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    Hi everyone! 

    It would be fair to warn you that this post is gonna be really long. The reason is very simple: this text is about changes in my life, both business and personal.

    Let’s start with the business part. I would like to explain how having your own company works here, in Poland; what am I obligated to do and why I decided to start my very own economic activity. I didn’t write this before, since I needed to consult with my tax advisor. Finally, here I am, ready to talk about this.

    So, basically, I decided to start my own company, because the minimal no-tax wage is very low. When converting US dollars to Polish złoty it seems even smaller :ok:  - exactly 1000 PLN every month, which gives us around 267$. This means I could draw about 4 small sized DPs monthly. Not many, eh? I couldn’t risk earning more, cause it would be illegal with no additional taxes. That’s why I was rarely able to make some bigger DPs, since I’d have to limit little ones (premades/DPs). To be honest, I was daunted by the risk and totally discouraged to work.

    I came to the conclusion that starting my own business would be the best for me. I looked for economic advisor, found one and set up a meeting. Before that I tried to get some proper information on my own, but reading all the forums, articles and shitstorms on the net confirmed that being an artist in Poland SUCKS (any type of artist actually). Our country has just begun to help the situation (and it isn’t going well). While talking to my advisor, I got to know why all of this is so hard - Polish law can’t keep up with the Internet. As if this wasn’t bad enough, we couldn’t even figure out, what kind of “private company” my business is (we have many here, and it is important to determine the type). FINALLY, after two hours(!) I got what I wanted, everything I needed to know.

    The main reason I devoted a lot of time to this is that I want to fully commit to digital art. I’m going to hand the documents this week. After I do so, my shop and everything I sell will be 100% safe and legal, which means all of the payments will be executed solely by PayPal. Every order will get an invoice. Every theft and scam will be dealt with very harshly.


    I’m taking the risk of changing my life. I’m going to provide for myself fully from what I’ve created for you. Please, have this in mind. My DPs will show up regularly. I’ll inform you about every change and present new premades on my profile. I’m planning a few fresh features: for sure it’ll be the list of top customers, some discounts on my works for the people who bought many of them. Finally, some auctions and, of course, we’re going to have a few events with special allowances for all the clients. I’ll be able to experiment more with the new styles and bigger image sizes.

    I would like to point out that in connection with starting my own company, the prices might get a little higher. Of course it won’t be much of a difference, but I would like you to be aware of that. The possible rise of the prices is related to my private practice: I must pay for the health care contribution, the pension contribution and many various kinds of insurance, which will total around 270$. Isn’t it funny - exactly the number of my minimal no-tax wage. :sketch: I will do my best to plan all of that perfectly. I hope for your understanding.

    I would like to excuse myself and explain why many people have to wait for so long. To be honest, it’s a little hard for me to write about that. I struggle with depressive episodes and other sickness. I don’t want to shift the blame for everything on that, but I would like you to know. I’ve had some problems since 2013. Constantly melancholic, laying in bed all day, no ambition, huge laziness and having even bigger complex. Honestly, I just weren’t able to sit and get my shit done. Artblock. Trying to start one DP about 4 or 5 times. I’ve always wanted my works to be marvellous, but it happens so often that I just can’t settle down to drawing. The truth is, my both mental and physical conditions were giving me many problems. And that contributed to the long waiting time for your orders.

    I met my current boyfriend a year ago and it’s getting better ever since. I try to move forward, taking it slow, little steps. It’s challenging sometimes, but I will do it.

    I would like to emphasize once more - this post is really important to me, but also to you. So if any of your friends know me as a person who makes art here and doesn’t know about that text yet, please - link it to them. Don’t be afraid to PM me and/or comment. I don’t bite, I promise!

    Thank you for reading all that! Thank you for everything! Regards!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starcries


      I wish you so, so much luck my love! :blove:

      You're such an amazing and talented artist, and I will scream that forever hehe you are so amazinggg!

      Your personal journey is just as important to us as your artistic one; they are both one in the same! 

      Good luck!! :byaslove:

    3. Misery.vu


      @Kita @Grit @sanshi

      Thank you for your understanding, really. It's important for me. ♥


    4. Cymette


      I'm so proud of you for doing what's best for you and for being so diligent with researching how to go about it the right way. I know your digital art business will do wonderfully. I'll be cheering you on both for your business and for you personally. One step at a time and one day at a time. You've got this,  ♡ 

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