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  1. When I was 17 my mom said I couldn't have a Facebook account (yet she let me on IMVU fully knowing what it was??? OK.) My brother was permitted to have one because she made him sign a contract that said that she could check his facebook whenever she wanted and would be given the password. EFF THAT. So I just made on in secret but then my mom found out and told me I had to delete it. I thought I deleted it but every couple of years I get an email from Facebook asking Meagan Bub to come back.


    I still have 14 friends on this account.

    .I have tried to delete it 4 times.

    1. Vix


      The haunted facebook account

    2. Bedlam


      Haunted / Facebook be like 


      don't worry we'll keep your account in limbo until you feel like coming back 



    3. Vix


      I can imagine it being like


      "We've been expecting you :lazesm:"

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