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Status Updates posted by Careworn

  1. World of Warcraft players: Can we just take a moment to talk about Sylvanas’ Warbringers cinematic? :d8:


    Seriously, I had CHILLS. 

  2. My girls Rowan and Mara. ❤️


  3. Edited a picture of myself to look like my OC, Rowan. 


  4. I’m not an Ariana Grande fan by ANY means, but “God is a Woman” is a BOP. :ipayday: 

  5. How/Where do you guys get inspiration for new OCs? I’m seriously addicted to creating characters and I’d like to know where to start when it comes to getting the creative juices flowing. :aww:

    1. food


      omg tbh I can't create characters for my life. I always buyyyy

      but what inspires me to buy is anything Asian themed, or anything that is unique, and not really going off of a regular aesthetic look. I have a wide interest in things, from kawaii to gothic. i also like when characters have pets or a companion! I would try to look for unique outfit ideas, you can even browse other character ideas as long as you just don't completely steal ideas!

      Looking at patterns, too, may also be a good inspiration starter!

  6. First night at a homeless shelter. I'm terrified, to say the very least. :psobbing:

    1. Spirits


      I wish you tons of luck and am sending lots of love and hugs! Things will get better in time -- stay strong. ♥

    2. Careworn


      Thank you! That means a lot to me, I need all the encouragement I can get right now! 

  7. First piece of artwork made for Penelope! I love this so much. 


    (DTPAY from Ballerina)



  8. Do yourself a favor and listen to RapMon’s version of Fake Love.


    You’re welcome. 

  9. I got a new OC the other day, but I have yet to name her! I don’t have any ideas, do you? Also, some ideas for a backstory would be nice! 


    I personally think she looks like a Penelope, but I’m horrible at names, help!



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Careworn


      Thanks guys! Penelope it is! I wanted to aim for something kind of Asian-inspired, but I couldn’t really think of anything. 

    3. Sabrinyahh


      I'm probably way too late but what about Mei or Meili? 

      Or Yumiko if you were thinking more japanese than Chinese? :bhee:

    4. Careworn


      Oooo, I like Yumiko! I’ve been reading way too much manga. Lol. 

  10. "Today is another day to find you."

  11. Painting I did for a friend of mine. First time trying flowers. :bcri:


  12. New piece I drew of my OC, Rowan. :aww:


    This is probably the most effort I've ever put into anything, lol.



  13. Latest DTPAY. I'm getting better at lineart! :bfpervydance:



  14. Latest DTPAY, for @Fawna :lazeflirt:


  15. Woke up to find out my dog passed away last night.


    Rest In Peace, Pearl... 😞💔

    1. Creyos


      rip. :( i'm so sorry.

    2. Careworn


      Thank you. ❤️ That means a lot to me. 

  16. Feeling really discouraged with my art lately. ; n ;

    1. Beneit


      Don't feel discouraged! Take a break, take a breather. Then come back and try again! And don't be afraid to try new things! 

    2. Careworn


      Thanks, Trinity. ❤️

    3. Beneit


      Ofc, babe <3 

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