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  1. Hey everyone, hoping I can get some prayers. My puppy Kiba is sick. He is only 9 months old. He was getting sick all day from yesterday morning till about 4 a.m. today. He has drank some water but refuses to eat. He ate something he wasn’t supposed too and worst case is he might need surgery. We hope he doesn’t because we don’t know what we will do. We can’t afford surgery. The vet said we would have to put him to sleep if he doesn’t get better and we can’t pay for the surgery. My husband and I are great parents and we are doing what we can. With other financial struggles it makes us unable to get a loan to help. So, please if you can pray for Kiba to get better. Please. 

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    2. Lanuryd


      i'm so sorry, i hope you and kiba get through this difficult time. please don't lose hope! i will pray for kiba too, i wish you two good health and strenght :bcri: 

    3. Puff


      Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate it. I noticed a rash on him and it looks bad. We have a lot and hoping he gets better. He finally ate and drank some water. Thank you guys! This means a lot to me. He’s my baby. 

    4. Puff


      Here he is laying in his favorite spot


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