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Status Updates posted by Martinus

  1. q4IyDSn.png

    (click image for the link to my auction shop.)


    At last!!! My auction is live. I'm so excited!!! :aww:

    This is the first time I'm offering such a high resolution piece as this one (3840x2676 pixels.) and am really happy with how she turned out.


    I hope you guys enjoy the piece. :fingerguns:

  2. HIT0SHI's Custom Shop


    Shameless advertising maybe, but please drop @HIT0SHIa follow and check out their customs shop. They currently have 2 slots open and are capable of drawing both women and men amazingly. (see my DP:bfpervyflirt:


    That's all, thank you. Keep your eyes on my own premade shop for the halloween poll that will arrive soon, too. :pblushing:

    More updates will follow.

  3. qJWWd6S.gif&key=8be19c761c3d2b3d651e102d


    Hi All! 3 new Valentine DP's up in my shop!! Click the header to teleport your way there in a heartbeat.  :llnyaa:  Also 2 supernatural babes left. :blove: It's the 14th here now, and it's the day my grandmother has passed away 9 years ago. I have so many remembrances of her, she was a wonderful lady filled with all kinds of fantasy stories. I'm pretty sure I owe my imagination and personality to her. So I'll get my mom some flowers later to support her and I might do a little drawing for my grandma. :bfahh: She always loved fairies and witches, and I really want to do a piece in thought of her. :cutefingergun:


    Lastly, I been still recovering from some things, but I believe my hand is almost back to being healthy. :thumbsup:


    Thank you for reading! Happy Valentine. :fingerguns:

  4. :byaslove:   H A P P Y     E A S T E R  :byaslove:


    tbh I'm most likely not going to do anything at all but relax and stuff my face with chocolate.





    1. Aime


      Happy Easter to you as well!


  5. image.png.c622294a7896aa45324eefc7207a6ca5.png


    Hey hey everyone!! :blove: 6 new DP's coming tonight in my shop!!



    Posting a little update as I haven't in two weeks. I been working on some DP's on and off in the past month, also some gift art and some personal art while trying to keep up with all my uni deadlines, LOL. :woahpunch: And guess what? I passed all my exams and have all my points for my reports. :erlmo:


    Not much about my hand injury has changed. Although there's no pain, there's still some occasional numbness in my thumb and I don't expect it to go away unless I wear a brace for it, I do plan on visiting a doctor for that. But as long as I take plenty of breaks I can draw! :fingerguns: Thank you for reading!



    A little personal, if you want to read:



    I really been stuck in a dark void for all December and early January, but I'm now seeking help for it and I hope I will get it soon. I had an appointment last Tuesday and I'll have another this month. I hope I will be tested for some disorders, but I believe i know what I have. I've been taking proper and strict care of myself in the past two weeks though and I can say I do progress although I have to watch myself closely. But I know that step by step I'll get myself under control! :khmm: I'm talking to people and opening up more about myself and I believe it's helping me.







    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vix


      Oh heck yeah, will be stalking :klovee:

    3. Martinus


      @Ash thank you, I'll need it! :bthanks:

      @Arianna Seeyou there then. I'll be posting once more when I'm releasing them. :lazesm:

    4. Jungkook


      Omg I am for stalking. Good luck with everything!!  ❤

  6. I M P O R T A N T:

    Some will already figure that I'm struggling with replying to my PM's in time at the moment, which is because I am occupied with other things right now. My mental health has ruptured apart and I might be away for at least a week or so. I just don't really have the want to explain what's going on but I'll do my best to get myself under control.


    O T H E R:

    I have a large deadline coming up in exactly 2 weeks, and I can't let myself be distracted by that too much although I will be fine I hope. 



    In the meanwhile I try to on and off work on premades and finish my final private commission when I can. Wish me luck.





