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  1. I’m high key happy that GASR doesn’t allow reselling of art (non adopts). I just thought that whole process was sketchy af to begin with and I know a lot of artists (like me) weren’t comfortable with their work being resold. I know in the art market in real life, artwork gets resold all the flipping time and things go up and down in value depending on if the artist is hot at the time (or if they are dead). Honestly, I don’t even like this practice in the real world art market because art then becomes this elitist trading object and undermines the artist and artwork completely. Turns into “I’m buying this painting as a shiny investment” rather than actually liking the thing. On GASR what bothered me was like the fact that it’s a digital file, like, you’re not even selling a physical thing. I know digital art is essentially selling a digital file but usually they are custom painted FOR YOU. That’s another thing that bothers me when people asked (which I greatly appreciated they asked) to sell a custom, it just kinda hurt me pride LOL. 


    Anyways, because I am a gossip I also wish I knew what situation pushed it over the edge hahahahaha.



    I haven’t painted anything in like 3 weeks and have started a brand new job. I’m /hoping/ that my art block will be over so I can get back to making customs. PRAY 4 ME.

    1. Pup


      Even if there's no reselling on GASR it's still a huge thing, people just moved from doing it publicly here to DA, TH, and Discord (which made it more sketch if you ask me, since now if someone doesn't want you to know you really won't know). 

      I'm sure GASR will figure out some kind of way to fix the current issue, and allow things to be resold safely. :cutefingergun:

    2. Bedlam


      @Pup - I feel like at least it will be more difficult because off-site has less of a market but that’s still shady AF. I guess artists will just not be able to provide textless versions anymore because of a few bad eggs ))):

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