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Everything posted by Baah

  1. Hey guys!

    My giveaway has ended, and @Vickie was the winner! Woo! :bapplause:


    I do plan on doing more of these very soon so keep an eye out for them. I really appreciate all the love and support y'all give me.

    Special shoutout to @Carvings for being such a babe with helping me in my shop, announcements, and encouraging me every single day:byaslove:

    1. vickie


      omg i actually won !!!! best surprise in the morning ever askfkajdksajfksdkfl


      THANK U SO MUCH :cutehehehaaas:

    2. Daniella


      people you may know GIF by The Orchard Films

      ☆ I will forever be your cheerleader ☆

  2. I am so happy with how productive I’ve been in my life recently! Yah gurl is getting things done.


    Also excited because I upgraded my internet and I’ll be able to start streaming again. Would y’all be interested in seeing some Blade and Soul streaming too? ^^

  3. Baah

    For Remba <3

    Thank you everyone
  4. :aww: GIVEAWAY :aww:


  5. Hope everyone is having a great week!! :aww:


    Hell ye. This week was insane. 


    Two customs left (one almost done), and then all my PYOC’s and I’m good to go. I have a LOT planned for y’all so keep an eye out! I will be closing my custom shop for a little while, but I’m open for people pm’ing me requests. I’m going to be revamping my premade shop as well. Lots to do! I hope everyone is having a great day. Love you all xoxo gossip girl. :hee:


    1. Stargazer


      :walove: sending luv and postive vibes for this upcoming revamp

    2. Baah


      You’re so sweet!! :aww: Thank youuu. I needed to work on changing everything—including my shop promos and what not, since my name has changed. Lotsa work to do LOL. 

  7. Hope everyone is having a great day!:fartsies:

    1. ickie


      I’m working but its Friday, I hope you have a lovely day too! :ohug:

    2. Baah




    3. ickie


      but I’m New Zealand so I’m ahead :otrololol:

  8. Hey guys!! :lazeshowoff:

    Just a reminder, @Darksiders and I put up an auction for some demon babes! <3


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