    Thanks for your understanding, and stay strong. :lazesupersxy:


  7. OPEN! 20 Premades up! 

    Please check them out, I did my very best on them. :bfahh::bfahh:



  8. Random Rant:

    It's fascinating how some individuals use the vulnerability and trust with no remorse to obtain what they want, hurting so many in the process. Always check the inside of your shoes for possible vermin. And if there's some in there, SPLAT them!!!! 

    Unless it's a harmless little spider ofcourse, be so nice to take it out and allow it to live and clean up other vermin for you, you might become friends.


    There might be a snake closer in your life than you believe. Check your boots always y'all. That's a fact I definitely learned the hard way. 


    Have a great night my fellow artist friends, this guy is off to sleep! AND REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR BOOTS for snakes. :walove:

  9. Have some male tibbies as a teaser for another premade 👀




    Will probably open up a new shop as well since I am not sure if my old one still is alive. Will contact the dear moddies! 

    1. brice


      interested if you allow preclaiming

    2. Martinus


      @ bryceisbury  I have not allowed any preclaiming before, and have no plans on allowing people to do so!

  10. Hello everyone.


    Most of you must not have heard from me in a very long time. Maybe not even know me.


    I have been informed that the website is shutting down indefinitely at the end of the month. Am quite saddened to hear this news. I'd help out if I could- but currently am working full time to get by myself after a rough year, and saving up for a study which I'll start in November and I have to focus on this.


    Art Haven has been a warming starting place for me as an artist, where I once was introduced by my friend Capsule, about 7 years ago now!

    Despite my art insecurities, I was accepted by the community immediately, receiving tons of support and making many friends. It motivaed me to keep on that artgrind,

    despite any hardship I would face. To this day, I haven't give up. And I won't. 


    With my aquired confidence from you guys, I finally made a daring move I hadn't done before; and I branched out to full NSFW, publicly, making and posting bara focused artworks in 2020 on Twitter. It's a community quite different from Art Haven. So far this was a success, I had the privilege to work on illustrations for a book called Bleeding Rainbows and Broken Spectrums in 2022. A privilege and opportunity I will never forget.


    I have been practicing more than ever; focusing on my rendering and illustrative abilities to further improve my skill, and branch out to professional-SFW artwork too. Currently I am not quite there where I want to be yet, but I have faith that if I keep on going, I will make it one day.


    My friends here on Art Haven have come and go- Some I still speak with occasionally, some I haven't heard of in years; To this day,  it makes me wonder about them, and make me quite sad. I hope to catch up with some eventually, if not through this update, then on Discord.


    Art Haven had been a safety net during my darkest times. I got hit hard by burnout in 2018. I was home, not wanting to go anywhere with no energy to take care of myself. But Art Haven always made it so that I could forget my thoughts and just hang out, share art, play games- It's been such a warming place. I hope that the community will thrive, wether on a new website or on Discord. 


    Thank you to:

    Egyptian, Capsule, Alex, Starbooty, Kaddy, Alismora, HealSorrow, Ashley and Taylor.


    I'm quite sure all of you have been there for me at some point, and I'm sorry if I missed you. I'm still grateful, and looking back to the great times we had and I will cherish these. Even if these individuals will not see this message, I wanted to give a shoutout to them. 


    Is there anything you want to know from me, feel free to hit me up on Discord: Martini_Art.



    Best wishes to all of you! May we cross paths again in a nearby future! And keep on making art forever, you will reach your goals, it's not a destination, it's a journey and always stay open to change, growth and opportunity. ❤️





  11. Hey everyone!!


    My intention was to have my auction up by now, but there seem to have been some errors with my application on the site, so it's not ready yet, but I hope I can get it to work as quick as possible. :wawot:


    Also here to give a heads up that I have custom slot left, and I'm going to be closing customs for an indefinite period of time on the 26th, to focus on my current orders and premades / other fun projects! :blove: If you want to order the remaining custom slot from me, make sure to read the FAQ at the bottom of my About Me page and send me a PM with your form


    Cheers! Stay safe and happy.


