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Status Replies posted by LiLMooMoo

  1. Second tarot card in the set. This one is Death. 


    1. LiLMooMoo


      You really out done your self so beautiful and gorgeous :aww:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. image.png.9aa25aeb1be107e571d11208b18d7cbd.png Premade Spoiler ~


    Sorry, for the delay guys! The auction launch time has been pushed back to 1pm EST,

    (in 36mins). 

  4. Quick update regarding customs and premades:

    Starting tomorrow I'm gonna be helping out delivery food, medicine and any supplies needed to those who can't leave their home during this pandemic! So I'll be only working on art after I get home, so it will be at night only. I'm gonna try to do my best to work fast on the orders that are pending. Also if you need to contact me regarding customs or premades, I'll always be on discord and you can contact me through there. I will still answer my pms here but I'll be just faster on replies through discord.

    Thank you! :blove:

  5. more wip


  6. premade wip


  7. I'm going to be posting this premade in the premade market thread at 3:30 PM EST, which is about one hour from now. She's going for $25 


  8. premade wip


  9. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. 💜

  10. Working on a new premade! 
    What do you think about it? :pblushing:


    check my premade available!


  11. Hi, I'm drawing a chibi and mby something else on my stream: 


  12. Another Huniepop fan-art ♥  I can relate..:lazetears:

    hpp2.thumb.png.af4d5bbe68c885fd10d04053ca7e7859.png hp2.thumb.png.85b6d9731fb6bed97342f4676452496a.png

  13. It slug last day for a sale go buy her amazing art.   


  14. It slug last day for a sale go buy her amazing art.   


  15. New Art <3 My OC Mekharet 



  16. Saw this on Facebook and figured I would share it here too. It's the sweetest thing ever!





  17. 75° yesterday morning, 48° this morning. I really cant keep up with this weather, and it keeps making me sick. 


  18. anyone know of artists that can work with sims as ocs

  19. I thought quitting caffeine would make me feel terrible. It did at first, but it's been a week or two now and today I feel incredibly energized. 


    I've gotten so much done at work LOL. 

  20. For the first time in months, finished an edit. I got a new digital drawing tablet so this was me fooling around with it. Gonna prob sell as a premade, I'll make it $10, so PM me if you're interested! :fingerguns: I am so rusty dear lord help.


  21. For the first time in months, finished an edit. I got a new digital drawing tablet so this was me fooling around with it. Gonna prob sell as a premade, I'll make it $10, so PM me if you're interested! :fingerguns: I am so rusty dear lord help.


  22. :bfcreep: bruh how do people do it? making friends I can't even do that XD its so hard for me :icry:

    imvu and irl lmao 

  23. Why the heck do I wake up having a cold and then feel fine after a few hours. 


  24. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day today. :klovee:

  25. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day today. :klovee:

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