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Status Updates posted by Katoxpinyin

  1. I am offering  chibi-s for persons willing to participate in the Australian Charity : https://arthaven.co/forums/topic/10808-australian-fire-relief-charity-raffles/

    1 chibi = 1 donation

    How this works: You leave a comment below claiming 1 spot. After that You buy a ticket in the raffle in your name that costs 5 in any currency of your choice at the top link. You send me proof of participating in that raffle and I will draw a chibi for you. Character of your choice. 

    I do not take your raffle ticket, it's yours- I dont want whatever prize you win. I dont have money to donate and this is my way of helping.


    The chibis will be similar to the ones below. I will deliver them next weekend (or until then).

    I know I'm bad of explaining so if you have questions leave them below : ) 


    1. Hiroki - 2 chibis

    2. Fern - 1 chibi

    3.Wrath - 1 chibi

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stargazer


      here is my proof of participation! xx

    3. Katoxpinyin


      @ferns pm me your character

      @Wrath pm me your character, but I want to say I might not finish yours this week:bfhaa:


      Well, I have decided I will give up on the slots thing and um.. leave a message here when I decide to close this offert, based on how many ppl end up entering. 

      I know I said in the initial post that I will finish the chibis this week, but everyone who joins from now on will have to wait longer because I dont have that much time with college > - < 

      There is a cap of 2 chibis per person, so if you donated 2+ times = 2 chibis

    4. Stargazer


      @Katoxpinyin will pm you and no worries college comes first!

  2. Hi, Help please :llampret:

    I would like to know your opinion regarding my Halloween piece below. 

    My Boyfriend says the skin is too dark and he can not see the features, I see them fine on my screen so please let me know what you think. 

    Also, should I transform this in an adoptable?  I really like the piece but if noone is interested then there's no point :bcri:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demon


      I'm sorry your piece isn't generating the interest you would like, and hopefully turning it into an adoptable garners the traction you're looking for! However, please wait until after the auction period to change the piece and/or put it up as an adoptable. The auction ends tomorrow at 12AMUTC[8PM EST] so you won't have to wait long! Thank you :fingerguns:

    3. Katoxpinyin


      @Alismora & @Demon I was asking for when it's done : ) 

      It will take me forever to edit it anyway :lazecry:

  3. You know, it's not nice at all to be 1,62 meters height and have a puffy face, even the cashiers from the corner supermarket talk to you like you're 13 yo brat asdgfgf 

    Sorry i got disrespected and now I'm mad and needed to complain :lazetears:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katoxpinyin


      @Ophelia that's so cute thank you T A T

    3. Naptime


      :lldesire: Plot revenge.



      Srsly though, im sorry! It sucks, and people suck. I look hella younger than my age too and it does get annoying when people treat you like youre 12. Its one thing to like assume and treat you like you know nothing because you seem younger, and its another thing to just put an age on you and go about their day. 


      Jokes on them tho cus we will be lookin hella cute when we are old.



    4. Katoxpinyin


      @Naptime hell yeah I'll be 13 till I'm 60 yo and then I'll transform into an old lady with wrinkles in just one day, poof.

      wait no I take that back I want to be respected

  4. Failed my first job interview in 5 minutes, I don't know how I feel about life right now


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katoxpinyin


      @Pey Thank you 😊 I'm very emotional and looking for a job for the first time feels so stressful. 

      It wasnt a job to die for so I'm getting over it, but I wish someone would hand me a book with interview secrets xd


    3. Pey


      I used to interview people in my last job,  so I can definitely go through some tips with you sometime if you'd like!

    4. Katoxpinyin


      @Pey There are also tips on the internet and possible questions etc but I think it's different depending on jobs and also country, also I panic whenever i speak to strangers so I forget everything anyway :lazetears:

  5. Remember how I post these annoying statuses you can't be bothered to read? 


    Ah well my mom tested positive and I will try to rush all the commissions but if I go Poof in a week or two you will know why.


    This Is Fine GIF

    1. Hiroki


      oh my, I hope your mom gets better soon.


      I also hope that you dont get it D:

    2. Katoxpinyin


      @Hiroki thank you. My mom was sick but not very bad and in my hometown most of cases were mild. She's more worried about catching a different bacteria in the hospital (which unfortunately is a common issue here). I hope I dont have it either but I'll have to sit in my room and see.

