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  1. image.png.c622294a7896aa45324eefc7207a6ca5.png


    Hey hey everyone!! :blove: 6 new DP's coming tonight in my shop!!



    Posting a little update as I haven't in two weeks. I been working on some DP's on and off in the past month, also some gift art and some personal art while trying to keep up with all my uni deadlines, LOL. :woahpunch: And guess what? I passed all my exams and have all my points for my reports. :erlmo:


    Not much about my hand injury has changed. Although there's no pain, there's still some occasional numbness in my thumb and I don't expect it to go away unless I wear a brace for it, I do plan on visiting a doctor for that. But as long as I take plenty of breaks I can draw! :fingerguns: Thank you for reading!



    A little personal, if you want to read:



    I really been stuck in a dark void for all December and early January, but I'm now seeking help for it and I hope I will get it soon. I had an appointment last Tuesday and I'll have another this month. I hope I will be tested for some disorders, but I believe i know what I have. I've been taking proper and strict care of myself in the past two weeks though and I can say I do progress although I have to watch myself closely. But I know that step by step I'll get myself under control! :khmm: I'm talking to people and opening up more about myself and I believe it's helping me.







    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vix


      Oh heck yeah, will be stalking :klovee:

    3. Martinus


      @Ash thank you, I'll need it! :bthanks:

      @Arianna Seeyou there then. I'll be posting once more when I'm releasing them. :lazesm:

    4. Jungkook


      Omg I am for stalking. Good luck with everything!!  ❤

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