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Status Updates posted by Jinvix

  1. Free art!


  2. IM BACK! I had surgery on my dominant hand to fix the carpel tunnel and the cyst, they also found some nerves being pinched by muscles that they corrected. let me tell you... to be pain free besides the surgery pain.. is amazing .. i could cry. Here is what i just drew with no pain and it was effortless! i cant wait to reopen and get back to making art again...which will be happening soon. so much of my struggles with getting art out to people were clouded under such a dense fog of pain... i had no idea how bad it was till i wasnt in that pain anymore. 💗 ((ill be selling this peice on premade market))



    1. FilthyAggro


      When will she be for sale?? I am very interested in her


    I have been realy struggling with putting out artwork. somedays im fast... somedays im slow. Ive been struggling with pain from my elbow all the way into my fingers for around 5 years now, the past 2 years being THE worst pain. I could never get answers as to what is going on. I got answered today and im so happy i could cry. There is a ganglian cyst in my right rist pushing on nerves, i also have carple tunnel, and i have tendinitis in my hands, wrist, and elbow. I want to be the best artist i can be... and im glad i know have options to fix my pain. thank you to everyone who has always been so paitent with me. you have no idea how much i appriciate you.

    1. sorbetcake


      Take care of yourself please 💕 i happen to suffer from the same issues, so I totally understand how you feel. Sometimes it’s really demotivating not being able to do what you are passionate about, especially since I have moments where I have no inspiration but I am able to draw, and others where drawing is all I want to do but I am physically unable to. Hugs hugs to u :klovee:

    2. Jinvix


      Its good to know im not alone. it really has made me struggle with wanting to keep going... but i love art so much. thank you for dropping a comment i appriciate it so much. :bfcry:

  4. HUGE FLASH SALE!!!!!!!



  5. Due to my niceness being abused... I will no longer offer payments after sketch approval. All payments must be made before I even start your order. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but too many people order when they do not have the money to pay me and then my time is wasted. Thank you for understanding.

  6. 3 remade bases available in my shop!


  7. Hi everyone! giving yall a little update.... as i have stated in my shop wait times can vary due to my complicated RL. I will not be opening up my shop for a while. I plan to knock out all these orders as quickly as i can and get them to yall and not open any more new slots till they are all finished, instead of replacing openings as i go. I need to sagnificantly change the number of slots i can do at once... down to maybe 2 or 3. I want people to have a chance to order but i cant keep up with a list this long Mid Crazy season of my job ( I was promoted and have had a work load increase). 


    i want to say i appriciate everyone who has taken the time to order from me. Art is a passion of mine and i apriciate the chances everyone has given me to bring their OCs to life. Thank you.

  8. So my discord account was hacked and along with loosing money they deleted my server. I had to make a brand new one... so if you were in it before i did not remove you! Please contact me for the new discord so we can try and get everyone back. thank you 

    1. FilthyAggro


      Could I get the link to your discord please? ^-^

  9. So my discord account was hacked and along with loosing money they deleted my server. I had to make a brand new one... so if you were in it before i did not remove you! Please share this link to my new discord so we can try and get everyone back. thank you  ...  https://discord.gg/nQ6Wkx3A4c

  10. Update for everyone.... Im slowly getting back into art. Since i have had covid its been a really slow recovery. Lingering affects and absolutly no energy, and the up and down weather this time of the year doesnt help. Im going to work on a couple orders that are still lingering in my que and then open up a few slots at a time till i can get back into the swing of it. Thank you all so much for being so patient you have no idea how much i appricite you!

    1. Lucidity


      I hope you feel better babe!!!

    2. Moan


      Appreciate the update! 

      Super excited for my order. 

      Hoping for a speedy recovery! :cutethumbsup:

  11. Just letting everyone know... I currently have covid. ill try and update everyone once this clears.

    1. Babygirl


      I hope you get well :cuteok:

  12. PSA: For all my customers... Yes i am working your art, its jsut going very slow. Between all the holiday stuff and work im super drained right now and working as i get the time/motivation. thank you for being patient. 

  13. SALE GOING ON 4 Bust slots AT A DISCOUNT!!! And one regular slot open. Check in my custom shop

  14. One Slot available in my shop! get it while you can :)



  15. 595744003_foxyauction.png.e9d94edad9f979061ea49a191cc27879.png


  16. bare with me on the art.... im usually pretty fast with turn around but im renovating my house myself... so im a little busy. All renovations should be done by the 12th and things will pick up fast then. thank you for your patience.

  17. I am no longer taking waitlist people! Due to demand for slots... I have opened up more bribes. If all regular and bribes are full youll have to wait to nab an opening.

  18. BRIBE HAS BEEN BOUGHT this means all regular orders are on hold till bribe is completed. One BRIBE slot left.

  19. TWO Bribes have been bought... all regular orders are on hold till they are done.

  20. ONE SLOT OPEN IN MY CUSTOM SHOP!       has been taken

    1. Vamps


      Was that the bribe slot?



  23. To everyone on my waitlist and regular Slots.... Another Bribe has been bought, so again regular orders are on hold. Since its being used so much... i upped the bribe price to $50.

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