    3. Hiroki


      I hope all turns well soon

  6. My adopts are done but I am debating where I will post them for sale.

     Ofc my first thought is to make a premade shop but I feel like for that I would have to commit to at least have a set of adopts every month posted. Unfortunately I;m no creative god and struggle to come with those ideas on command, especially for the past years, and that makes me sad. Even these two, I had the main idea and sketches since last year october but never finished them. I will probably first post on DA and rethink this tomorrow.





  7. Ugh do statuses work here anymore? well if they do


    Im alone tonight and Im scared so I cant sleep so I need something pretty to watch ;; v ;;

    No horror//

    1. ChocolateTentacles


      Steven Universe is a pretty show to watch if you want to do a cartoon to relax :cutehehehaaas:

    2. Katoxpinyin


      @ChocolateTentacles oh I know about SU, I watch a little bit but lately I dont feel into cartoons/anime, I watch a lot of movies tho xD

      Usually cartoons have a lot of episodes so I get discouraged in watching them even if I like them.. but then there are shows like Puppycat and Bee that I wish would come back ;; (

  8. Me secretly hoping someone would steal my art & repost it so I can feel famous:

    Image result for hit me gif

    1. Catt


      -goes and steals your art so you can feel famous then gives it back politely-



    2. Aiko


      Shops & Services Moderator Notice:                                                      

      Due to the detrimental effect of the current conversation and how close the parties involved are to breaking our harassment policies, please move on from the subject. If you must continue discussing this, please do so through private message/instant message in a civil manner.

      Should anyone continue after I have given this friendly reminder, warnings may possibly be sent. Thank you.

             G A S R F O R U M
  9. I can;t hold auctions here but if you have a DA account and are interested in my adopt you can see it here:


    1. Katoxpinyin


      @Alismora it's not what I'm looking for so I'll just limit to set prices here. 

  10. I have no friends so I will tell you guys I graduated, I'm a sexy bitch with a degree :lazesupersxy:



    mby I'll stream after I nap

  11. Hii! My Birthday is tomorrow, but I am partying with you today! I have drinks and you can ask me anything. There is no cooldown on the drink reward! *wink wink*
    Oh yeah, I got a cam for this!
  12. Sorry about my 'controversial'  status from last night. It was a joke. 

    1. Aiko


      Shops & Services Moderator Notice:                                                      

      Due to the detrimental effect of the current conversation and how close the parties involved are to breaking our harassment policies, please move on from the subject. If you must continue discussing this, please do so through private message/instant message in a civil manner.

      Should anyone continue after I have given this friendly reminder, warnings may possibly be sent. Thank you.

             G A S R F O R U M
  13. Scene1.thumb.gif.2d5563ce886bb7eaeca2f7e287540e6d.gif


    1. Hiroki


      Thats so cute!

  14. Hi, I'm drawing a chibi and mby something else on my stream: 


  15. Speedpaint!!!

    Guys I just finished a new speedpaint video and this time I put a lot of hours into making it & editing to try and make it nice. I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think of it if you have time. Thank you!!!





  16. Hi everyone, I have a new speedpaint: 


  17. If you want a Christmas/December commission this is the moment to contact me since I already have stuff x secret santa x other stuff and I will most probably not be available 20 Dec - 1 Jan, so everything must be done before that.


    Hi hello my loyal subjects time has come for us to conquer -- wait no no this is for another time



    I will do a free sketch for anyone who comments with: reference & a name suggestion for my YT channel (anything related to art and my name - (Takashi) Kato(mika))

    In a week or so I will use a number generator and the lucky winner gets a Bust from me (just like the ones in my shop)~~

    (counting starts from first comment)


    Love you all, have a sweet day <33




  19. I made a new speedpaint!



  20. I know its not even been 24 hours since I complained about something but hold on

    I got on the train, it traveled for 10 minutes to the next station, and then they announced we'll wait here an hour for another delayed train to pass. 

    I dontneven..  Sigh

    But hei,  to end in a good mood,  I finished Violet Evergarden last night, awesome anime, recommend it. 

  21. I'm vibing today.


  22. Last night I slept 2 hours to finish a project for today's exam and the teacher said she'll fail everyone 5 minutes in.. And she did fail everyone :lldepress:

    I could have slept.. 

    I have another exam tomorrow and no time to sleep:kehehehe:

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