. Short people problems- being too short for the sun visor in your boyfriends car ,so the sun ends up blinding you. :psobbing:

  3. Short people problems- being too short for the sun visor in your boyfriends car ,so the sun ends up blinding you. :psobbing:

  4. Short people problems- being too short for the sun visor in your boyfriends car ,so the sun ends up blinding you. :psobbing:

  5. Think it’s about that time that I just need to take a hiatus. 

    But I still have a few coms I’m waiting on, so not just yet:lazerose:

  6. Reworked this 2 month old wip for Emberly! Kinda hyped at the difference in how I paint now :oobih:


  7. Reworked this 2 month old wip for Emberly! Kinda hyped at the difference in how I paint now :oobih:


  8. does anybody else have this war with bagged popcorn where you accidentally burn it almost everytime or is that just me? done bai GIF

  9. so...im hella awkward but imma just drop this hereeee

  10. Lovely to get this bullshit on my TV screen in the middle of a game... That game's Days Gone btw

    I guess it's about time to buy a new one since I've had the same TV for 9 years xD


  11. so...im hella awkward but imma just drop this hereeee

  12. Lovely to get this bullshit on my TV screen in the middle of a game... That game's Days Gone btw

    I guess it's about time to buy a new one since I've had the same TV for 9 years xD


  13. I never understood how someone could eat a pint of ice cream at once, until I had a pint and realized I'd already eaten half of it :lazecry: curse you ben&jerry's brownie batter

  14. Class is finally over I'm alive! Up in my premade shop theres an old premade back up for sale and a new claimable wip! c: Check em out here


  15. I want to befriend y'all but I'm too shy 


    thanks for responding to my status updates of my wips or somethin-



    aite back to the hole I go

  16. yesterday I had a really bad time drawing.. 

    i made the mistake of comparing my art to other peoples and it knocked my confidence greatly.. it really hurt when I realised  that no matter what I drew I always felt displeased in the end.

    however, I was reminded by some great people that even though I felt this way, they still loved and appreciated my art even if I didn’t. I’d like to remind everyone that if your ever feeling that your art isn’t good enough, or that your not as good as others, please

    remember we’re all at different stages and you might not notice yet but every drawing, good or bad is practice. And one day you’ll be able to look back and realise how much you've improved without realising it! 

    sorry for the long post, but I just really wanted to share this :)) please don’t give up, practice takes time so cherish every step💖💖💖 

  17. I’m going through an art block rn and it’s making me frustrated. 


  18. welp the time has come. im another year older now 
    sad animation GIF by POKÉMON Detective Pikachu

  19. welp the time has come. im another year older now 
    sad animation GIF by POKÉMON Detective Pikachu

  20. welp the time has come. im another year older now 
    sad animation GIF by POKÉMON Detective Pikachu

  21. Hitting the big 23 tomorrow not looking forward to being another year older but I am looking forward to spending the day with my human who’s special day is tomorrow too

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