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Everything posted by Keturah

  1. Hi, I didn't join inktober but ya'll can't stop me from drawing cute demon girls instead!!!!



    1. KittenSpell


      There's still time to join!! :hwdance:


      ALSO THAT'S SO CUTE?? I LOVE IT! :hearteyesKIT:

    2. Keturah




      and I'd love to but I'm honestly working full time AND got commissions to work on

      I can hardly spare the time to do commissions let alone inktober


    3. KittenSpell


      I understand being busy so it's okay!!!


      You're very welcome though :cutehehehaaas: - excited to see the others you draw!!!


  2. Keturah

    Music (v2)

    Why am I such a hoe for this song tho
  3. It's been so long since I painted! I'm excited for how this commission is coming out


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clown


      @Keturah I'm seriously gonna have to get a custom one of these days :ogoodshi:It's sooo good

    3. Keturah



      Omgggg, you're so sweet!!! <333

      I'd b so flattered if you considered commissions me!!!

      It's so rare to get commissions from GASR now days LOL

      I'm not good at dis game



    4. Clown


      @Keturah Some people try to low-ball frequently and some people just expect things for free. :lazecry:But your prices are fair and when I get the monies I will be coming for a commission. Your art is absolutely beautiful and it'll be worth the purchase! :lazeshowoff:

  4. Keturah

    I3 U N N E Y

    Ah bless you, thank you for saying so!!<33
  5. Keturah

    I3 U N N E Y

    thank you so much both of u bb!!
  6. Keturah

    I3 U N N E Y

    Gaiaonline commission for I3 U N N E Y I love drawing boobs and hair so much, pls commission me

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  7. Hi, I'm Rose and I like boobs and hair

    pls commission me


    1. Syuk


      This dp is so gorgeous! I love it! :klovee:

    2. Keturah



      Thank you so much sweetie!!!

      * v*<33

  8. tmw I'm so slow with my commission I only seem to post WIPs on here


  9. Dunno about you guys but dragon tiddies r on my mind


    1. Vaixe


      And on my mind too  :lazesxy:

  10. Keturah


    My attempt at colouring in the gorgeous line work by MINT from the Unique event! If you haven't already, you should all check out the event

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  11. Decided to join the fun at UNIQUE, a gorgeous event run by CHEESE!

    I decided to colour in MINT's gorgeous line work as I didn't see too many people doing it!! Plus I'm a sucker for witches!


    You guys should check it out and join in if you haven't already!

    I even submitted some linework I'd love to see coloured in 


    1. KittenSpell


      This is so stunning !!!

    2. Keturah


      @Cheese thank you so much sweetiee!!


  12. Got a new job and no longer have the time 2 shit around all day and draw art so instead I use my lunches wisely and draw landmarks near where I work


    Guess where dis is!!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keturah



      Yes to central!! No to London bridge!

      Common mistake but it's actually Tower bridge

      London bridge is actually a really boring lookin bridge that I work righttt near!


    3. Amy


      i thought tower bridge was london bridge AND I LIVED HERE FOR 2 DECADES 

      and ur so close to me like 20 mins :walove:good for u for getting a job in the best area possible! 

    4. Keturah



      LOL, SHAME ON U!!!

      I thought it was only the Americans who confused the two


      But nope! Two totally different bridges, London bridge even says ''London Bridge'' under carved into the columns holding it up which I didn't kno existed till recently but it is there!!


      Thank u so much bb! It's just a temp job but I like being so close to the river, I sit and draw there lots now!

  13. Keturah

    Tower Bridge

    Haven't had any time to draw digital art recently so I spend my lunches at my new job drawing different land marks near my work! This time it was Tower Bridge that took 2 lunches to complete!

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  14. Keturah


    Thank you so much sweetie!! Apologies I didn't get a notification but I'm so flattered you think so<3
  15. Forgot to show this off in my status, and as it didn't get love in the gallery lemme show you my newest commission!

    I'm v proud of this one!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Keturah



      Thank you so much sweetie<3

    3. doll


      i'm not sure how to put this into words, but something i really love about your art is how natural things look. like the pose isn't stiff. it looks very natural and balanced. i also love the flow of the hair. i tend to see a lot of hair that might look nice, but tends to look very stuck together in art (including my own.) but yours is very natural. it's flowy and very well drawn. i think your line art is something that's really divine. your shading is amazing too, since it completely transforms the line art as well. i've seen your art grow over time and your practice to improve really show. i really enjoy seeing your art and i hope to see more of it in the future.


      / also, i'm sorry for the long msg, aaa. 

    4. Keturah



      Bless you so much for this.

      I am so flattered you see such a positive improvement in my work and you described this piece so nicely!

      I am so glad you like my work and hope to keep improving!

  16. Keturah


    Custom character commission for the lovely Eden-san! Check out my art shop if you'd like to buy your own!

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  17. Ya'll posting gorgeous art work

    Good thing I peaked in 2007 



  18. TMW you're up to date with your commissions and have nothing to draw


    1. food


      LOOOL I'm either super full or with nothing to do

      I relate to this post too much

    2. Keturah



      ME TOO! 


      I either have lots to do and complain I have so much to finish or nothing and cry that I don't have commissions

  19. I'm trying out a new brush for my semi realism line work and I LOVE how this came out so far!!

    What do you think? Can you even notice a difference? LOL


    1. Katnipxo


      Ooo yesss.

      These lines are a lot "cleaner?" I guess you can say.

      The other brush it almost feels like a pencil brush.


      It looks super good bb <3 

    2. Keturah



      I'm so glad you agree!!!

      I love my textured lines but thought about trying something new as I think it's got to the point where it doesn't always match my colouring style so I hope to make both more compatible!

      Thank you so much for replying to this * v* <3


    3. Katnipxo


      I'm glad to see you are experimenting and growing as an artist <3

  20. A WIP I'm excited to get working on once I get a reply from the commissionerrr

    * v*


  21. Keturah


    Thank you so muchh!! I'm glad you agree haha, I love girly and sparkly ocs but I am a sucker for badass ocs too!!!
  22. Keturah


    Thank you so muchhh!!! I love drawing fantasy artwork so much so I'm so flattered you like it so much <3
  23. Keturah


    Custom character design commission for the lovely Katnipxo. I was given free reign to design a fantasy oc and went straight for a badass Valkyrie. I'm always open for custom commissions if you like my work

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  24. Finished this babi for Katnipxo and I'm so happy with how it came out!



    1. Katnipxo


      Thank you for her 💙💙

    2. Keturah



      thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to draw her


  25. Keturah

    Djamila Knopf

    Thank you so much sweetie, I'm so flattered you think so <3
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