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Status Replies posted by Vix

  1. LINES DONE c; I think I've picked a pallet I like 

    so heres a messy lay of the base colors I'll clean it up tomorrow and cell shade her~ she'll be up for sale tomorrow1991448041_gasrsneakpeek.png.4e0eb0401ef85b729dbd14d089625e93.png


    Ugh I actually really like her... Cry I wanna keep her OTL

  2. Discussion: Which is better- 

    Witches or ghosts? 


  3. Psst here's a wip sneakpeek


  4. Which hair color suits her? :bhaaa:



  5. I have been putting off writing this assignment for 2 weeks but when I actually sit down to do it it takes me like 2 hours.

    :sideeyeha: bxtchwhyareyoulikethis.



  6. I have been putting off writing this assignment for 2 weeks but when I actually sit down to do it it takes me like 2 hours.

    :sideeyeha: bxtchwhyareyoulikethis.





    Okay, so, I've been getting custom requests on so many different platforms and it's driving me nuts.

    so I'll be opening my custom shop again (working on the tables right now).

    It'll be the only place to request custom art from me.



    hi, i miss you all and I'm sorry for not being online much.


    Living in a new place has been exhausting, to say the least, but I'm finally working on

    my schedule and I'll be online more consistently.






  8. :kittymochatchi: i'm ready for halloween

  9. Which Ombre looks better? :llampret:


  10. working on this cuteness


  11. I am fangirling hardcore over Boosette right now, more than Bowsette. So I drew her ! She's so friggin adorable !!!


  12. When I was 17 my mom said I couldn't have a Facebook account (yet she let me on IMVU fully knowing what it was??? OK.) My brother was permitted to have one because she made him sign a contract that said that she could check his facebook whenever she wanted and would be given the password. EFF THAT. So I just made on in secret but then my mom found out and told me I had to delete it. I thought I deleted it but every couple of years I get an email from Facebook asking Meagan Bub to come back.


    I still have 14 friends on this account.

    .I have tried to delete it 4 times.

  13. When I was 17 my mom said I couldn't have a Facebook account (yet she let me on IMVU fully knowing what it was??? OK.) My brother was permitted to have one because she made him sign a contract that said that she could check his facebook whenever she wanted and would be given the password. EFF THAT. So I just made on in secret but then my mom found out and told me I had to delete it. I thought I deleted it but every couple of years I get an email from Facebook asking Meagan Bub to come back.


    I still have 14 friends on this account.

    .I have tried to delete it 4 times.

  14. my cat just burped in my face. :sideeyeha:

  15. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

  16. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

  17. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

  18. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

  19. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

  20. I spent $120 on makeup, why am I like this :psobbing:

  21. Next up! Witchy 15 USD - 30K



  22. Hi guys this isn’t art related but this is for my math class and this project is an exam grade (letter grade) if any of you guys can help out that would be awesome 


    please and thank you 


    the the question is In-N-out or McDonald’s 


    you up don’t like any you can choose neither or you like click both




    please comment when you have taken it you have to click the survey to answer it


    help this straying artist get this last math class over with!

    thank you again 

  23. New Gently animated premade DP - Bat  - SOLD


  24. dusted off an old WIP! sorry to keep my custom orders waiting but I am going through a very trying personal time right now, i.e. terminating a toxic relationship.


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