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Everything posted by Baah

  1. Good morning everyone. :byaslove:

  2. Seeing people get customs with my oc and theirs literally makes me cry. Thank you so much @Carvings :lazetears:


    And I’m using the one rn that @Elliern got for us. Oml. 


    I love you you guys sm. 

    1. Daniella


      You're welcome love!


      Wait till I get more


    2. fry


      That looks amazing:phearteyes: your guys' oc's are so adorable :3

      and we love you too:lazeflirt:

  3. I hope everyone is having a good day! :byaslove:

  4. Oof! What a week. Everything is back on track for me now, so I’ll continue streaming if not tonight then tomorrow night. Thank you for your patience everyone. :byaslove:

  5. First stream of 2019 for me !!

    Happy new years bb's <3




    This year had a rough start, but once June happened and I got a new job, I’ve felt so blessed. And now some new opportunities to be more apart of the website and all of these new friends I’ve met on here has been the best. I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful and safe new year. Thank you for all your support and love. :byaslove:

  7. Eye doctor appointment soon and then video games and drawing. <3


    Hows everyone’s Saturday going so far? :byaslove:

    1. Baah



      doing your chibi custom c:

    2. ChocolateTentacles


      Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~ so excited, it's hard to breathe XD

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