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Status Replies posted by Remba

  1. I’ve been very sick for the past 2 weeks now, I’m sorry to those waiting on orders I’m trying very hard to finish them as quickly as I can!:llcry: I caught a bad cold and it just won’t go away, thank you for your patience ! :lazetears:


    1. Remba


      Don’t apologize love! You just worry about getting better okay? I hope you feel better soon :blove:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. hmm i'm doing a femalexfemale couple DP,

    but stumped on a theme. :c


    any ideas?? 



    1. Remba


      @Lynn Oooh or you should do a naughty and nice theme

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. hmm i'm doing a femalexfemale couple DP,

    but stumped on a theme. :c


    any ideas?? 



    1. Remba


      Could always do a christmas theme with lights and snow  :kkekecreep:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. I will be back with premades and customs soon, if I have any unfinished premade orders please message me. 
    I went through a super bad patch and I haven’t been able to use a computer for a few months, and am trying to get back and finished for you guys so I can start bringing new art out. 
    until I can get shops going; is there any themes you guys would like to see?

    1. Remba


      Welcome back lovely! Excited to see more of your amazing art!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hiii everyone! I just finished my finals week for my Fall semester. I've been IA for basically everything in life except for school work. I decided to take 5 classes online this semester which was probably the worst decision ever (had about 10 mental breakdowns, why did i choose comp sci major) since I'm not very good at online settings. In addition, due to the pandemic, my mental state has not been the best since I cannot see a lot of family and friends, which results in me staying in my room doing homework 24/7 :lazetears: 

    However, I am officially done with this semester (will only be taking like 1-2 classes next semester LOL) so I am going to finish up all my commissions and hopefully just have a premade shop open. I'm very sorry for the delays and inconsistency. I'm very excited to pick up my tablet and start drawing again :aww: Please message me if you guys have any questions :blove:

  6. First time in almost a year, at least 5 new fully coloured premades will be for sale next week. 
    AND I’ll be opening a new custom shop! 
    stay tuned and I hope to see you all back with me supporting and keeping me company. 💜

    1. Remba


      @Cotton Welcome back lovely!! I’m excited to see the beautiful premades you’ve made! I missed your art so much! :klove:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hey guys!! I'm on a sort of hiatus from artwork atm, just trying new things. That being said, I am out of work and money is tight. I've been messing around with these sort of sketchy quick drawings, would you guys be interested if I opened a slot for them? :aww: For now I will continue to draw what I'd like and post on instagram! (link in About Me)


    unknown.png Sketch.png

    1. Remba


      I’m interested! These are gorgeous Taylor!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. working on some premades to post tonight. any requests? ~


    also would anyone be interested in a tag list for when I post premades?

    and if you're interested, should I tag specific themes?



  9. Someone send help... How do you buy elite for someone else? I can't seem to figure it out so if someone could help a girl out that'd be awesome ;-;


    if it's right in front of my face and I missed it I'm gonna be sad ;_;

    Little Women La Reaction GIF by Lifetime

  10. So I have a question, if you buy the valentines cards and enter the address for the person you’re giving it to will it send it directly to them?

  11. can anyone suggest an artist who can make this a costum for me! (Animations are a must) 150usd max. 

    Pm me if you know someone ! 




  12. Hey guys! 

    I want to do some custom work but managing a shop is too much for me tbh lol so I’ll be taking 3 custom requests this week! 


    Comment “Custom Claim!”

    And the first three people will get the slots. 

    Custom will be in my usual style, waist/bust-up. 


    Animated with blinking and bouncing sparkles/dust.


    Custom Price: $50.00

    Estimated Completion: Wednesday-Sunday 


    After I approve your claim, you can then PM me the references and include your email so I can send the invoice! 

    I prefer to be paid before I start because once I get started, I take off boi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




    - Amethyst

    - Caedis

    - Remba


  13. Mystery bundle boxes; what do you think?


    I recently had an idea while buying a mystery box inrl about making a online mystery bundle box filled with art that i could sell randomly every now and then!

    For example the box could have any theme;

    (F2U) sparkles by peachkonpeito It could include one oc plus art of that oc! (pagedolls, dps, chibis, icons etc!)

     (F2U) sparkles by peachkonpeito Or it could include a whole batch of adopts!

    The possibilities are endless, and id make sure to price them all differently so everyone has a shot!


    Let me know what you think of this idea and if you would be interested in purchasing!

    (p.s this isnt at all me claiming this as my own idea so feel free to make your own mystery bundles too uwu,

    ill also be adding small previews of the pieces in the bundle so you have a somewhat idea of what's inside!)


