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Everything posted by Cobweb

  1. We love a good sob fest at 5pm. 




    1. Arias


      you better work that sob :lazesm:

    2. Cobweb



  2. How you doin lil mama lemme whisper in your ear. :idancefroggu:

  3. When people you were once close to act like you two have never even talked. :sideeyeha:

  4. When someone acts all nice and sweet for GASR, but then you meet them on IMVU. 



  5. Cobweb

    #Mischief Premade

    Uhm...what's his number?
  6. Cobweb


    You're going to be the next Capsule, I feel it in my bones. Everyone better watch out for you Missy.
  7. Cobweb

    #Shook premade

    I love this so much. I don't even like the color pink but I LOVE it.
  8. tenor.gif?itemid=10961603

    When I'm unable to find the remote that's for a specific function.  :angri:

    1. Fairycore


      one of my favorite gifs

  9. Hunt-old-pictures.gif

    When people supposedly hate me but can't stop checking up on me. 

  10. Vik..why are your male pieces such Daddies?!
  11. I'm really craving some sushi, dumplings and a shit ton of noodles. 


    1. Baah


      Duuuude. Me too. I went to this place near Houston called the Tigers Den a few months ago and their food was soooooo fricken good. I’ve been wanting to go but I’m on the keto diet and I’m not cheating for 6 months. ;u ; But you better believe I’m going there when this 6 month period is up!! XD

    2. Cobweb


      @Dykz I honestly have no idea what to do when it comes to dieting, well I know what to do I just would have a hard time giving certain foods up. CRY.

    3. Baah


      It took a lot of self control and sadness but it’s so worth it

  12. Cobweb

    Dragon Queen

  13. Cobweb


    I love your work so much girl, and this OC is super cute too.
  14. Cobweb


    She's so adorable, omg.
  15. Cobweb

    Premade 10

  16. Cobweb

    Custom for BRIMEGGY

    HNNNNGH. I love the way you make your lips so much.
  17. Cobweb

    Goth Mami

    You could pull off one of my favorite OC's so well.
  18. Cobweb


    I want a custom from you so bad. CRY.
  19. Cobweb

    damn those red shorts

    You should add in there a phone with hundreds of notifications because it takes him a year to respond back. ;) @PeculiarDork Love you don't hit me.
  20. Cobweb


    Her lips are my favorite part...well and the brows...and the bitchy expression..oh wait and all of it. LOL.
  21. Made a server for those who are in need of OC packs! 

    • Packs are free
    • I'm always making new packs
    • First come first serve
    • There's a suggestion section



  22. ─ G E N E R A L ─ ─────────── Name: Vaegen/Vae Nickname: V mostly, people will give me nicknames over time. Age: 126 (Vampire status) Birthday: October 31st Ethnicity: Heh...translucent. Gender: Female Relationship Status: I don't even know man. ─ P E R S O N A L ─ ──────────── What's your Hogwart's House?: I'm not into Harry Potter much but whatever one is the most evil. What do you do after work/school?: Watch Netflix, snuggle my cats, do outrageous makeup looks, rabbit with friends, draw. What's something you love doing?: Artwork, Website design, interior design, tattoos, playing mostly horror themed video games. Describe your personality in 3 words: Spicy, brutally honest, Passionate What's your guilty pleasure?: Bimbos, muckbangs, wasabi. Are you religious?: I've dabbled in satanism and wiccan beliefs but honestly it's easier to just not care about those things. Do you shower before or after bed?: Depends on the mood I'm in, but I normally shower before bed more. What's your pet peeve?: Text talk. Least favorite word: Uhhh, I don't think I could say it here. ─ F A V O R I T E S ─ ───────────── Favorite Color: Black (Don't even tell me it's a shade it's still my favorite color) Favorite Movies: I couldn't pick just one, but I love movies like The Witch, The devil inside, Blair Witch project, Coraline, IT, Split, Hush, The Conjuring, etc. Favorite Games: Red dead redemption, Diablo, Assassins creed, GTA, The last of us, etc. Favorite Animal: I've always been extremely attached to horses, even as a baby. Favorite Food: Sushi, hands down. Favorite Smell: I couldn't really tell you, but every so often an amazing smelling lady will walk past and it makes me feel some type of way. Favorite Song: Honestly my music range is massive so I couldn't pick. It changes weekly. Favorite Book: I don't read, can't concentrate or remember. Favorite Drink: Honestly I love water, and juice. Favorite Boy Name: Lucifer Favorite Girl Name: Gehenna Favorite Shows: Whatever I find interesting, The OA was my most recent binge but I really need more episodes. I want to start Supernatural. TWD is Favorite Chips: Again, do most things depending on what mood I'm in, but NORMALLY my favorite is something spicy or BBQ Favorite Vacation Spot: Somewhere stormy and rainy, despite what most prefer I love me some gloom and doom. Favorite Season: Spring, it's when it rains most. Favorite Holiday: Halloween. Favorite Sport: Stripping isn't a sport but I love to watch it. Favorite Fast Food: HNNNNNGH....Wendy's probably. Their sea salt fries. Girl. Oh and their chicken. Girl.... Favorite Icecream: Butter pecan, chocolate, other stuff. Favorite Tea: The only tea I can stomach is brisk because actual tea tastes really gross.
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