  12. Heyo everyone, I'm trying to be productive and stream art again lol, please pop in and say hi. <3





  13. Hi everybody, I haven't written a status in quite a while. Spring is approaching and with it comes more energy and plans for the year. :flower:

    When 2018 came to an end, I made the decision to retreat and focus on personal art only for 2019. Commissions and even premades had been something that was stress inducing, given I was new to the community and I wanted to provide each and everyone with the best art I am capable of providing but I felt not ready. :psobbing:


    Over the past two years, I've given my all into improving both my full paintings and my Display Picture art - Which I sold as experimental premades and collections. My main focus had been to finish art of the best possible quality within an adequate timespan so I can put plenty of effort into my craft for future clients and myself, without wearing myself out. :wawot:


    Having done a few private commissions here and there now and receiving a lot of support and private asks for my services over time, I finally decided to reopen and offer my art for commission again: Currently in the form of display pictures and large bust art with a current of 6 slots. :blove:


    ♦ C O M M I S I O N S - O P E N 


    Interested in a commission? 

    Check this link for my About Me page here on Art Haven, scroll down to the Custom Form box, fill it in and and PM it to me and we will discuss further details in regard of your commission! Make sure to read the FAQ in case you get stuck. NOTE: Got anything else you need to know? Feel free to PM me any question you have. Weekend is coming so my replies will be quick! Any question you ask me will also work as direct feedback to update my FAQ and make the process of commissions smoother and easier for clients. 


    Yo Tini, why not open up a shop here on Art Haven in the custom shop section? :bfwhat:

     In fact I thought of doing that, but I prefer to focus on direct messaging rather than having to openly share all I write all the time. I might reconsider depending on how much attention this gets!

  14. I'm so thankful for the people far over the globe who have a resting effect on me. 

    @StarBooty @captainkaddy @Egyptian

    Thank you guys for being there for me even when I'm the biggest ass. 


    I owe you. :bthanks:

    1. StarBooty
    2. kaddy-kay


      Awww you don't owe me anything. I just want you to be happy. :klovee:

  15. Premades are UP! :lazeblush: Thank you for checking out!! :bthanks:



  16. Will be livestreaming for a bit!! Unless I start stressing then it's byebye hahaha! :bfahh:




    Little update on my arm and the coming weeks!

    I can almost stretch and use my arm to it's fullest, but there's still a slight numbness in my wrist and holding a pencil for too long sends stings down my arm, so I do have to take it easy for a week or two, I hope much less.  I'm practicing a lot of yoga to get the neurotic pain out of my arm, and I believe it's slowly working. 


    Unfortunately I have a huge ass report to write for university, and can't really dodge it's deadline lol so I hope I won't overload my arm with that. :bcri:


    For the coming month I will focus on event art (secret santa, maybe the charity event too again) personal art and my next premade collection. I already have a ton of ideas but I will have to postpone them a bit for now! :lazetears:



    I have also received a ton of PM's asking for custom art. Until I'm recovered I will not accept any private commissions. I will not promise dates anytime soon to avoid possible strain on myself. When the time to do customs again is right, I will inform all of you with another status update and have things ready here on my profile. :lazesxy: Bless you all for the support though, it means so very much and motivates me. :byaslove:



    Happy thanksgiving to the Americans under us. Stay safe from the cold and enjoy all the coming festivity!  



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ophelia


      you go dad! so proud of u! :cutehehehaaas:

    3. Dayzie


      Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery!

      Take care of YOU indeed!



    4. Martinus


      @Dykz :walove:


       @OpheliaHikai I'm proud of you too, always :boh:


       @Dayzie I will do just that, thank you Jennifer. :blove: I'm so excited to just do art, but a little bit more patience will help me rather than rushing myself with risk of repeating injury. 

