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Status Replies posted by Baah

  1. I'm actually so tired and I'm like $4.00 short from getting a Venti latte from Starbucks. Fuck. 



  3. Screenshot_20171230-204732.jpg.9185dd6b0eb5642a1ee2cc62c339c6cd.jpg

    I'm going to be updating this doodle to turn it into a tattoo to put on my upper belly. It's inspired by the death moth, but it's skull is replaced by a cat skull. Lotsa updating to do I drew it like a year ago. Please don't use this as a tattoo obviously, if you like it and want to ask me about a tattoo design lemme know. ^-^

  4. Screenshot_20171230-204732.jpg.9185dd6b0eb5642a1ee2cc62c339c6cd.jpg

    I'm going to be updating this doodle to turn it into a tattoo to put on my upper belly. It's inspired by the death moth, but it's skull is replaced by a cat skull. Lotsa updating to do I drew it like a year ago. Please don't use this as a tattoo obviously, if you like it and want to ask me about a tattoo design lemme know. ^-^

  5. Screenshot_20171230-204732.jpg.9185dd6b0eb5642a1ee2cc62c339c6cd.jpg

    I'm going to be updating this doodle to turn it into a tattoo to put on my upper belly. It's inspired by the death moth, but it's skull is replaced by a cat skull. Lotsa updating to do I drew it like a year ago. Please don't use this as a tattoo obviously, if you like it and want to ask me about a tattoo design lemme know. ^-^

  6. Screenshot_20171230-204732.jpg.9185dd6b0eb5642a1ee2cc62c339c6cd.jpg

    I'm going to be updating this doodle to turn it into a tattoo to put on my upper belly. It's inspired by the death moth, but it's skull is replaced by a cat skull. Lotsa updating to do I drew it like a year ago. Please don't use this as a tattoo obviously, if you like it and want to ask me about a tattoo design lemme know. ^-^

  7. Screenshot_20171230-204732.jpg.9185dd6b0eb5642a1ee2cc62c339c6cd.jpg

    I'm going to be updating this doodle to turn it into a tattoo to put on my upper belly. It's inspired by the death moth, but it's skull is replaced by a cat skull. Lotsa updating to do I drew it like a year ago. Please don't use this as a tattoo obviously, if you like it and want to ask me about a tattoo design lemme know. ^-^

  8. Screenshot_20171230-204732.jpg.9185dd6b0eb5642a1ee2cc62c339c6cd.jpg

    I'm going to be updating this doodle to turn it into a tattoo to put on my upper belly. It's inspired by the death moth, but it's skull is replaced by a cat skull. Lotsa updating to do I drew it like a year ago. Please don't use this as a tattoo obviously, if you like it and want to ask me about a tattoo design lemme know. ^-^

  9. Screenshot_20171230-204732.jpg.9185dd6b0eb5642a1ee2cc62c339c6cd.jpg

    I'm going to be updating this doodle to turn it into a tattoo to put on my upper belly. It's inspired by the death moth, but it's skull is replaced by a cat skull. Lotsa updating to do I drew it like a year ago. Please don't use this as a tattoo obviously, if you like it and want to ask me about a tattoo design lemme know. ^-^

  10. N0FrMff.png

    New premade sketch I have done~ Too tired to finish her tonight...

    I'll do something new...if you want to claim this before I post the final in the premade market, PM me and I'll discuss some things. 

    :blove: Goodnight!

  11. N0FrMff.png

    New premade sketch I have done~ Too tired to finish her tonight...

    I'll do something new...if you want to claim this before I post the final in the premade market, PM me and I'll discuss some things. 

    :blove: Goodnight!

  12. :oeyes:what happened to your shop 

  13. :oeyes:what happened to your shop 

  14. :oeyes:what happened to your shop 

  15. :oeyes:what happened to your shop 

  16. zLJhk6m.gif


    im back bois (n gurlz)

  17. zLJhk6m.gif


    im back bois (n gurlz)

  18. Heya guys! Sorry for disappearing. I needed a break from drawing and I was really stressed out and took some time for myself. I'm better now, though! So expect art from me soon. Just gotta install some drawing programs on my new laptop I got as an early Christmas present. :bfahh:

  19. I got really weirded out when I had to clean snow off my car this morning. I live in Houston, Texas...

  20. oye2rmJ.gif

    Anotha free one for practice. I REALLY NEED TO LEARN HAIR >:C

  21. Was getting frustrated with my banner SO I MADE MY OWN.




  22. Was getting frustrated with my banner SO I MADE MY OWN.




  23. Was getting frustrated with my banner SO I MADE MY OWN.




  24. l8NaX2L.gif

    Yay finally finished art. 

    lazy mandu gone-zo

  25. Sorry about the delay in my art (especially to @Ambee and my other giveaway winners) I've been so busy at work. I promise once I get the chance I'mma make it rain Christmas in premades LOL. Also, Ambee: is it okay if I make yours Christmas themed?


    Last update: I'm probably going to delete my shop and post premades in the premade market. I've had better luck with that tbh. Lemme know what you guys think!



    Edit: or I can just change my shop theme. I'm bored with the layout. :c

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