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Status Replies posted by Fujoshi

  1. Doing some practicing tonight of an awkward pose for me not sure if it will end of being a premade or not. :wawot:





    1. Fujoshi


      Love this! 

      Would totally consider buying if you sold as a premade

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. I was thinking of designing an adoptable for auction, but would I be interested in that later with my style?

    - moment of insecurity-  :kwave:



    "my style"



  3. Hi everyone! Bestie of mine @Fujoshi is going to have a Giveawayyy for this festive season! 🍾🍾🍾🍾 :uncunceunce:

    To join please go to her shop 




    and read how to enter! 😘 


    First winner will get a custom made artwork from me! 


    Goodluck everyone :bthanks:

  4. Finally picking up my pen today after a month

    Will try to get some customs done within the next few days.
    I might start off with a premade today

    (as I get this weird feeling my style has changed or I'm not happy with what I'm doing currently)

    1. Fujoshi


      @Arianna baww, you're so sweet, thank you for the encouragement :pblushing:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Apologies for the second status update.

    Just letting everyone know I just finished 2 private customs for $7.

    I'm willing to do two more custom orders for only $7.

    First come, first serve. c: 

    Please send a PM or respond to this status!

    E x a m p l e s

    J159lkr.gif PBsMqJK.gif

    • Not a huge fan of dark themes but I attempt of course.
    • My style is cute and I can handle a little bit of sexy-ness to it.
    • Complex requests will be charged more than just $7.
    • Sparkles / eye twinkles are always added. 
    • One text per request. 
  6. reselling lovely original character designs (that i unfortunately no longer connect with)
    ♡ ♡ ♡


    1. Fujoshi


      aaah maritsuki-hime tho @@

  7. Selling this grill as a claimable WIP in my premade shop.

    Beach season is over now so she comes with a number of new options to what can be changed/added.

    (I wish I could always paint like this orz)



  8. Premade soon available in my shop!



  9. Just a small update for those that don't know. On Friday I was admitted into hospital due to my blood pressure being very high and my baby not moving as much. For those that don't know I am currently 36 weeks pregnant, but anyways. I had to stay overnight in the hospital and was monitored and I only just came home Saturday. Sunday I had spent with family and sleeping as I didn't get much sleep at the hospital. Now it being Monday I am back at the hospital for a routine checkup. Everything is fine with baby and my blood pressure is back to normal.

    For anyone that has orders from me, waiting for art etc. Please bare with me. I haven't been on my laptop since Thursday and I've been using my phone to reply to messages, so please be patient. 

    The next few days I may be a bit slower as I'm trying to get things ready around the house and catching up on sleep ( as in exhausted all the time). 

    I hope you all understand x

    1. Fujoshi


      Oh wow!, You're almost there, congratulations <3
      You've done a great job thus far! (I had a colleague who recently had a baby so I can understand the struggles).
      It's good to hear that both you and your baby are okay and I hope you are able to get some rest

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Screenshot_20180904-105424.jpg.475d5c518b5d8d02763ab1d688b7be05.jpgScreenshot_20180905-004029.jpg.35b241624d943acd3f53ca6a2f59084c.jpg

    Ayee this is really fun!!!!

  11. I couldn't sleep after what happened so I drew this n-n♥

    A new premade for my shop, hope this one sells. I'm still not sure about what colors to pick tho...


  12. Finally back to GASR!
    ...and my self-imposed buying art ban still hasn't been lifted TT~TT
    Will be working on customs and cranking out premades again
    ...while stalking people's shops :llbloodcrie:

    Much of the beach bae set is still available!
    Check them out in my premade shop~

    Additionally, WIP of upcoming couple premade.
    It's claimable as a WIP.



  13. Starting the next premade. If you are already interested I can actually color it to your liking. 

    This one will be a little bit pricier at 25$ / 50k credits.

  14. Showing off my new outfit on Love Nikki - mobile, and Facebook game in case you're interested :klovee:


    1. Fujoshi


      @Xunjoooo, on closer inspection I see the spring vernal hair and the light staff~ your combi looks legitt, coulda fooled me

      @Emily hnggg, I know those feels~

      There's so much to do I'm just constantly running around everywhere ig

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Showing off my new outfit on Love Nikki - mobile, and Facebook game in case you're interested :klovee:


    1. Fujoshi


      Oooo, they did a centaur outfit? It's so prettyyy

      I stopped playing because microtransactions orz (funnycausenowimobsessedwithfoodfantasy)


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. I'm so sorry to everybody who has been waiting on stuff for me.
    Work is as busy as I expected and unfortunately I came down with a cold (and now might be fighting off some kind of gum/tooth infection).
    I will try to get some WIPs and premades out Friday.
    Thank you all for your patience!

    1. Fujoshi


      Aww, thank you dear! My immune system just really sucks. I'm nearly over my cold now but the infection came up...and then I had food poisoning last Monday before I caught my cold zzz

      I wouldn't be surprised if the infection and cold have a relationship to each other

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Trying out grayscale coloring and painting~
    (but now feeling too sick to continue so posting this wip)



  18. Question: if anyone could answer..


    Greetings humans :cutehehed:,  I wanna ask if a premade i designed is sold does it means that the character is sold to someone like adopts and it is no longer my OC?


    And btw this is my new premades, i hope USD65 is not a overprice. :khmm:


    1. Fujoshi


      @Greyw90 haha, funny I was about to ask you if it was okay if I turned that char into an OC xD


      But regarding your question, I found that it's completely up to the shop owner in their rules. Most other artists I have asked give approval and some other artists, like myself, have it listed in the shop rules that unless otherwise stated, the character in the premade is yours.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. Made my first PYOC Batch

    Check them out in my Premade Shop!













  20. So this WIP happened last night.. hoping to have her in my shop today, or tomorrow :bapplause:


    1. Fujoshi


      =oo stalkingg

  21. I guess I'm debating on selling her?

    I don't really know. Just practicing around :)
    Let me know if you're interested <3


    Blue - $25




    1. Fujoshi


      @@ how is this not a photograph. Amazing

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. I got a new OC the other day, but I have yet to name her! I don’t have any ideas, do you? Also, some ideas for a backstory would be nice! 


    I personally think she looks like a Penelope, but I’m horrible at names, help!



    1. Fujoshi


      Ooohh, I think penelope suits her well. She's a cutie =D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. Hi there guyss !! image


    If i sound exciteddd it is cus i'm hosting our summer charity auction for the first time, and this year there's 17 premades and 8 customs for you guys to choose from, pleaseeeee have a look if you'd like, all profits made from the auction will be donated to 5 different charities so yes, it's for a REALLY good cause!  


    I worked rly hard on this and i hope you guys will have a nice time bidding on the art that you like, if there's any questions please don't hesitate to send me a PM, i will get back to all of you ASAP. image


    Lastly, if you would like to support our charity auction, please use this siggy banner to do so!

    (right click the image and include tha auction topic link in the link url so your banner can be clickable. ♥) 


    1. Fujoshi


      asdlk;fj it looks beautt~ Thank you for  setting this up!
      and kudos to you for staying on top of those bids @@

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. Trying a new painting style bcuz im going into an art depression mode :lluwotm8:


  25. ~Solved~

    1. Fujoshi


      I know some people who use toyhouse for their OCs. I considered moving to there when I accidentally deleted my stash for all my OCs TT^TT

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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