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Everything posted by Cupsu

  1. Cupsu

    sierra|ref sheet ♥

    Iii thank you bb! @Ayumi i would trust with all of my babies, you have no idea. She turned out so adorable, I’m obsessed
  2. Cupsu

    ♡ taro ♡

    She’s still so so cute bbu!
  3. Cupsu

    chibi - cupsu

    iiii, I still love her so so much baby, you have no idea you made her so freaking cute, it's insane. I can't wait to order one more
  4. @Mattie Refering you to what I just wrote in the last post on the previous page about the selfish part. Since it rubs people the wrong way and it's really being taken out of context from the way I meant it.
  5. @Jukisan I never tried to slander artists for not allowing resell/trading/gifting. That's not my point. I can take back what I said about them being selfish if it rubs people the wrong way, but it's still an opinion of mine. I was just trying to put another perspective on the whole reselling/trading/gifting aspect as I know a lot of people are bothered by it and many stay away from buying/ordering art from those artists. I think it's sad when art just goes to waste when someone doesn't use it anymore but has no way of letting it live on is my point. I'm not slandering anybody for anything but I'm sorry you felt that way about what I said. I can't please everyone and I don't wish to either. I only participated in this discussion because I felt, I had a view I could share that I have in common with other people, who may not be as willing to express due to the risk of putting themselves in a bad light or have potential backlash from it.
  6. @Martinus I haven't deleted any of the art I have, but I know some people who have because they don't feel attached to it anymore at all but haven't been able to gift/resell/trade it ^-^ Also unrelated to the above: But even if an artist don't allow resell/trade, I think maybe gifting would at least be nice to be able to do? I don't know. The owner doesn't profit from it. I dunno. Maybe people feel the same about gifting as with resell/trade.
  7. @Alismora I understand that the artist has all the rights to the art and I think that's alright, but it's just my personal opinion about something I love so much. Art is something I value but the OCs and art I have either bought or made I would want to get new homes in the future if I were to ever feel unattached. They brought me joy so I'd be devastated to see them go to waste. I support that artists have the rights but at the same time I think resells or trades can happen the best way possible, like with a tight-knit TOS, like @Groan wrote about. I wouldn't go against the rules an artist may have but I personally would be sad to see something I had poured a bunch of time and hard work in, just be deleted. I wont say my opinion will never change though. It might when I'm more informed about the topic too.
  8. I may have been misinformed but even then I most likely would have the same opinion as I have right now on this topic. I think when it's stated that an artist puts so much time and effort into making a personal piece for someone, but that same art piece will be deleted in the end if the artist doesn't allow it to be trade/resold/gifted, it doesn't say much about the time that was put into it when it's tossed or put away for eternity. Don't get me wrong - the time put into art is valuable. But that being said when people are unable to let someone else experience the same happiness from the art or let someone else give it new life, it will just end up being forgotten and the time would have been a "waste" (not a waste, but I don't know how to explain since English is not my main language). Yes, it's the same as a physical painting, but most of the time it doesn't sit in a storage room for all eternity. People find it one way or another and usually it wont to trashed but instead it will be resold or given away to people, who would be interested in it. At least that is my experience and what I see happening IRL a lot.
  9. I understand and it's fair if an artist wants to protect themselves and their art, but what if that art just ends up being tossed away and deleted at the end, when the buyer doesn't want it any longer? Would you as an artist want that? I don't know. I personally wouldn't. I think that would be a sad scenario and a scenario I know a lot of people ends up having when an artist doesn't allow resells or trades. It's only my personal opinion that I find it a tad bit selfish. I'm not lashing out at artists or anything because I can just let everyone else buy from them instead and look at the art from afar, which I'm fine with. I know of more people who do find it selfish too but most likely wont speak up about it because of the fear of being put on the blast. I see this opinion of mine is unpopular, but it's one a lot of people have too. But also if someone deletes a piece, how much worth is the time that was put into making it when nobody will see it put to use ever again? I think for me it's more a matter of letting the art live on to put smiles on peoples' faces rather than just being tossed into a void.
  10. As both an artist and buyer of art I'm not against it. I have experienced not being so attached to art I bought a couple years ago, should i just let it collect dust in a folder somewhere on my laptop for it to either be deleted at the end or never be looked again, or should I be able to make someone else happy with that same art piece I bought back when that brought me joy? My personal answer would be the latter of those. I buy art because I love it, but I also know I'm not going to be attached to it for the rest of my life or I will one day want to leave this community, with the possibility to be able to resell my art or even give it away to those who will experience happiness from it just like I did. I'm very hesitant when it comes to buying art from people who don't allow resells. I understand the artist perspective but lets say you bought a pizza or a car from someone. None of them are ever going to tell you "you can't resell or trade this" because you bought it with your own money. I get that there is an attachment and a lot of effort put into making art, I'm the same way but at the end of the day the art belongs to the person, who bought it from you. Some people might just sell or trade it without you, as the artist, knowing it. So I think, I personally allow it with the hope that people will tell me when they resell or trade, so I know who owns it and where it ends up. I can see where it's a dilemma but yeah. I had this same conversation with a well-known artist on DeviantArt, who buys art herself, where she feels it's a ridiculous rule seeing as she bought the art, therefor she owns it and can do with it as she pleases. please don't hate me, I'm just giving my honest opinion.
  11. Hi it took me like 5 minutes to find out how to comment on your profile on my phone but now I’m here to love you forever and always, hi hi you cutie. Spoopy one :cutehehed:



    DO YOU SEE MY PICTURE NOW? Can’t give me poop for not having it there now :bhaaa::byaslove:

    1. Cupsu


      Jk guys, yummers is not hurting me and i love her so very much :byaslove:


      @Ayumi dont you ignore me or im gonna cry 

    2. Ayumi


      hmph =n= me love you too bby!! ♥ - ♥


  12. Cupsu

    moo baby ♥

  13. I see yooou :ghostchannayurichan:

  14. Cupsu


    @Ayumi mi bebii is perfectooo
  15. Cupsu

    Silent killer

    Does she kill with fart? Because.. Silent killer… Okay I'm gonna show myself the door … BY THE WAY THIS IS SO PRETTY, MATTY
  16. This is seriously amazing and flawless. Good job!
  17. Cupsu

    Female Greed Premade

    That box in the corner tho… LOL This piece is really stunning!
  18. Cupsu

    The Word You See

    I dunno if I should be happy or cry. This is stunning
  19. Cupsu

    Surprise Custom #2

    Shaners you've done it again.. You completely SLAYED. I looove this.
  20. Cupsu

    For Godivas

    Woaaa. That turned out amazing, Shaners! Good jobbooo!
  21. ✼ Name/nickname: Helene irl, Cuppy, Cups, Coppercoin, faggot. I have many names (and yes my dood calls me faggot necause he’s odd). ✼ Age (can leave blank if you aren't comfortable telling!): 22 turning 23 in November. ✼ Favorite weather(s): Winter ✼ Food you love: Too much food! But a lot of sweets and other good stuff like pizza and noodles! I like Japanese and Korean food! ✼ Food you hate/allergic to: Mushrooms and celery. (If you serve me celery I’ll hate you for a while ) ✼ A few artists that you adore: Cotton, Ayumi, PeculiarDork, Windows, TaiyaChan, Saxophonia, Capsule, Tao, Rossdraws on DeviantArt and many many more. ✼ Music you listen to: Anything that I think sounds good. I’m a huuuge country lover, but I also listen to alot more genres. ✼ Movies or TV shows? And if so, which ones: Oh.. My all time favorite as a kid and now too is Quest for Camelot. I love Jurassic World + Park movies. I’m a true sucker for Winx Club and Pokemon LOL. (I wish I was a kid so I didn’t have to feel ashamed saying and writing that). ✼ Do you watch anime? If so, what are your some of your favs?: YES. Amnesia, Super Lovers 1+ 2, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Ancient Magnus’ bride, Special A, Junjou Romantica. ✼ Favorite animal(s): Penguins, ferrets, chinchillas, snakes, ducks ✼ Favorite color(s): Blue ✼ Pet peeve(s): Please.. close your mouth while you’re eating. Picking your nose. Being a spoiled brat and acting like it. Just overall being a shitty person who only thinks of themselves. ✼ Hobbies: Music, animals, read, writing, drawing, gaming, travelling. ✼ Likes: The above and also food and all that jazz. Cooking aswell. ✼ Dislikes: Spiders ✼ What do you do for fun on GASR?: Connecting with people and also discovering new art and artists. ✼ What you would like to see in our group?: Maybe sharung music? Collabs? Could do a big group collab where people cover something on an artpiece? ✼ What do you most want people to know about who you are?: I’m a crazy but loving person. I can always lend an ear if a person needs it. Doesn’t matter if they’re a stranger or not. I’m also down to make lots of new friends erriwheeerrreee!
  22. Cupsu

    Commission for Cupsu

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