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Status Replies posted by Vix

  1. SNEAK PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK (ps this is really big so I zoomed out for a screen shot asl;dkjfasdf)


  2. SNEAK PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK (ps this is really big so I zoomed out for a screen shot asl;dkjfasdf)


  3. About to do a crap ton of body Christmas dps, god bless my soul 


  4. Rest In Peace my last remaining fur baby. You were always a good girl and are no longer suffering :lazecry:

  5. Update, I am now just @Ophelia instead of @OpheliaHikai !! :lazeflirt:

  6. i feel pretty bad but pretty sure i stumbled upon someone on imvu that takes other peoples dps or takes custom dps and just edits over them T_T rip hard working artists and buyers

  7. Finally picking up my pen today after a month

    Will try to get some customs done within the next few days.
    I might start off with a premade today

    (as I get this weird feeling my style has changed or I'm not happy with what I'm doing currently)

  8. little preview

    damn I love doing make up


  9. RIP Stan Lee. :psobbing:

    You helped me be inspired to draw. True legend.  

  10. I wanna draw a mermaid. 

    ....should I? :pthinking:

  11. hey y'all I doodled my twitter mutual's demon girl for my warmup!!


  12. Not sure if I can post this.

    But I accidentally bought 20k credits..

    Imvu likes to automatically add credits when you want to buy an upgrade.

    Anyone want to get them for $14? 33% off sale.


  13. Should I keep making them "dark" babes for now?:ohmph:

  14. mother.png.301dff9c6ee0ef3b764ff67b626fa91b.png-->mother.png.13a338ba33b8a892e016c06d921fc3e9.png

    Starting a new premade but I'm tired. I'll finish it tomorrow if I have time~ Gnight!

  15. not sure what premade dps  to make that peopl would like to see :-( 

    any suggestions??  ✨:bfsweat:

  16. not sure what premade dps  to make that peopl would like to see :-( 

    any suggestions??  ✨:bfsweat:


    It has been brought to my attention that a certain piece of art has been repurposed as a badge by the same person who purchased it. I honestly don't mind you guys finding more use for the art (as long as you're not reselling or doing shady stuff). 

    HOWEVER it would be nice to give me a notice to avoid situations where people message me that it's stolen (thanks to everyone who noticed this) and I have to go on a hunt to see who got it and what's happening. 

    ALSO editing my art ain't cute. I don't appreciate that. 

    I know I can't stop anyone from doing what they want, and I haven't said anything about it before, but now I did. If you refuse to do this I will refuse to sell you art in the future. Bottom line, cut and dry.



  18.  all them halloweeny arts are out and about!~ 

    plenty more to come image



  19. For sale here (comes with dp crops) :bgoodjob:


  20. Candy corn is garbage- 

    Try to change my mind. :Pumpkinhswilliams:

  21. Idk whether to cell shade or soft shade/paint her or leave her with the flats send helpxxxx.png.99bffdd7dbabbd8dd95e8067a304e6c8.png

  22. I KEEP getting bit by mosquito's and I can't find them:NOOOOO:

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