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Status Replies posted by Kirbee

  1. Lishie_Commission_2019_sketch1.thumb.png.ca59c03235cda849f6141e3bd4334f49.png

    Somehow GASR still doesn't let me upload 10MB files lol.

    Commission sketch for @Lishie :klovee:

    1. Kirbee


      @Alismora I'm sorry I didn't have the time to submit one, I'll do it now! :<

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. 9 hrs, 30 minutes. All done in 1 day. Resized for GASR.


    1. Kirbee


      Also please help me with pricing for this  :ohmph:

  3. Had to resize for gasr.

    Time taken: 5 hours 11 minutes (includes sketching and pose making)

    Made from scratch!
    Original size: around 4000 x 5000.
    I included some close ups.
    I was inspired my sakimi-chan for this piece. Looking at some of her pieces via google throughout the process helped me understand semi realism.
    What would you pay for a piece like this?
    Speedpainting video incoming soon.
    Thank you for looking!

    NOW I'm continuing commissions. I am thinking of offering this art style in the future.


    1. Kirbee


      Edit: Actually it was 8 hours and 30 minutes, oops. Twitch didn't show me the last stream time.

  4. Hello guys, I need your opinions! What do you think about hourly wage? I'm a fast artist and try to make everything quickly for my customers, but it still takes me a few hours. I work a full time job I get educated at, so I get paid less than a normal worker gets. So I need to earn a few extra pennies in my free time to pay bills. Usually a complete artwork with detailed shading takes me 8 - 9 hours. Detailed characters might take longer. With my current pricing I won't survive for long. At the moment a detailed headshot/portrait costs around 22-30€. I tend to charge less than it's "worth" to keep my customers. Should I put an hourly wage of like 2-3€? Or would that be a bad idea? Long story short, please help me in the comments! Thank you! <3

    1. Kirbee


      @Arianna Thank you so much for your insight! You're right, a poll would quickly solve the problem. I actually put one up a few hours ago! :klove:


      Also, yea, I already use this kind of system. But then I face a few problems. I'm afraid of charging extra for difficulty, I'm afraid people would not want to pay for the extra fee due to the details their character has. :lazecry:


      I only have one style, so they'll have to stick to that. If they like it, I'm sure they're going to order anyway.. right? :bfhaa:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hello guys, I need your opinions! What do you think about hourly wage? I'm a fast artist and try to make everything quickly for my customers, but it still takes me a few hours. I work a full time job I get educated at, so I get paid less than a normal worker gets. So I need to earn a few extra pennies in my free time to pay bills. Usually a complete artwork with detailed shading takes me 8 - 9 hours. Detailed characters might take longer. With my current pricing I won't survive for long. At the moment a detailed headshot/portrait costs around 22-30€. I tend to charge less than it's "worth" to keep my customers. Should I put an hourly wage of like 2-3€? Or would that be a bad idea? Long story short, please help me in the comments! Thank you! <3

    1. Kirbee


      @Mushuk Thank you so much for your honesty! I think that's a good idea actually. I'll make a poll and let the audience decide. I'm just afraid people would try to manipulate the price to get cheaper by voting on the cheaper option.. But we'll see. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. ALL HAIL DA QUEEN :bfahh:


    1. Kirbee


      @Naptime I'll tag you on a post to my RedBubble shop once they accept my work if you'd like! Might take a few days though. The shirt I'm wearing costs around 17$, shipping excluded. It's 100% cotton :kwave:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Does singing count as art? Watch me embarass myself? probably? :ohmph:

    I wanted to try this so bad please forgive meee :lazetears:

    1. Kirbee


      PS I HAVE NO IDEA HOW GOOD MY MIC IS. So please do tell. Thank.

  8. Please help me with pricing! Thank you! 

    I think gasr didn't post it, oof. 

    1. Kirbee


      Thank you so much!! I'm offering customs in this art style but I'm afraid of pricing it too high ;; please help me in the link provided if you can, I'd appreciate it, thank you! <3


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Actually scared of colouring all that hair. It's. So. Much. Hair. She's a cutie tho. Should I open a shop for customs with this art style? I'm afraid of not having any customers again if people dislike the style I'm going for.. or the prices. :lazecry:


    1. Kirbee


      @Katnipxo Thank you so much!!

      She's a big forehead cutie, lol. I might correct that before shading the hair 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Why DoeS nOboDy waNt mY aRt? :lazecry:Screenshot_3.thumb.png.db499787f65210c5823ef1608442f11c.png

    1. Kirbee


      Thank y'all so much for your kind comments <'3 I really appreciate this kind of reaction lol :bfsweat:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Wow, didn't bump my Anime customs shop for like 2 weeks due to school and it.. Gets.. Deleted? 