  18. image.thumb.png.97809a95de18318ad81dd9b90aadc6d5.png


    Hello Art Haveners!  :lazesxy:

    It's been two years now since I joined the website.

    When I first joined the community I wasn't sure if I'd fit in. I was introduced by my friend Capsule, who was aware that I have long been curious to make income from my art, and that I was looking to meet a new community full of creative and open minded people to join and share my passion and interests with. 


    And wrong I was. I've met so many amazing people throughout these two years and made friends wide over the world as soon as I joined the website. I've received and seen so much support and love, have gotten close to so many individuals and found myself a little virtual home. No matter what time it is or where I am, there's always someone that has my back, and I'm very grateful for that. 


    Throughout time I managed to grow more confident and expressive in my work thanks to all the support and encourage. I've gathered more strength to share my work not just online, but people closer to me as well, like my family.


    A lot of good and bad things have happened to me within this timespan. But I still want to enjoy and celebrate all that I've achieved so far! There's christmas dp's coming soon in December, and I will be hosting a give away DP (160x220) commission based on your OC. The only requirement is that you have an Art Haven account that is at least 3 months old! :fingerguns:


    ✨How to participate:



    1. React with the little Art Haven gift emote 🎁  to this status.

    2. Ready a sta.sh (Deviant Art), moodboard or sheet for your OC. Try to keep other art reference to a minimum, meaning all references will be from art of your existing OC, or images you found on the web. I do not accept artwork of other people's OC's that doesn't belong to you as a reference. NO NSFW!

    3. Wait for results! On December the 5th, I will put all Art Haven users who have reacted to my status and meet the requirement in a random generator, and select the winner! :whatwherewhen:

    4I will publicly announce the winner on this status, then contact the winner shortly after who can then PM me and I can get down to work asap. :lazesxy:


    I have something else planned for the coming days, so stay tuned!!

    Thank you so much for the support and love, always. :byaslove:





    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Martinus


      @Krystal @Cymette @Lineara @Taylor @Hopey Aaa thank you all so much for reaching out and posting the good gifs and pepes, y'all lovely. :lazesupersxy:

    3. Martinus


      The winner iiiiiis... :lldance:






      You may PM me your OC references and ask for any further questions, and I'll get to work on your DP soon. <3

    4. Milkpaw


      OH, What a surprise. 


  19. https://multistre.am/cap_serum/kingmartinus/layout4/


    Going live with Cap! Will be doing ugly doodles, maybe some premade painting and some BDO grinding later. :kkekecreep:

  20. A Status Update:

    My hand has recovered for the most part, so I will be working on Christmas gifts if I can. Unfortunately I randomly strained it during the weekend cleaning stuff? So I do have to take it easy yet still. Recovery has been going for a month and it honestly sucks, I can barely do the things I love but I want to so I won't let myself get down so easily. :justdoit:


    Here's My Plan:

    1. Secret Santa comes first.

    2. I have some other GASR festivity freebies planned for a few people, which I hopefully can do afterwards.:chrimascat:

    3. Once the festivity ends, I'll come with a new premade collection for January that I've been planning for a while.

    4. If all goes as I plan and my uni grades keep up I will open a private commission shop afterwards to hopefully meet the expectations of so many requests. I'm honoured to have received so many comments and love. I'm very grateful to a lot of you for having accepted me in the community and seeing some of you hype up for my art means the world to me. :cutehehehaaas:


    I'm only here for art and the love for art. And the interaction and appreciation I receive back from a lot of you really help me. :bthanks:







    I mainly wrote this text for myself to cope with some things. But I think it's rather interesting what came out of it and so I will not be afraid to share it. Writing is still art. Art doesn't have a shape. Art is an expression.


    -deep breath-



    Feeling alone is probably the most relatable feeling to all of us, though yet we still feel alone in the emotion.

    Isn't that ironic? Because that makes us not alone? 


    Isn't love just the same? We feel loved when others love us but that doesn't mean we're actually loved.

