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Status Replies posted by Babygirl

  1. 終わった

    Premade N°3

    Included Blinking :)



  2. Happy Birthday to me! :bapplause:

  3. Little personal update: I don't normally post these, and it's not a major deal. This is just an update for friends, or those who have custom orders with me!


    I've been experiencing really bad headaches/migraines when I wake up, and it's pretty much been every other day.. Usually, I'm not a person that gets headaches often, or has a lot of physical health issues. Which is why I'm sure this is nothing serious, and I'll be ok in no time! The reason I'm writing this is, because I'm not quite sure when "no time" will be. I've gotten regular headaches before, but not like this. When I wake up, and chill in bed it's fine, but once I get up out of bed is when I feel like someone is hitting me in the left side of the head with a brick repetitively. It's so bad I have to lay back down until it settles, and today my head just has not settled even with pain medicine - there's a pricking pain. Due to these issues I've been taking a lot of breaks from all screens, so if I don't respond for awhile this is why! Hope ya'll have a good week tho, and I'll catch up soon this bright white screen is killing me :byaslove:

  4. New premade :~)


  5. Hello guys,

    I'm finally back, a little bit sick but everything it's good.

    I'll draw your order as soon as possible. 

    Thank you for your patience! ♥




  6. Finally set up my first batch of 15 OC's on my profile. Whew. :bapplause:

  7. Wip of a upcoming premade, I've been drawing a lot of girly art lately so needed to break it up a little. :byaslove:


  8. woop its meh bday xDD

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