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Status Replies posted by Vix

  1. My scale baby is very, very sick.. I got him a vet appointment for an hour from now, but just the same, please send all the positive thoughts his way because I don't know if he'll make it :lazetears:

  2. My scale baby is very, very sick.. I got him a vet appointment for an hour from now, but just the same, please send all the positive thoughts his way because I don't know if he'll make it :lazetears:

  3. I finally got around to updating my OC table, feel free to take a peek if anyone is interested :aww:

  4. New premade up in my shop :lldance:



  5. chibixmaslineartWM.thumb.PNG.14d9f2364064da44b652bd7dd820d5b5.PNG

    xmas chibi premade wip ♥ coming soon on my premade shop ~

  6. do u guys ever just close your arthaven tabs just to forget 2 secs later and open one again. .


    I cant escape :NOOOOO:

  7. I Decided to do a female grinch inspired premade, because why not xD



  8. poop in ur shoe

  9. New premade up!


    Angel- $18 USD 




    You can find her here:



  10. She is hooommee! :klovee:


  11. Slow improvements on my artwork. They aren't anything close to my friend's amazing works, but I am trying.

  12. I am debating adding this style to my shop? Thoughts? :o


    4Ic1wjg.gif  oTIJ2hV.png

  13. Guys, my country has turned into war zone overnight, soldiers are roaming the streets with the order to shoot and/or detain anyone who is out between 10 pm and 7am. I am scared, because I know myself and I can’t simply stand by, everything is burning, the police is throwing tear gas bombs at us, they are beating people up, kidnapping and shooting (to kill). I want to cry. I’m afraid we’re about to become a dictatorship again in the hands of president Sebastian Piñera.


    People are dying out there, we're scared but we won’t be put down.


    I’m sorry this is not the place for this, but I planned to reopen my custom shop soon, we'll see what happens.

  14. I keep calling art haven, GASR, ill get use to it right


  15. Happy Friday :lazesupersxy:

  16. When you confront someone for stealing your artwork and claiming it as their own and they say " Well everyone does it so I thought it was okay.." :bfwhat:

    1. Vix


      I recently caught a thief that redirected me to another user, after I invited them to chat to talk about why they were redistributing my art, they declined and totally disabled their account all together.. good riddance I guess? It's insane what people do tho, just don't steal art??

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Heyheyehey !!

    I'm glad to be back, I really missed drawing 


    I don't know if I can post a wip here but eh


    See you soon guys !


  18. Hi guys! I'm working on the last batch of Halloween premades for this year, this time there will be 4 males / 4 females :lazeflirt:and here are some wips! Colors might not stay the same, I might play a bit with the colors to see what looks best :noooo:

    They'll be most probably posted in my shop on Thursday @ 21:00pm GMT but if you'd like to know the exact time or even get notified if you sign up for the notifications tag, click the link below to join my server:fingerguns:

    Discord link here!



  19. Trying to get back into the swing of working out so I went for a run and now my legs are jello 

    i regret my choices :lazetears:

  20. It's my bday so it's time to party :idancefroggu:


    1. Vix


      @Mushuk Thank you! :aww: 


      tysm everyone one for the birthday wishes, it’s honestly so insane how many people care and are so kind?? You the mvps:fingerguns: 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. It's my bday so it's time to party :idancefroggu:


    1. Vix


      @Hopey I totally missed this LMFAO 



      @Naptime Tysm doll! :aww:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. It's my bday so it's time to party :idancefroggu:


    1. Vix


      @Crima I'm fine with getting high on vitamin c, let's do thissss :alienunce:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. i made this and now I'm legally obligated to share it publicly

    shop @indah -thank u


  24. Changed my gasr username from booped to Otters :klove:


    otter GIF

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