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  1. I work at a customer service @ a mall and this is my life.


    Sitting at my desk and minding my own business, up walks eggs man (I will tell you this story another day). I frantically pretend to be busy but eggs man doesn't care. He is on a mission, a mission to tell me that the girl in the store over there is going to get fired because she was on her phone at work. I laugh to be polite and say well she's going to have to smarten up if she wants to keep her job. Eggs man doesn't agree. Eggs man says she should go back to her own country because she only works here to send money back to her family(??whyisthisnegative). He tells me she only works for the money (GUY THEY DON'T PAY ME ENOUGH TO TALK TO YOU). I am like trying to disagree because wtf racist but then he tells me a lady at the bank told him this. I guess Judy at the bank somehow knows the life of every immigrant. 

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    2. Bedlam


      @Xunjo - I KNOW RIGHT!! Like I'm team girl on her cellphone tbh...If security spots me with him they come over and save me. Sometimes I have people call the customer service phone so I have a reason to stop talking to him. But sometimes he waits till I'm finished talking... He is a weird dude. And the eggs story probably won't be what you expect LOL.

    3. Xunjo


      @Bedlam yikes what the hell.. he sounds really lonely if he's gonna wait for you to get out of a call. Way awkward :bhee:, glad you get saved sometimes by security. He should just be banned from the mall if he never even buys anything lol. 

    4. Bedlam


      IF ONLY!! lol

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