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  1. If I worked at a lolita painting factory I would die happy tbh.


    I am so happy with this for once LMAO.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bedlam


      @Ash - somewhere around 1100 x 1500 px

      i just keep the same proportions as the standard DP size (160 x 220). 


    3. Ash


      @Bedlam I enjoy a larger canvas but always notice the quality significantly decreases when I resize to fit the 160x220 :( but your seems to be great still LMAO 

    4. Bedlam


      @Ash - yeah the quality does decrease a bit on mine as well when I scale down. However, I will sometimes do retouches on the DP version if needed to bring out certain areas that get lost. Also it helps to work in 300 DPI if you don't already. It saves "more information" so when you resize more of the original is there (if that makes sense aha).

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