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  1. PEEPS. It's been super long. I am not dead I am just very busy with so much art... That I've steered away from Art Haven a lot. It is incredibly difficult to manage multiple platforms at once while also making art and doing that life-thing we all need to do. 🥱


    I do miss so many of you kind folks, but it's hard for me to get around sometimes... I so often think back about all the cool little DP's I used to make, and feel so nostalgic often. 🤩


    So between times, I have been cooking up some premades in my spare time. I might even open some YCH (your character here), or maybe even PYOC. (pick your own colours) 


    If you'd be interested in any male or female YCH/PYOC, write a comment to this post and I'll make sure to cook them up!! 💪


    Anyhoo, enough tork. Here's 2 WIP dp's! 


    Tem3gA5.png kx3H39O.png


    Cheers and happy pride month,



    1. Unarm


      Yes for the male or female YCH/PYOC pieces, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I HAVE BEEN WAITING, glad you seem like you're doing well!

    2. Martinus


      @ Unarm  I've been making soo so much art as always HAHA. 😂 I never have breaks 🤖 I could be doing better but I'm still productive and doing life which is most important! 

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