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Everything posted by Naiyuue

  1. I'm late to the marathon but here's Ghost-Type trainer Miku. The design was done by Take.

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  2. Naiyuue


    Some personal art :) I'm thinking of opening commissions here, but, i don't know if people are interested.

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  3. Sorry for the spam, here's another one of my drawings.

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  4. Character name: Alternia Link to the creator of the character: x.com/petriichortea Drawing by: Naiyuue

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  5. Hello, Since i'm too basic to draw, i made a mascot for myself.

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  6. Character name: Saffron Link to the creator of the character: x.com/winduperenville Drawing by: Naiyuue

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  7. Character name: Rena Link to the creator of the character: x.com/LuxuriousOvO Drawing by: Naiyuue

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  8. Character name: Coeli Link to the creator of the character: x.com/LuxuriousOvO Drawing by: Naiyuue

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  9. Here's some personal drawings i did for myself!

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