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  1. In light of recent horrible events that happened, I just want to drop by and remind everyone to be extra careful about personal information they share on social media. You need to protect yourself and be careful, there's all kinds of psychopaths out there! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Naptime


      Yeesh, i heard a girl got murdered but i didn't know about the body pictures spreading around. Extremely disrespectful. People spreading them is just giving the murderer more attention, since I'm assuming that's what they wanted. 

    3. Rin


      Basically yeah. A lot of really disturbing comments are circling around, people saying she had it coming etc... It's insane how we became so desensitized to something as horrible as this.

      But I definitively think people need to think about everything they post on social media and how they expose themselves, and be a bit more careful! Stay safe, everyone! 

    4. Vix


      I’m not sure about how true this statement is, but apparently one of her friends took to twitter to clarify on the situation a little more since different stories have been scattered: 

      Here’s the police report as well for anyone interested:

      Ultimately, this was tragic & I hope that her friends and family get through it alright

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