  14. I finished a custom painting (for my auction winner!) and because it took me a hot minute, I included a phone BG version.




    I tested it on my own phone and it's so satisfying.


  15. It's my birthday today and although I don't have anything prepared as I'm in Sweden, I think it'd be cool if I could manage to do a small giveaway to celebrate my 22nd birthday with you all.

    I was thinking of giving away a premade or a custom headshot commission.


    If you're interested in participating then leave a comment here on the thread or pm me. I will write down all the usernames and assign number, then generate a random number for the winner. If there's only a few participants (like 1-3) then I might as well give a premade or free headshot to them all. I'll close the event for participants after a day or two, so let's say the 12th or 13th? Depends on the response ^^

    happy new year yes GIF

    1. Remba


      HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE! And I’d love to join :klove:

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. what kind of dp's are you guys looking for nowadays?

    not feeling very inspired lately,

    so any ideas would be nice <3

    1. Remba


      One of your adorable rainbow cuties with the heart like that one you did

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. i wish i could find a niche again with my art where i can actually make money and it feels natural. it's edging on a year since i've done a fully rendered DP and actually loved it. nothing feels natural anymore and it's so depressing. 




    1. Remba


      Maybe open a free shop to practice more or sketch the ocs until you feel comfortable or until it feels good again to draw?

  18. image.png.03081f0f2b5ae9c2c4c77190c1283e8d.png


    I really enjoyed making the single colour DPs,

    so how about you guys post your favorite color below

    and I'll try my best to come up with something :D


    I'm probably gonna keep making these until my art block goes away lmao




    pixel credit: king-lulu-deer

  19. I feel like doing some art, anyone wanna give me some OCs and screenies to work on?

    I guess they would be repaints or something, that remains to be seen..

    1. Remba


      Here are some ocs, I hope one of them inspires you!

  20. btw if anyone needs a toyhou.se code i have like 25 of them so hmu if u need

  21. wow hi everyone :lldepress:


    i might get back into drawing.. maybe open a shop :0 its been a while!


    im still in school rn lol but i really miss drawing and gasr :( im doing really good this semester, academically and mentally, it feels so nice to be at a stable point in my life :blush: im currently still doing my computer science track (T_T) and i decided to do an art minor which has recently made me feel more enthusiastic and passionate about drawing, which is something i havent felt in a long time!


    ill try some examples this week and see how it comes out :O idk if anyone remembers me or even is interested in my art anymore, but hopefully im able to start fresh soon :bhee: 

    1. Remba


      Welcome back babe! I missed you and your art! I’m glad to hear you are happy and healthy now and are getting back into making digital art! I’m excited to see the art you post again :klove:

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. I’m super pissed off now. 

    It’s been 2 weeks and they haven’t even run the diagnostic on my laptop.

    I called today and I asked for the status of it (because WTF 2 WEEKS??) and the man is like “oh we don’t have you on record”. He answered me so quick like he didn’t even look. And then he says he needs to call the technician and he’ll call me back. 20 minutes go by and I’m like eff this so I call and mention that like I called a week before and a lady told me that they hadn’t done the diagnostic yet but I was on file? So then he said he was trying to get ahold of the technitian but he was busy until 4pm. At 4 I didn’t get a call back either. I’m really TRYING to be patient but so many red flags are going up. My laptop is literally a $400 piece of trash but I am poor so it’s not like they are making bank off of me?  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY IS DEALING WITH COMPUTER PEOPLE ALWAYS SO TERRIBEL FOR ME. CAN’T I JUST HAVE ONE SMOOTH TRANSACTION WHERE THEY DON’T CHARGE ME $100 RANDOMLY EXTRA.

    1. Remba


      Girl I had that same problem. My old laptop I dropped it on it’s side (the side with the charging cable in it) and it bent the end of the cable so I took it to this computer place that’s supposed to fix it and it literally took them about maybe two months just to tell me they couldn’t help me. Like thank you so much for wasting my time just to not be helpful at all when you could’ve told me this in a few days and I could’ve gotten a new laptop. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. im very late but happy valentines day C8D74F15-BF07-47B4-BCF5-8F81CEEE52BE.jpeg.59972082b0d99c1fdc35a6430ed1010c.jpeg

    1. Remba


      OMG I LOVE HER :lazeflirt:

  24. 2.5 out of 6 premades done for the giveaway... should I put the 3 up locked for y'all to see or make you wait? decisions decisions :kkekecreep: On a side-note - i'm putting so much work into these so I really hope you guys like at least one. :byaslove:

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