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Status Updates posted by Mya

  1. hi i'm open for 1 slot only !! I will be doing commissions again but taking one at a time.



  2. good news everyone! I finally ordered another drawing tablet and it'll be arriving sometime tomorrow. :applause:


    I'm thinking of opening up commissions BUT maybe only taking 1 commission at a time only because I'm still under a lot of stress and I'm still having pain. I don't want to pressure myself at all because then I'll end up having severe art block. 


    I do have to finish @BLT's commission before I take another commission because that's the least I can do. I owe them so much ;_; I feel bad and I know I shouldn't because health does come first. Also sorry for tagging you :blush: I hope you're doing well dear!! I'll be able to finish it up tomorrow!!



    Anywho, I will make another status update when I open up commissions again. 



    I hope everyone stays safe!! The world is a scary place especially during this time. I know it's been tough! Just be positive and surround yourself with people who love and care for you. I'm also here if anyone wants to be friends or needs someone to talk too! :klove: 



    If however you need to reach me and I'm not really active as much on here, you can contact me via discord: mya#3351 !!!! It used to be 6045 but when I had nitro I changed it with my dumb self lmaoo

    1. BLT


      good news <3 take care love



  3. happy easter everyone :byaslove:

    I hope you all are having a good day! Stay safe!!

    Here's a selfie of me :3


  4. hi i opened up a new custom shop ;w;

    go check it out or whatever



  5. happy valentines day to you cuties! i hope everyone is having an amazing time!

    animated i love you GIF

  6. hi everyone! I just want to let you all know that I got the flu and so I probably won't be on here as much nor be making any premades. I have no strength or energy ;_; 


    if u need to contact me for anything, you can reach me via discord: mya#6045 


    i hope u all are having a wonderful day <33

    1. Stargazer


      get well soon cutie!

    2. Baah


      Aww bb, get better soon!!! Sending happy and positive vibes your way. :klovee:

    3. Hiroki


      get well soon!

  7. https://arthaven.co/forums/topic/10499-🍑-𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱𝔂-🍑-~-𝓼𝓵𝓸𝓽𝓼-𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓷/

    OK Hi, I apologize for making another post about this but I uhh changed the table theme/name again in my custom shop only because I did NOT like the other themes I had LOL. I have 3 styles up right now. The prices are firm and I based them off of the time/detail. 



    Another thing is, keep a look out on the premade market!! I'll be doing a couple of Valentine premades soon!!


    Okay, I'm going to sleep because it is now 1:26am and I have an doctor's appointment in the morning ;w;

    Good night :byaslove:

  8. i just want everyone to know that i updated my custom shop and ill be only offering my chibi style !!

    again first 2 orders are STILL %5 off!! :fingerguns:

    the deal will end Saturday around noon! 


    o i also changed the name hehe 



  9. hello cuties! my custom shop is now open and i'm accepting orders ;3 

    first 2 orders are %5 off !! 




  10. hi all !

    I just want to say that I hope you all are having a wonderful day today ^w^

    today is my 19th birthday :idancefroggu:


    so far i think i might be getting sick bc i've been coughing and sneezing multiple times!! it's annoying especially if it's your special day. 


    even if i'm sick, i'm gonna do all my power to have an amazing birthday today. hehe



    edit: i forgot to add this selfie of me ;w;




    1. Lunna


      Happy Birthday!! :cutehehehaaas::cutehehehaaas:

    2. Xunjo


      HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Mya! You still looking cute for being sick. Get better soon girl :bfstar:

  11. Hi everyone! I lowered the price of the PYOC reindeer onesie to $15

    I also have a new christmas adoptable up! The price is a bit higher because I spent two days (all day) finishing her up!

    If you buy her, you'll receive a bust-up version of her :3



    click here to buy <3

    1. aly



    2. Mya


      @aly thank u love!!!! <33

  12. 1 regular dp and 1 pyoc available rn in my premade shop!!

    click below!! :cutehehehaaas:




  13. I went to my second job interview yesterday and it went great but I didn't get hired. The lady that interview me yesterday said that if you get hired they'll send you an email letting you know if they accept you and then show the next steps in the hiring process....so I checked my email and I didn't get the job! I also didn't get the Victoria's Secret job, welll I did have it but they wanted me to come in later that day around 6/7pm and I couldn't make it. 

    But hey!! It's completely okay because I've been applying to more jobs every day and I know someone will call me for some more interviews soon.


