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Everything posted by Wynx

  1. When you want to think up the perfect OC to always have/Make your main OC

    I like Aliens

    Little Horny doods


    Rave-like outfits

    Gothic Lolita

    Professional/Classy looking ladies

    Girly Babes!:lazecry:

  2. When you want to buy Art but you told yourself to buy food/clothes only with this paycheck

    I must resist the temptation:lazecry:

  3. Does anyone know any nice Role-playing websites?

    Kind of tired of being on IMVU and being stuck finding the "Why are you on here if you don't wanna fuck"

    Kind of roleplayers .-.

    1. Slug


      I know a lot of people have been switching to discord role play servers. I don't rp myself so I'm not much help but maybe keep an eye out on deviantart or something like that. 

    2. Wynx


      I've tried Rping on Discord. 2k character limit.

      My Manager at work (we bonded over LoL then began talking about this) always tells me about just sending a paragraph each time. I'm just used to sending multi-paras at once.

  4. Time to make backstoriiies for new OCs

    My favorite :blove:

  5. :lleager:Been liking Aliens babies and the smol horn babes a lot lately

    Hopefully I'll find the perfect OC to find my interests 

  6. Been thinking about trying to sketch and draw more. I bought some courses in Udemy, but I've been procrastinating since, either at work or on Blade and Soul with my clan mates.


    However, I do want to get better at drawing. I want to be able to open up a shop on here! Be amongst all of the other lovelies and shower them with premades and customs that they ask for! 


    But I'm afraaaaaaid :lazecry:

  7. I've been really getting into Valentine colors!~

    Been thinking of what outfits to put on my characters.

    Not to mention what characters to wear them.

    And the different artists I want to draw them *u* decision decisions.~

  8. No idea what to do other than snoopin' on peeps

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