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Status Updates posted by river

  1. こんにちは

    I have a question, and I do not know if it's ILLEGAL or not...

    But, can you sell your IMVU credits?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nikki


      Yeah I understand! I wouldn’t do it just because you can get in trouble if caught, but it’s your decision in the end! :blush:

    3. Adayics


      Yeah, It's against the TOS and if they catch you, you can get in trouble or worse your account gets disabled. That's the reason why I no longer use IMVU credits as a form of payment as its no longer reliable as you can get in trouble and have your account taken away or banned for a period of time. In future just use Paypal if you want it in real-world currency vs virtual. It's unfortunate but its just the way it is now.  

    4. Vix


      I mean you probably could under the table, but I honestly wouldn't recommend it. IMVU will permanently disable your account if they find out that this has been happening & potentially ban any other accounts that you may have.


    Smallest Pixel-7 Regular


    Five big quacking zephyrs jolt my wax bed

    Five big quacking zephyrs jolt my wax bed



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Emberly


      I can’t wait to see

    3. Stargazer


      Nekos,Bois,Puppys,and dark bbs like witches and demons

    4. river



      Yay! Thanks for your help! I have a lot of sketches to make then! :idancefroggu:

  3. 進行中の作業

    W I P



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. river



      Thank you so much! :blush:

    3. aespa


      missed your art !!!

    4. river



      Aww! Thank you for remembering! :khmm:

  4. Heya guys!

    I have always had an issue with compressing my animated DPs.

    I do not use photoshop so it can be quite difficult trying to make the DPs animated and the correct size.

    Does anyone have any tips or useful websites that I can use for making my DPs the correct size?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. river


      @Ophelia Well, I have had a few people who would try and set the DP as their profile picture but, there are size restrictions in terms of kb. I have tried compression tools and they work, but they make the drawing really pixelated and bad quality.

    3. Ophelia


      I wish I could help QoQ! You can always cut down on the animation, but that's not very fun! How big is the file size?

    4. river


      @Ophelia Sometimes it can be from 400kb to 10,000kb.

      I... I really should research more about animation... :bfpervy:

  5. こんにちは

    Hello! I was wondering if you guys could help me with something?

    So, recently I have been trying to improve my art style since I really like the semi-realism style. 

    I have tried to look at a lot of videos and speed paints and I find them useful but, I have a lot unanswered questions...

    I mostly struggle with colours and shading without it looking like I blended until my hand has fallen off.

    Any suggestions to help?


    1. Meraki


      This will all be up to your own personal liking, but here are a few ways you can blend, without over blending:

      1) Opacity!  Changing the percentage of opacity on a brush will help you layer colours. Though i suggest using a soft brush than one with a hard edge, as you'll get quite a textured look if you use hard brushes.


      2) Air brush! Air brush/ really soft brushes are used a lot, but are commonly over-used. They'll help you blend, but if you're not careful they can make your art look burred. How to avoid this? Use selections! I use free form selections (you just kinda circle stuff) and you can get sharp edges with well blended colours.  I'll usually use a massive brush size (600-1000) and use the very edge of the brush (as this is where the colour is less saturated) and than you can control how much you blend/erase.


      3) Why not use both! I find using a bit of both methods gives the best results! it just depends on the size of your drawing and what kind of detail you want. I hope this helps! though, it's hard to explain without pictures.. 

    2. river




      Thank you so much for your advice! Argh, I am so happy I don't know what to say!

      I used your advice to make a quick drawing. Actually, using your technique took me a lot less time than my usual drawings- IT'S ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!



    3. Meraki


      Awh haha, i'm glad I could help! :klovee:

  6. こんにちは

    I have posted about pricing while ago on the forum before but I did not get a reply.

    I was wondering how much money (in GBP) I could make for my drawings?

    (For each style)

    I don't want to use credits anymore in the future...






    1. Waifus


      Hi again :bgoodjob: 

      I think $5-10 base price to begin with depending on style + complexity. i think that's like 4-8 gbp ?

      + additional 1-2 cost each for complex tattoos, blinking, other animations, detailed background, etc if you want. 

      then increase your price or lower it depending on how well the shop is doing~

      I don't have a shop but as a customer i think this would be good prices !! someone else can give their price ideas if they want !

    2. river


      Thank you so much!

      A customer's always right, so definitely I agree with what you're saying ~

      I think that I should just convert the amount of credits I ask for into mulla, which actually does add to $7-$10!


    3. Waifus


      You're welcome qt, get that mulla! :ipayday:

  7. Here's some bored art...

    Kaneki :bapplause:


    I won't be drawing anymore...

    It's been really fun everyone ~

    Thank you for all of your support...


    1. aespa
    2. river



      To be honest, I have not been able to sell artwork recently...

      I will probably come back at some point but, I have been struggling a lot recently.

      It is not that bad, I might try to draw something but, I will need to perfect my artwork a little more until then.


      I also have a lot of important exams coming up, so I am trying to balance that at the same time as this.

      Maybe, it is more advisable that I focus on that for now, until I get the grades I want.


      Thank you so much for caring though, I really really appreciate it.