    As of right now, I kinda just been so drained and not eating well..I'm not sure what's happening but I'm working on myself. Anyways, I hope all of you are all doing well. 


    I'll be doing some christmas premades here soon, so keep a look out if any of you want my art. 

    1. Baah


      Aww I'm sending positive and luck vibes your way! I cant wait to see your Christmas premades! I bet they'll be super cute. 

    2. Mya


      @Baah Aww thank you Amanda!! You're so sweet, and hehe I can't wait to start on the premades soon!! Bear Emoji-04 (Shy) [V1]

  14. I'm on my way to my first job interview at Victoria Secrets and I'm so nervous but I know I can do this. Please wish me good luck and pray that they hire me! I really need a job so I can help pay bills and plus christmas is coming so I want to buy gifts :blove:


    here's a selfie!





    edit: I GOT THE JOB OMG!!! I'm so happy!!!

    I start literally tonight at 6/7pm !! happy jonah hill GIF

    1. Hiroki


      Congrats!!! good luck with your new job!

    2. aeeris


      woahh congrats!!! 

    3. Mya


      @Hiroki @aeeris aah thank u guys so much <33

  15. happy halloween everyone!

    have fun trick-r-treating and please be safe and careful

    trick or treat love GIF by foodieg

    1. aly


      happy halloween bb:lazesupersxy:

  16. hi cuties! I just wanted to share this selfie of me from Saturday! I went to a halloween party and it was fun!

    I'm your friendly scarecrow 🌻A5D6FEA0-E1F0-4949-8CE8-88F8ED190647.thumb.jpeg.7e072dc0416c4395e670a4f02db46a06.jpeg


    I'm sorry for being so inactive, I just kinda just took a long hiatus from drawing. I have huge art block right now and I just cannot think of anything to draw. I'm also dealing with my mental health and it's been a roller coaster LOL. But don't worry, everything is fine!! I promise you guys I'll be back soon! :llampret:

  17. Hi! I'll be doing the last batch of halloween premades! I've run out of ideas for pyocs so please comment some suggestions!!! It would really help me a lot. :bthanks:

  18. 3 New halloween premades available in my shop! :idancefroggu:


    click to go to my shoppu

    1. KittenSpell


      These are all so cute Mya!

    2. Mya


      @Taylor omg thank you so much taytay :byaslove:

  19. 3 new fall themed pyocs!


    click here


    Don't worry, more premades coming, I'm just going slow ;w; :cutehehehaaas:

  20. hi guys! I'm going to release a batch of 6 or 8 premades pretty soon. They'll be fall themed, halloween, and maybe just some regular ones. This is the last batch that I'll do for a while. I've been going through some issues with myself lately so I think I just need to take a long break. Maybe 1-2 weeks or even a whole month. I need to take some time to readjust myself. I haven't been myself lately and so I'm just trying so hard to not give up so... I really hope you guys understand.


    I adore all of you for being so kind and nice to me and even being so supportive! That makes me really happy and I appreciate it. So thank you all for buying my art !! I never thought that anyone would be interested in my art and now that I have a community of people who love it, it's just really amazing and I'm so grateful! :cutehehehaaas:

  21. New halloween pyoc premade available in my shop!



    click here

  22. I added two new premades! This time in my anime style!!

    They're both the same price! 

    click here to buy



    1. Tierra


      Aww these are so cute Mya! :klovee:

    2. Baah


      Myyaaaaa!! These are adorable! 

      sailor moon love GIF

    3. Mya


      @Tierra omg tysm cutie :byaslove:


      @Baah Ahhh ty amanda omg :lazeblush:


    :cutehehehaaas: CLICK HERE :cutehehehaaas:


  24. @Baah got me really wanting to try out pixel art :@D@:

    Pshh amanda, your pixel art is AMAZING. I LOVE IT. :cutehehehaaas:


    1. Baah


      excited kermit the frog GIF

      YOURE SO SWEET OMG TY. Its something I have been interested in, and its definitely out of my comfort zone. You should totally try it out!! 

    2. Mya


      @Baah HEHE YW CUTIE!! I will def give it a try!! 

  25. drawing my new oc because she's so cute and i love her@!!


    also this is a new example for my chibi full body style :3


    1. Hiroki


      Thats so cute mya!

    2. Mya


      @Hiroki aww tysm marsh!! 

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