    Thanks gasr.. Not? Pretty mad. Now I need to re-do the whole shop and its layout. Ugh. :isquint:

    1. Kirbee


      @Alismora Oh, I see. That makes total sense. I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was handled like that. I thought topics were only deleted when asked to. I consider re-making it. New year, new me, aye? Thank you so much for the reply and help! :bthanks:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. I started correcting the forehead and coloring now and.. she.. looks like a.. man? I mean her face kinda does? How can I change that? :kwave: Help!


    1. Kirbee


      @Hope Do you think the gap between the eyes is too big? I've read that the gap between the eyes should be.. well.. "one eye wide"? Not sure how to explain that. Would bringing them closer to each other help with a more feminine look? Thank you for your advice! :bhee:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. I started correcting the forehead and coloring now and.. she.. looks like a.. man? I mean her face kinda does? How can I change that? :kwave: Help!


    1. Kirbee


      Thank you guys for the advice! I'm really new to semi-realism, so those really helped! I tried adding a few hairstyles, yet those made it look very.. weird? I think the masculine way I drew her in kinda threw me off. :lazecry:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. I'M_ALREADY_TRACER.png.bdc5718477000fc3916867cdf8047a45.png

    I'M ALREADY TRACER. :lazecry:

    1. Kirbee



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    *Tries Semi-Realism once* - *Always does it?*

    What the hell even is this. Is it cute or just creepy? Send help :lazecry:(WIP)

    It's like.. the more often I try to re-do the eyes the creepier they get.


    1. Kirbee


      @Dykz I guess I managed to edit the eyes to my liking though. They were so tricky, yea! I totally agree. It's frustrating Check my newer status updates, I posted the finished picture there if you want to see the result! Thank you for the reply <3

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Should I.. sell this? :kwave:


    1. Kirbee


      @vhssu Thank you so much :kwave: I'll probably put it up in my Premades shop <'3

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    *Tries Semi-Realism once* - *Always does it?*

    What the hell even is this. Is it cute or just creepy? Send help :lazecry:(WIP)

    It's like.. the more often I try to re-do the eyes the creepier they get.


    1. Kirbee


      That really cheers me up, thank you so much, @vhssu! I really appreciate it <3 :bhee:


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Is this art style.. okay? I really tend to lean towards semi-realism lately but I have no idea if people would like it?:kwave: Still a WIP!


  19. :ghostchannayurichan: WIP, Semi-Realism Booette coming to my premades shop soon!


    1. Kirbee


      Thank you so much @RainingPestilence! I am considering to animate it :klmao: 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Is anyone else having trouble submitting images to the gallery? I was able to submit my sketch now. But once I want to submit the fully coloured piece it gives me an error page. And then it apparently was uploaded.. 3 times without an image?? And I just delete that then? HELP. :lazecry:

  21. Is anyone else having trouble submitting images to the gallery? I was able to submit my sketch now. But once I want to submit the fully coloured piece it gives me an error page. And then it apparently was uploaded.. 3 times without an image?? And I just delete that then? HELP. :lazecry:

  22. Oh my god. You guys. I finished the illustration. :bfpervydance:


    Already claimed, will be sold for 40€+, includes a DP crop. (I'd prefer 45 due to the amount of time I spent on it.)
    Cuteness Spell will be worked on now!

    1. Kirbee


      Thank you so much, it means a lot to me! :bhaaa:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Redraw.png.a92781ba1994073ab731503ab3fcf2ed.png

    Re-drew an old character concept of mine! Should I colour that and sell it as a premade? Halloween is coming soon, guys.:bhee:

    1. Kirbee


      Small update on this: I'm already colouring it and surprisingly someone already claimed the picture! I'm so happy about this. :lazedances:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. Kirby 64 (Crystal Shards) fanart of Adeleine is done! Should I sell this one as a premade? 
    I have to fix a few proportional details before I sell it though.



    1. Kirbee


      Thank you so much @Meru and @HippieDippie :icry:

      I'll put it up at my shop then, I appreciate the feedback so much! <3

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  25. New Premade~
    $25 USD

    qvXoi76.gif  srwIDnm.png

    1. Kirbee


      aaaa so cute! :icry:
      Is this still for sale? And are colour changes possible? (I'm also fine without colour changes, just asking if I could let her hair be pink-ish to resemble my persona a little bit.) I really really want it and didn't see it in your premades shop yet, so I was wondering. Thank you for a reply in advance! ❤️
      Edit: I was too late, I jumped to the last page of your shop and saw it's sold ;; No luck for me. But it's adorable anyway, keep up with the great work!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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