    We only love ourselves at the moment we're loved by others. Or do I miss something here?

    Some of us keep fighting and fighting, that we forget what we're fighting for.

    That we don't even know why we're fighting.


    We fight against loneliness but end up alone? 

    I'm asking myself right now, why am I fighting? 

    For myself?

    But am I actually fighting for myself? Or do I simply believe

    I fight for somebody I believe who is Me, but actually isn't Me?

    What if I surrender, perhaps I will meet Me?

    What if Me is a concept that actually doesn't exist?




    I finally learned to drop my facade and show myself to the ones that seemingly cared for me. I thought they cared for me because they told me ''I care for you''. I could finally open up my heart and learn to love, as others loved me. It gave me a sense of security. I felt loved and strong. My passion and personality inspired others.


    But that never was love. What I felt, was what I was told that love was. A concept Imprinted into my brain by society, or the concept of love I could see around me.


    When Individuals got close to me they learn that all these strengths have their weaknesses. Things they can't comprehend, things that I can't comprehend myself. They worked themselves into a situation and failed to see my smile again and now they left. When I truly needed them because my heart was aching, they weren't here for me. They couldn't see it. My heart felt butchered and so I stopped letting others in for years to come. My perception of people was changing. My emotions became black and white. You stay or you leave.


    I'll drop you, because that's easier than being left.

    Despite, I've never dropped anybody.

    Not once in my life. Always another chance.

    Yet I got dropped.


    Perhaps somebody did get dropped by me, 

    but I don't know?





    Wether they left me doesn't matter anymore...

    because I'm too harsh,

    because I'm honest and direct,

    because they got what they needed,

    because they learned what they wanted to learn from me,

    because they had to worry about themselves,

    because I'm actually not all smiles and sunshine,

    I don't know?


    Is it just human nature to move on, or am I alien in that regard?

    Am I sick? Does it make me sick when I'm simply tainted by daily life?

    Am I sick for still loving those who no longer think about me? Does that make me weak?

    Am I sick for losing control over myself? Am I to blame for that? Or are others to blame for developing Me?

    Why would I blame? That isn't going to change anything? They might not even know what's bugging Me.


    I feel like whenever I lose my strong self I lose those around Me.

    But did I really falter? Isn't showing weakness and emotion a strength? Willing to move and evolve?

    I believe that if we dare to share our emotions, that means we love eachother and that we care.

    If you read my novel to this far then that means you love me somehow.

    We're somehow connected, and that is so amazing. There's a chance you and I didn't even meet before.


    I will do my best to live through with these thoughts and keep them closest to my heart.

    Because my own self is all I have. I hope it will not fail Me.


























  22. Back to back chillstream with Capsule! :ooooo:



    Streaming alongside Capsule tonight, drop her a follow so you won't miss out on any of her lovely artsessions! I will be chilling mostly working on some portraits, and I don't know how long I'll be on! :lazeblush:

  23. Eyy guys, come join me on my Twitch if you're up to watch me paint for a bit. Working on a difficult artpiece so I'll be snailing through at my own pace. <3



  24. Have y'all noticed the beautiful Halloween Art Haven layout? Because I did. Aaaaa so spooky and mystical. :lldance:

  25. Hello everyone :kwave:


    It's been so, so long since I last posted an update from myself on Art Haven. But I hope the majority of you has been doing good.

    I've been doing quite well. I've been busy with focusing on a male-NSFW Twitter, and was commissioned to do a large freelance project. It was scary to dive into such a responsibility, but it's almost done now and I'm super hyped to have my works featured somewhere. :bfahh:


    A huge part of me misses doing display pictures, and I've had asks as to where I've gone, and when I will be doing new premades.

    I still have a couple of unsold ones that I might upload and revive my shop. I am still quite busy in between the lines, so I can't give any actual date or anything for now. :lazeroll:


    Cheers for now! :walove:




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