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  1. Hello everyone,

    Update. I'm back, kinda late, but ready to draw. I would like to mention that during my break some of you were asking about order wips/any updates etc. Please remember that in my shop at page 1 I have post with list order and you can see when will be your turn and who is before you. When I was sick I did not draw anything because I did not feel good. Please remember that, so it's obvious that you have to wait longer than you thought and I apologize for this. I will start doing your orders today in my speed as I always do, please respect that and do not be afraid to ask via PM about anything. 


    1. Krystal


      Glad to hear that you are better hun! :byaslove:

    2. Cymette


      Welcome back, love! I'm glad you're feeling better. Be sure to take your time and ease into things as you need to. Your health is most important. :walove:

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