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Everything posted by Veluno

  1. Just wanted to say that to the people who are not out yet, for whatever reason. This is your month too! Just because you're not ready to come out the closet doesn't mean you can't celebrate in your own way. There's plenty of people out in the world who will stand guard at the door until you're ready to immerge. You're amazing, and you are loved, wanted, and cared for. To the ones who's friends or family hurt them after they came out, you are amazing and loved and wanted and cared for too, you just have to find your people. Family isn't always blood. Find your family and let all the colors of YOU shine this month, and every month after! Happy pride to everyone out there!🏳️‍🌈
  2. Can someone make a Demisexual + Non-Binary flag overlay? I'd like it on this DP if possible! Thankies! Happy pride everyone, remember you are loved exactly as you are!🏳️‍🌈
  3. Hey there! Unfortunately Ephe does not do fanart. That includes plushies of characters like Kuromi. I'm sure she'd love to do your OC with a different, non-franchised plush! ♥
  4. Can I please get one of the rectangle overlays attached to this photo? And Happy Lunar New Year! Wishing everone healthy and happiness!♥
  5. I'd love to claim a ticket! This is so cool!
  6. Topic Link(s): My shop Action: Restore please!
  7. What you are ordering: Logo + Watermark (Icon) Text(s): Elevandrea™ The World of Druve Dimensions: To be determined Theme: References Color Palette: In the references Font(s): Something magical/enchanting? Inspiration: Think Pandora from Avatar mixed with Dungeons & Dragons Extra: I dont know yet Paypal : [email protected]
  8. Got it!! I know for next time ♥
  9. ⛧ Type?: DP ⛧ Name/Watermark: Salem/Veluno ⛧ ⛧ References: My OC ⛧ ⛧ Extras: Just a little more on the dark vibe since halloween is coming up! (No cat!) ⛧ ⛧ Animation?: Maybe something glowing? ⛧ I wasn't totally sure if your third slot was open since it didn't have a name, but if it is I can try again another time!♥
  10. My closed species server Elevandrea is now OPEN!

    Welcome to the wonderous world of the Druve! A giveaway and myo ticket sale is available! Myos will be $5!


    My carrd for more information!

    I hope everyone loves them just as much as I do! I'll be posting adoptables here in my art haven shop soon!

  11. Here is the custom overlay for myself! In order the flags are: Non-Binary Polyamorous (New Flag Version) Demisexual
  12. I'll be making my own overlay but I just wanted to say that I'm proud of those who have come out, and its okay to NOT come out as well. My Story: I was 15 with my first serious girlfriend (Im AFAB) and I wanted to be with her openly to my family because she meant a lot to me. So for my 16th birthday we all went out to eat and I invited my best friend at the time and my girlfriend and decided I would tell them then with support. (And maybe a bit of hope a public space will prevent any loud bad reactions..) So we're all done eating and just chatting, and I say I have something important to say. Well to my right was my best friend and then beside her my oldest brother. I'm gathering the courage and hear my brother whisper to best friend "She's coming out the closet" In short, I was stunned! I asked how they knew as the others laughed (he whispers but it was still loud enough to be heard from the rest). They just told me they always knew. It had scared me to come out because my family I was adopted into, and they're older, old school. They make homophobic and racist remarks as "jokes" so I was scared for the worst. But they accepted it. Over the years their "jokes" have not stopped. And it can hurt. I'm now found my true self as non-binary, using they/them pronouns and have changed my name and soon to change it legally. It hurts, it's frustrating for them to use she/her and my deadname. Saying I'll always be my deadname to them. But they still love me. I'm fortunate enough to had a good experience and a semi-support family. And I cherish that more with each sad and heartbreaking coming story gone wrong. But just remember that you do not have to come out. And of your blood do not expect you, then find people who do. I was taught that "blood isn't always family, and family isn't always blood." Others use the quote 'blood is thicker than water', as to say blood family trumps chosen family. But the full quote is "Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." You can choose your own family if your's didn't choose you. And a great place to look starts here at ArtHaven. Where I've made many friends. @ Ephemera @ Kozmic and @ Fervent are just a few. Be who you are, not what they expect you to be. Because someone out there will choose the real true you.💞🏳️‍🌈 Another note:
  13. What you are ordering: Logo/Watermark + others I think 👀 Text(s): Moonjelly Café Dimensions: Not sure Theme: Fantasy, ocean, moon, moonjellyfish. Color Palette: Blues, purples, pinks Font(s): Not sure Inspiration: DM♡ Extra: DM♡ Paypal : DM♡
  14. My first entry to the Beware The Blobs!♥

    • 0 B
    • x
  15. I see you. love me

    1. Voodeux


      I always love you bby <3

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE WONDERFUL AND TALENTED @GothickRocker!!! I love youuu! I hope your birthday is great! ♥♥

    happy birthday GIF

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