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Status Replies posted by Vix

  1. Works in Progress

    Would any one be interested in customs? Debating on doing some.

    Im also having a really hard time with pale skin.








  4. What art discords do you guys enjoy? :P 

  5. FINALLY! Amanda and I's Demon babe bundle collab auction is now OPEN! try saying that 10 times fast

    Bid away for the like 7 fuckin things we're offering LMAO, Bang for ya buck! ;^)





  6. Updated my OC tables! They need some work but I'm happy with how It looks for right now :klove:

  7. I’m super pissed off now. 

    It’s been 2 weeks and they haven’t even run the diagnostic on my laptop.

    I called today and I asked for the status of it (because WTF 2 WEEKS??) and the man is like “oh we don’t have you on record”. He answered me so quick like he didn’t even look. And then he says he needs to call the technician and he’ll call me back. 20 minutes go by and I’m like eff this so I call and mention that like I called a week before and a lady told me that they hadn’t done the diagnostic yet but I was on file? So then he said he was trying to get ahold of the technitian but he was busy until 4pm. At 4 I didn’t get a call back either. I’m really TRYING to be patient but so many red flags are going up. My laptop is literally a $400 piece of trash but I am poor so it’s not like they are making bank off of me?  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY IS DEALING WITH COMPUTER PEOPLE ALWAYS SO TERRIBEL FOR ME. CAN’T I JUST HAVE ONE SMOOTH TRANSACTION WHERE THEY DON’T CHARGE ME $100 RANDOMLY EXTRA.

  8. ✨calling cute girl oc owners✨


    i wanna try out doing a simpler coloring style and i need a cute girl oc with some simple stylish clothes! (i.e. like something fashion forward or easy to color clothing) 💘 please drop your babes here and i’ll choose one to sketch & color 💖


    this will end either tonight or tomorrow, whenever i find a babe that inspires me :klove:


    examples of my sketchy style:



    thank you so much :bgoodjob:

  9. I wanna open a free shop but like I lack the confidence to do so :NOOOOO:

  10. Today I had terrible news that my aunt has passed away. Please forgive me for any delays or mix ups if you order from me! I will still be drawing as it helps me a lot but customs may be a bit slow and I hope you can understand. Thanks a bunch :) 💖

  11. New Custom Dp I made for @Bitter 

    from my custom shop :byaslove:



  12. New premade available here <3 :byaslove:


  13. Is your phone ever so dry you check your emails? :lazetears:

  14. Nothing better to do on a Saturday night besides work on art, and I was in a blue mood. Wip of an upcoming premade :klove:


  15. Happy Valentines Day! :lazierblush:

    Image result for spongebob flower meme


    Final by Y0UIFinal by Y0UI





    what you will get: animation and also artwork jepeg

    post your form with your paypal adress: 


  17. Today is going a lot better compared to the last two days !!!

    Thank goodness. LOL

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far. :byaslove:

  18. I just opened my first customs shop aaaaaaaaa  :bfcry:


  19. _______________________________________________________________________________________


    Has anyone had any issues with Deviantart's stash?

    It won't let me log into it, and I don't know where else to put my OC references

    It's been going on for about a month now.




  20. i finally got a piece of art from an artist i've been dying to get art from for ages.and honestly..all i can be like is

  21. ._. I am bleh, looking around to see who does character sheets and what not....

  22. I'm stuck on whether to carry on with this idea or not, if people would be interested. I thought for the year of the pig theme i could do a tea party with a tea cup pig but I'm stuck on whether to finish her :kwave: Also ive always been unsure, is it okay to post premades in your custom shop? say if i posted it as a new message saying it can be taken via pm and put up a price is this okay or no? 


  23. こんにちは

    I have a question, and I do not know if it's ILLEGAL or not...

    But, can you sell your IMVU credits?



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