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Status Replies posted by Daniella

  1. I’m officially back in Canada do you know what that means? I’M GOING TO DO THE PREMADE SERIES I HAVE BEEN PLANNING FOR 4 MONTHS!!!

  2. 2 new ones up! Leftovers from the 8 set batch I released on discord c: Found here!


  3. My Boyfriend bought me star dew valley earlier!  I’ve heard it’s multiplayer so I’m a lil curious if anyone else plays it still?

  4. So happy to announce..........



    ........ IMMM ENGAGGEDDDD !!!!!! :idancefroggu:

  5. It saddens me that some people are so wealth-infatuated and think money is all.

    It just seems more people are drawn to gold, rather than truly rare golden hearts.


    I honestly cannot disagree that wealth isn't something we all strive for, but there's a difference between being money obsessed, and simply being rich by heart.

  6. If any of you guys have manly OCs, or boy OCs in general, I cannot vouch enough for this artist. Seriously, she's incredibly talented, and she's quick with commissions!




    RywH9FJ.png Gvx98DV.png IJIr9Ih.png



    She's made my last 3 DPs, and honestly? WHAT. A. HUNK.

    As of right now she ONLY DRAWS MEN. 


    Beware, I believe there might be some NSFW on her blog, so use caution.

    That being said, if you wanna give her a look, and maybe even try commissioning her, here's her tumblr!

    Furious-Spartan @ Tumblr

  7. Hades and Persephone WIP



  8. Hey! Yes you! Reading this right now 


    You should click this > itmeclickme <


    To Join @Darksiders new Art Discord Server



  9. You ever find an artist and :kkekecreep:

  10. Think it’s about that time that I just need to take a hiatus. 

    But I still have a few coms I’m waiting on, so not just yet:lazerose:

  11. new premade wip


  12. Pst, read more about a space themed giveaway. :@D@:

    space cat GIF

    Hey Guys :llnyaa:, @Baah is doing a giveaway!

    Not only can you find that cat among the stars, but also the cutest pastel alien oc.

    All you have to do is react with the giveaway token and you are immediately entered to win.

    Who doesn't love free art?

    The giveaway ends on the 25th of May 2019 at 12:00pm CST.


    :bfyes:As always, thank you so much for showing love and support for Miss @Baah! :klove:

  13. I will be opening lore and the new mermay Premades soon if you would like to be tagged when WIPS are up for early claiming please let me know through PM or post below! Thanks, guys! Excited to see what I can create! :fingerguns:

  14. Finished a few premades finally. :lazerollcry:Still have one WIP and will probably start on more tomorrow. :cutehehehaaas: Posted via premade market.



    Status: AVAILABLE


    Status: SOLD


    Status: AVAILABLE

    Premade3preview.gif.29daf08fd1055b1de7ec89859d5714ba.gif Premade2preview.gif.d2558f3858cce99df0a23b74dbbe9852.gif premade1.gif.016e42f79b946e2d203de0120c294b85.gif





  15. Dear god, I want to die rn bc my finals have started 

  16. dc5saux-cb7966a6-5829-471a-b4ba-7a0990230696.gif.835c7fcac64698474ef87f9bdb7a6dd8.gif




    I'm overwhelmed by the amount of messages I've

    gotten about my customs, so I figured I would open up my customs again.


    I'll be setting up a shop today

    and once I figure out a price range,

    my shop will go live and you guys can bum-rush me then lmfao 


    also, I will have a waitlist this time.

    you guys asked me to have one so there ya go lol


    ALSO, i will be offering large art (experimental), so that's also something that will be new!



  17. dc5saux-cb7966a6-5829-471a-b4ba-7a0990230696.gif.835c7fcac64698474ef87f9bdb7a6dd8.gif




    I'm overwhelmed by the amount of messages I've

    gotten about my customs, so I figured I would open up my customs again.


    I'll be setting up a shop today

    and once I figure out a price range,

    my shop will go live and you guys can bum-rush me then lmfao 


    also, I will have a waitlist this time.

    you guys asked me to have one so there ya go lol


    ALSO, i will be offering large art (experimental), so that's also something that will be new!



  18. dc5saux-cb7966a6-5829-471a-b4ba-7a0990230696.gif.835c7fcac64698474ef87f9bdb7a6dd8.gif




    I'm overwhelmed by the amount of messages I've

    gotten about my customs, so I figured I would open up my customs again.


    I'll be setting up a shop today

    and once I figure out a price range,

    my shop will go live and you guys can bum-rush me then lmfao 


    also, I will have a waitlist this time.

    you guys asked me to have one so there ya go lol


    ALSO, i will be offering large art (experimental), so that's also something that will be new!



  19. Decided to make a premade Of Hades and Persephone, recently started reading the comic and Jesus I am in love. 



  20. so...im hella awkward but imma just drop this hereeee

  21. :erlmo:Hey! :D For the 1 month anniversary of my store I will be auctioning the next premade! I hope you like it and are present in my auction that will be in 1 or 2 weeks :erlmo: 

    (I still have to fix some details and get to a month with my shop)*:bfpervyflirt:


  22. Decided to make a premade Of Hades and Persephone, recently started reading the comic and Jesus I am in love. 



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