      You're super lovely ~



    3. aespa


      d’aww I totally and absolutely understand where you’re coming from!! I wish you so much with school and your future art (-: 

  8. hello there! this is a very random status update but, i wanted to rant a little bit and possibly get some advice from the art community. if you do read this, i really appreciate your time - i definitely needed to be heard.



    i have been on art haven for a while now, and the community is lovely. especially when i had a shop, i was surprised by the kindness and generosity of the consumers. i made the conscious decision to change my art style throughout the years and make it more semi-realistic rather than anime-esque. i have a terrible trait where i compare myself too much and i was unhappy with the style that i had. i felt that it was rough around the edges and not appealing yet, again surprisingly, it did very well in terms of selling. once the shift in my style was complete, my audience disappeared and it seems this style is no longer appealing to this community. of course, i may be completely misunderstanding what is happening but, this is just how i feel.


    i decided to join several discord servers, in hopes that maybe there are people outside of the art haven platform that would be interested in the things i produce - no hopes there. it has made me very timid and afraid to share my art. i would love to participate in auctions and try out new things, but i feel that because of my seemingly non-existent audience there is no point in trying and i should just continue to draw for fun. i do very much enjoy producing art and i hope to improve my art more in the future, even though sometimes it feels as though i bit off more than i could chew with this style and it does peek through in my drawings in my opinion. 


    again, thank you for reading. this was very lengthy but, it is nice to get this off my chest since it has been on my mind for a while. this may have been very badly phrased, so i sincerely apologise if i have misconceptions or made assumptions about the community. i hope you have a wonderful day/night! and, if you feel the same, i think art should be something you do because you enjoy it. not because it should appeal to others. so, if you are happy with your art and your skills, please do not feel that you should change it. thank you again <3


    1. Aiko


      Hi there!


      I just read your status update and wanted to offer some advice, if that's okay! ^^


      I understand what you're going through and it's very easy to compare your artwork to others, especially on any sort of art or social media platform. However, Art Haven isn't just host to artists of a specific style. Each style is welcome and everyone's own unique flair is admired. There may be a lot of anime style artists who own topics right now, but that doesn't mean other styles aren't available and quite frankly our site does go through various phases as artists experiment more with their styles. However, many people will look for a specific style for a specific original character they may have, as the style better suits the theme for that character, so having a variety of different styles on the site is always super awesome! It gives customers more options to have their characters expressed and drawn in certain ways, building them a story and adding personality. Growing and maintaining an audience anywhere can be quite difficult, but no artist has gained a following by not posting, advertising, or sharing their updates through an activity based stream such as a feed, radar, gallery, etc. 


      My advice to you is to try to alleviate the amount of pressure you are putting on yourself, to not let comparisons to other people's styles, techniques, or artwork intimidate you, because ultimately we all start somewhere and sometimes it is a super bumpy road or even a rollercoaster (easier said than done, I know), Don't let it stop you or take the joy of art from you. You have to keep trying. Post status updates and gallery images with your art progress, updates on personal projects, experiments, or other things you're working on. Post in our premade market, free art section, offer your services in the request section, etc. Your audience will grow, I promise you that, it's only a matter of time! :klove:

    2. river


      @ Caedis  

      thank you so much for responding! i feel so happy now that i have gotten your advice. also, thank you for reading my lengthy status update. i sincerely appreciate your time and energy. 


      i will definitely take what you have said into consideration and i will try to break out of my shell. you have given me a lot of hope, so genuinely, thank you :blush:

  9. 終わった

    Premade N°3

    Included Blinking :)



    1. Babygirl


      Is she still available and if so how much?

    2. river



      I am very sorry! She's sold now... :lazierblush:

  10. neue-pixel-sans.regular.png



    54eb2b43-975e-4706-b97a-c72fe68b37ec_Original.thumb.PNG.d08cbdbb866abcce06fd00767070ba82.PNG 177c7618-1b16-44a9-ad1c-4680cd41bc78_Original.thumb.PNG.4cfa8ff502cb12ecb7c8f6b2462176f9.PNG


    1. Diablozoo


      <o< they are super good is the first one still free to take :aww:

    2. river



      of course! please do what you desire with it. thank you for the compliment! :blush:

  11. こんにちは


    I have been wanting to open up my premade shop again for some time.

    Are there any suggestions for what might be appealing?

    I would really appreciate some ideas...



    1. Kath





    2. river



      Thank you so much!

      Yay! I will try my best to make something Asian/Cute!

  12. ワーキング

    W I P

    It feels so good to be able to decide everything...

    Customs are such hard work.

    Kudos to everyone who is able to to keep up with them...



    1. Mars


      i relate to this on many lvls

    2. river



      I was not made for the workload honestly...


  13. ごめんなさい

    Apologies to everyone who has ordered a custom.

    I have been severely bombarded with exams this week and have been studying very hard for them.

    I will definitely give out the sketches by the end of next week.

    I will NOT be taking anymore customs for now.

    Thank you for being patient.


    1. Waifus


      Take your time ! Good luck on your exams :bgoodjob:


    2. river



      Thank you so much! I really appreciate your patience! :lazierblush:

  14. Work In Progress

    The new GASR setup looks lovely ~


  15. Drawing for Sale


    I am willing to reduce the price of it does not seems fair to you.


  16. 終わった

    Premade N°4



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