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Everything posted by Viohazard

  1. I don't know which color background I like more. :lazeshadow:


    P3Sdv5U.png  QqgjXUH.png

    1. Pup


      the blueeeee! <3

    2. Hopey


      i love the yellow / orange one aw

    3. Juni


      I second the yellow one!

  2. Available for early purchase, I am about to color her in the next hour or so if you catch me before that the colors are pick able. :)

    Sad BunBun

    Price: $40

    Comes with blinking, and sparkles.

    And colors are able to be picked if ordered before I color her. 

    Currently ON HOLD



  3. I decided to go ahead and redraw the sketch of the sad bunny I have done last week, and make her a premade~

    She is going for $40

    Comes with blinking, and sparkles.

    And colors are able to be picked if ordered before I color her. 

    Currently ON HOLD



    1. Hiroki


      shes very cute!

  4. Viohazard


    @BlaspheMae @LiLMooMoo Thank you loves <3
  5. A premade is on its way soon.

    (Posting wips tonight)


     In The Zone Yes GIF by Sherchle

  6. Viohazard


    @Sereani Thank you <3
  7. Viohazard


    Commission <3

    © [img]https://i.imgur.com/p7jliYT.png[/img]

    • 0 B
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  8. Love drawing sassy brats. :uncunceunce:



    1. hholke


      ugh this is so nice, idk how you do it!!! :kwooble:

    2. Viohazard




      :icry:  Thank you, you are too sweet love :lazetears:

  9. I sketched this cutie while I was really stressed so she's pretty sad but I am not sure if I should make her as a premade?



    1. Juni


      Ahh she's so cute! Do it! 

    2. Hiroki


      you should!

  10. Things have calmed down now, Thank you all for the patience and I will be working on orders tomorrow <3

    1. Juni


      Glad things are getting better, missed seeing your art and hope you're well! :klove:

  11. Hey everyone, sorry I have not been active I am going through some family issues and personal matters that are keeping me from orders but hopefully by next Thursday I can figure them all out. I am stressed beyond belief,  so I hope you all understand I will be working hard on orders as soon as I can.


    1. Plushie


      Take your time, hun. Personal matters always come first <3

    2. Hopey


      Take all the time you need! I hope everything gets better for you soon <3

    3. Juni


      Take the time you need! It's remember to put yourself and irl first, hope things get better soon! :klove:

  12. :odead: Almost done at my job. 

  13. So I think that the wait list thing on my shop is a bit confusing, I think it's not too clear how it works so I think I will be going back to first come first get it type of deal on my shop. But I might be adding a super bribe option for people who want to guarantee themselves a spot on the list since I can make those Unlimited. So tiny change on my shop, but hopefully that will be a little less confusing? 

  14. Viohazard


    Commission for Momoi <3

    © [img]https://i.imgur.com/jljgB0e.png[/img]

    • 0 B
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  15. :bfahh: Gotta drawwwww  :llaaaa: Just woke up from a 5 hour NAP after a long day, I feel like my existence is a lie. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aespa


      how does one take a 5 hour nap...pls tell me ur secrets..I NEED ONE :noooo:

    3. Viohazard


      @Shark Mistakes were made. :lldepress:


      @namjoon Well you see, you just lay down with the prospect of waking up in 15 minutes and end up being dead to the world for 5 hours and wake up instead feeling like you don't have a clue why you are here. :bfcry:

    4. Juni


      ^ Literally, I set alarms for 1 hour later and wake up in 3 days wondering what planet I'm on :NOOOOO:

  16. Once I get more caught up in my shop I will be experimenting with a more realistic/anime style hopefully it will turn out alright. 

  17. Viohazard


    Premade bought by @Princess

    © [img]https://i.imgur.com/1Sed7PF.gif[/img]  

    • 0 B
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  18. :bfahh: Cant wait to start drawing some Monster Babes. 

  19. Viohazard


    Commission for @Pupi

    © [img]https://i.imgur.com/NaxFCPO.png[/img]

    • 0 B
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    gp1w6Wb.gif  M2qj8pE.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viohazard
    3. Kath


      i really love your art i was stalking your free thread @Banned

    4. Viohazard



      Thank you love  :lazeblush:

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