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Everything posted by Ariana

  1. my new oc has a special place in my heart



    1. Naptime


      Best oc ive ever seen

  2. coming out with a premade batch for the new year- here's a wip of the first one.


    not claimable!


  3. i just did the kissy face peace sign thing at my laptop and i think i'm running a fever 


  4. am i the only one who feels kind of gross after sitting in the same spot drawing all day? like i have to break myself of it, go shower, clean up my bed, maybe tidy up my room and then proceed because i just start feeling really icky.. 

    1. Verixia


      I get like this all the time, I take breaks to vacuum, fold laundry and tidy up lol

    2. Ophelia
  5. i really miss creating fully painted art. it's been a year since i've finished something and loved it. 


    i can do so much with my ipad but i overwhelm myself with it, things were a lot simpler when i used my laptop and a dinky little tablet.


    this is the point where art block and the lack of motivation feels like a plague that isn't ever going to go away. i used to be such a creative person who produced 24/7 and now i just spend my time ignoring anything art related because the thought of it is literally too stressful.

  6. Spoiler


    if they talk shit to you they talk shit about you





    ++ it's been 4 days and i still have not found my apple pen, so that's really awesome and fresh. totally in love with that. 


    steve carell GIF


  7. me, waking up late and not wanting to draw: yeah i can totally hit out a quick sketch for todays inktober last minute


    remembers i also have to ink

    scared panic GIF

    1. Ariana


      i also have no idea where my pen is so that's really awesome. :alienunce:

  8. cold weather makes me want to get tattoos.. like aggressively want to be tattooed the second it gets nippy out.






    aw shit ariana mentioned tattoos again IT'S TATTOO FLEXING SEASON BI- :NOOOOO:

  9. might be offering coloured sketches too (not flat colour- just low detail basic rendering)


    all sketches are in 1600x2200 but these are cropped differently for instagram >:)



  10. probably making a custom store soon because ya girl wants to buy herself a boujee faux fur coat and i certainly SHOULD NOT be buying it off what i make at work- keeeeep ya eyes open folks.

  11. put me out of my misery for this is not what god intended me to create


  12. face app is disturbing..


  13. my art instagram!!

    i plan on drawing everyday of october & i'll follow back as best as i can.



  14. sketching so much halloween themed shit, all of its so fucking odd lol



  15. me: im having a good day today, maybe ill do a *late* spring cleaning and get my life together :)


    five minutes later, my body and brain simultaneously:

    Never Ever No GIF by Bounce

  16. Spoiler


    as pretentious as i sound sometimes, i've come to really hate the culture of calling everything edgy or cringey, like why can't you just let people live their lives. do you really wanna be remembered as somebody with zero personality because you put yourself in a box of fear and insecurity. can you just let people say and do what they like without always beating them down with "wow you're sO edgY" or making fun of them for being cringey????


    stfu janet??? i know its not that deep but???? fuck off??? find a passion??? find a hobby??? you talentless thumb???



    1. Ariana


      get out of here aLisMora we all know you agree with me

  17. i play gta so much that i made an oc out of my character. maximum e girl capacity. 

    in my defence shes a revamped version of my oldest oc.. and at that still pretty uninteresting. 




  18. my discord server

    which is actually somewhat active now






  19. went through a solid 2 weeks of drawing and painting. now im back to not wanting to even budge from bed. 




  20. 2018 vs a wip for 2019 @Whimps


  21. my discord server



    gasr/art related channels + gaming channels + advertisement channels
    + a really dead general chat channel 



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